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miles teg

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Everything posted by miles teg

  1. Is 1.1 done yet? If so, any download links? Thanks, Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  2. Regarding Queen's Gambit, BIS has been VERY nice regarding small minor bits and pieces being used from it (bits of equipment from here and there) and not entire models. However, as I did, for example, on my last Taliban Pack, on the ANA pickup truck with the MG and one of the Katushya trucks, I kept the file paths to the Queen's Gambit foldier. This encourages people to buy the the QG pack if they want to use certain addons. The Taliban pack still works without it, just minus those vehicles. I think as long as there is a working relationship between addon makers and BIS where we create sales for BIS (always a good thing) there shouldn't be a problem. It's just an issue of mutual respect and BIS has been very good about that so far. So ambiguity is often done for good reason just to avoid sticky legal issues that are best left alone if its not harming anyone and nothing is being abused. In other words don't force BIS on legal decisions publicly. Contact them privately to discuss issues. But if you want to use an entire QG model, definitely contact Placebo or one of the other BIS contacts as I'm guessing that such things are a no-go area and best to avoid unless the file paths require Queen's Gambit to use (which means more potential sales for BIS). Still I'm not a BIS spokesperson so contact Placebo or one of the other BIS contacts to double check anythng. Generally speaking most issues can be resolved easily, but its just not the proper subject for a pubic debate. Nothing shadowy or top secret about that. It's just a common sense way of doing things that keeps BIS from appearing to be overly draconian. It's one of the reasons why many of us stay loyal to BIS and support them 100%. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  3. miles teg

    CZM beta releases

    Ooooh yeah. Looking good. I get excited when I see recoiless rifles! Well also hot Phillipina women in combat fatigues and guns. :) Overall its looking really good. Definitely a solid base for not only Phillipino missions but also joint Phillipino Military/USMC missions. Good stuff! Keep it coming! Oh one thing however. Before you get too far into your mod. I would recommend looking into making them ACE combatible before you have tons and tons of units. Trust me on this. My mod really wants to do this (LoBo) but its so huge that it would take way too long. Your mod is still small in comparison so its much more feasible. By making it ACE combatible, you will attract a much larger range of players using your mod as its perfect for Island conquest missions. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  4. miles teg

    Multicam Special Forces

    Rock on! Now we just need a Canadian LAV-25, Cougars, Leapords, and other vehicles to provide some real oomph. From what I've seen in all the combat videos from Afghanistan, the Canadians seem to be overall the most professional. Very good discipline under fire doing proper fire and maneuver, alerting squadies to mag changes, good enemy location info sharing (range, direction, etc...) and following proper target aquisition and identification protocol. All in all, good show by the Canadians in some rather intense combat. It's an honor to try and replicate such combat in ARmA. I hope that we can get a few more Canadian combat vets to assist perhaps in creating some good training missions within ArmA for those soldiers who don't have access to VBS2. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  5. miles teg

    Avgani 1.5 & Afghan village 1.0

    Awesome work Opteryx! I hope that someone will be able to figure out what's causing the slowdown in performance. But most likely its just the density of objects. Still ya never know. Hopefully there will be some way of improving the performance. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  6. At the very least, a Marine AAV7 and some kind of USMC transport helicopter would really help to finalize the last ACE update for ArmA. I'd be fairly happy with that (and maybe a C130). But if not, no biggie. Mission makers will just have to add those extra addons in their ACE missions. It's just convenient having them all within the ACE mod as that way a person doesn't have to download a bunch of other stuff to play the mission. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  7. The problem about dropping in soldier units of other countries is that then players will start demanding armor and aircraft from that country as well making the mod gigantic and bloated. A better idea is for other mods to release their own ACE_Compatible addons. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  8. I agree. My mod for one, will likely stay with ArmA for a few months before switching to ArmAII if anything just to wait until the major bugs are worked out in patches and updated tools are released. Also I should point out that the AAAV(EFV) due to replace the AAV7 may be cut in upcoming defense budget cuts as it is WAAAY over-budget and incredibly expensive. There is a ton of heated debate about cutting that vehicle from the budget and simply upgrading existing AAV7's. So I would VERY much like to see the AAV7 released as part of ACE. I'm not sure what model your mod currently it has, but what I would recommend is to take a look at both models to see which one is the most realistic and fully developed. The one I offer has the proper EEAK armor upgrade on the side which other AAV7 models in ArmA (like in the Spanish Military Mod) do not have. Even if you don't update my version at all, it would be good to have so at least the USMC have something in ArmA's ACE mod. That way those of us who stay behind in ArmA for awhile (due to slower computers and inability to afford an upgrade just to for one game) have a nice complete mod. Also the CH-46 and CH-53 would be nice even if the Osprey is taking over that role, as both helicopters have played pivotal roles in battles that some mission makers would like to recreate. In addition to those two USMC birds, the UH-1N or UH-1Y Hueys would be excellent fro dropping off small teams of Marine Force Recon and for operating with the AH-1W/Z gunships in "hunter/killer" teams. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  9. I just wanted to add here that your mod is welcome to use the USMC AAV-7 that myself and Dave8 made since nobody else has made any missions with it or successfully fixed it up. It just needs normal/specular mapping and texture merging (and could use a new cargo interior), but other then that it's in good working order (aside from the wrong types of road wheels on it). Several other versions were made so its up to you guys to decide which one you want to use, but the original textures I think were the best looking. The last version by kikill was unfinished with not much detail and the version by T-bird had issues with transparent textures (although it had normal/specular mapping. For that reason I'd recommend the original version. At any rate, the external model is rock solid as far as accuracy goes (thanks to Dave8's fine skills). It would be very good to see the ACE Marines have a proper APC. My version (1.0) and T-bird's version (Version 3.0) can be found here and are in MLOD format: http://www.eprison.de/files/144/4287 Anyways, I'm NOT trying to distract from the ACE mod with my own stuff. I just would like to see this addon get used as it is a vital part of the USMC arsenal that nobody else had put into ArmA. So I hope you guys will consider it for the ACE mod. It's a real beast in the game that I think players will really enjoy seeing if they wish to make a USMC only mission with the ACE mod. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  10. miles teg

    Vilas' addons

    One quick reply I should make. Vilas, on your pics with the guys with the gask mask. Indeed the gas mask is VERY much part of the 80's-late 90's gear. (And indeed still is in during training but is generally left behind in current combat operations where extra gear can = death). Nevertheless, it was definitely part of standard gear during the first Gulf War. At any rate, I wanted to point one small thing out that you might want to work on to make it more realistic. The M17 gas mask carriers used indeed had the shoulder harness. However they also had a leg strap that kept the mask from bouncing around too much when running. It wasn't always used, but I always found it useful in reducing noise during movement and enhancing overall comfort. Not everyone used the leg strap, but it was something kinda distinctive about the carrier. A million years could pass and I ALWAYS will remember the look and feel of that canvas gas mask carrier and drilling a thousands times with the gas masks from that carrier. Here's a pic of it: Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  11. miles teg

    Indiana Farmland

    Cool. Hopefully this map can be used in the upcoming new game from BIS: FarmA II http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=77899 YEEEHAAAA!!!! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  12. miles teg


    wow...that's really wierd about the Katusha pickup. Looking at the .p3d in o2, everything seems as it should as far as the hit points and fire geometry go as they are based on the BIS model. Could be the result of not binarizing it maybe? Snake Man is going over them right now. He might spot something I didn't see. @ KaBoNG- yeah keep testing that sniper unit because I can't find anything different about him or his weapon compared to the other unts. As for the pistol, that is a problem with ALL BIS units with pistols. They pull them out very quickly. The reason why I included pistols however is because in MP games (for anyone who wants to play OPFOR which can be fun sometimes) in CQB, the pistol is life saver sometimes especially if you have the slow loading Enfield. However the Enfield is very accurate in the game for long range shooting. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  13. miles teg


    Are you using it with the LoBo pack #3? Â I got a report of the recoill disappearing when used with the LoBo Addon Pack #3. Â I think this is due to the fact that I forgot to change some of the ammo/magazine class names and a conflict is occuring. Â (It wasn't meant to be used with our other LoBo stuff as its very unlikely the IDF would ever end up fighting the Taliban). Â However, if you are not using our Addon Pack #3 in the same folder, then that is indeed a bug that I have not noticed as I use the Taliban pack alot with the ACE mod and haven't noticed anything unusual. Â If this can be verified, I will definitely try and see if I can figure out why that's happening. Â Snake Man and others hopefully can help me with that as there was also that Enfield bug reported as well when they were trying to get that particular unit to respawn (and the rifle apparently didn't reappear with the unit which is bizarre). Â Oh..to Snake Man... I've been super busy with real life stuff but am packing up all the different parts of the mod as I type. Â So I'll have them for you within the hour. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  14. miles teg


    Like JFK said, its just an isue of binarizing them. The reason why I didn't binarize them was because it created a bug on the window. Â There's a way to fix it (transfering all the TGA files and converting them to .paa) but I was in a hurry to get them released and knew that if I didn't release them when I did I probably wouldn't get around to them for a few more weeks. Â I also wanted to release them around the same time as the Razani N. Waziristan map. Â What I'm hoping for is that the ACE mod will want to incorporate these guys as part of the ACE pack so that peopele will be more inclined to make MP missions on the Razani map using the Taliban. So far the only Afghanistan map missions I've seen are using the ACE mod, but with the built in Iraqi insurgents or using some other Middle Eastern insurgent addons. So that's a bit depressing. I'm trying to make some really amazing missions on the Razani map, but it takes me like a month to make a solid mission (with movie cutscenes, recorded voices, wave to lip sync, custom music, etc...) plus I have tons of very urgent real life business to take care of not to mention pressure to get LoBo Addon Pack #4 finished and released (along with our updated Syrian pack and our historic pack). But back to the original issue of the .rpt errors. Â Honestly, I don't care much about such errors if they don't cause any noticable slow-down in gameplay or errors. Â Snakeman, I'll send you the pack in MLOD form if you want to see if you can fix them up to perfection. Â One of the bigger bugs is that for some reason the blood textures stopped working on the Taliban. Â I have no clue why and honestly I've never been able to figure out exactly how the blood textures work. Â If you think you can fix those, that would be good. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  15. miles teg


    You should see the massive .rpt list for the stuff on our regular LoBo mod (this is just a side project). Honestly I don't think anyone in our mod knows how to fix those things or even where to start as far as identifying those points and figuring out what the game is fussing about regarding those points. So I'd love to fix them but have no idea how. The datsun shouldn't have any problems so that's really wierd since that's totally a BIS object aside from the proxies that were added. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  16. miles teg


    Wow...that is wierd... there is nothing different about the Enfield rifle as far as the config goes. Maybe there is some wierd texture issue or something wacked like that, but as far as the config goes its identical to everything else and works fine with ACE or without. So no idea what's going on there. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  17. A LoBo.object file? Â Not sure what that would be. Â I do know however that the mission is messed up because I used some other mod that left a required addon thingy in the mission .sqm file. Â Its an easy fix. Â If you email me (miles_teg@hotmail.com) I can send you a fixed version of the mission as the forum will be down for the next week. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  18. miles teg


    Maybe we'll see. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  19. miles teg


    Taliban pack class names Class name Unit name in mission editor <u> Al-Qaeda Lashkar Al-Zil (Shadow Army) Brigade 055: </u> LoBo_Shadow1 Shadow Army Squad Leader LoBo_Shadow2 Shadow Army Rifleman (AK47) LoBo_Shadow3 Shadow Army Explosives Expert LoBo_Shadow4 Shadow Army (AK-FS/RPG7) LoBo_Shadow5 Shadow Army (AK-FS/B-10) LoBo_Shadow6 Shadow Army (AK47/SA7) LoBo_Shadow7 Shadow Army (PKM) LoBo_Shadow8 Shadow Army Medic) LoBo_Shadow9 Shadow Army Sniper (SVD) LoBo_Shadow10 Shadow Army Sniper (KSVK) <u> Afghan National Army: </u> LoBo_ANA1 ANA Squad Leader (M16A2) LoBo_ANA1_AKM ANA Squad Leader (AKM) LoBo_ANA2 ANA soldier (Russian Helmet/AK47) LoBo_ANA3 ANA soldier (AK47/beret) LoBo_ANA4 ANA soldier (M16A2/beret) LoBo_ANA5 ANA Soldier (M16A2) LoBo_ANA5_AK47 ANA Soldier (AK47) LoBo_ANA6 ANA Medic (M16A2) LoBo_ANA6_AK47 ANA Medic (AK47) LoBo_ANA7 ANA Soldier (PKM) LoBo_ANA7_RPK Â Â Â Â Â Â ANA Soldier (RPK-47) LoBo_ANA8 ANA sniper (SVD) LoBo_ANA9 ANA Engineer (M16A2) LoBo_ANA9_AKM ANA Engineer (AKM folding) LoBo_ANA10 ANA RPG (M16A2) LoBo_ANA11 ANA RPG (AK47) LoBo_ANA12 ANA B-10 (M16A2) LoBo_ANA13 ANA Grenadier (AK47/GP25) <u> American Covert Operations Units: </u> LoBo_CIA1 Covert Ops Team Leader(M4A1SD) LoBo_CIA1_AK Covert Ops Team Leader (AK47-SD) LoBo_CIA2 Covert Operator (M4/M203) LoBo_CIA2_AK Covert Operator (AK47/M203) LoBo_CIA3 Covert Operations Medic (M4A1-SD) LoBo_CIA3_AK Covert Ops Medic (AK47) LoBo_CIA4 Covert Operations Sniper (M24) LoBo_CIA4_SVD Covert Ops Sniper (SVD) LoBo_CIA4_AK Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Covert Ops Marksman (AK47/ACOG) LoBo_CIA5 Covert Ops Engineer(M4A1-SD) LoBo_CIA5_AK Covert Ops Engineer (AK47-SD) LoBo_CIA6 Covert Operations Operator (M4A1SD) LoBo_CIA6_AK Covert Operations Operator (RPK-47) <u> TALIBAN: </u> LoBo_TalibanImam Taliban Shaykh LoBo_Taliban1 Taliban Insurgent (AKM) LoBo_TalibanFS1 Â Â Taliban Insurgent(AKM Folding Stock) LoBo_TalibanFS2 Â Â Â Taliban Insurgent (AK Folded Stock) LoBo_TalibanRPG7 Taliban Insurgent (RPG7) LoBo_TalibanB10 Taliban Insurgent (AK47/B-10) LoBo_TalibanB10_2 Taliban Insurgent (B-10 only) LoBo_TalibanStrela Taliban Insurgent (SA-7) LoBo_TalibanMG Taliban Insurgent (PKM) LoBo_TalibanRPK Taliban Insurgent (RPK-47) LoBo_TalibanSniper Taliban Sniper (SVD) LoBo_TalibanSniper2 Taliban Sniper (.303 Enfield) LoBo_TalibanAK47 Taliban Insurgent (AK47) LoBo_TalibanMedic Taliban Medic LoBo_TalibanShahid Taliban explosives specialist <u> 1980's Mujahadin: </u> LoBo_TalibanImam_I Mujahadin Shaykh LoBo_Taliban1_I Mujahadin Insurgent (AKM) LoBo_TalibanRPG7_I Mujahadin Insurgent (RPG7) LoBo_TalibanB10_I Mujahadin Insurgent (B-10) LoBo_TalibanStrela_I Mujahadin Insurgent (SA-7) LoBo_TalibanStinger_I Â Â Mujahadin Insurgent (Stinger SAM) LoBo_TalibanMG_I Mujahadin Insurgent (PKM) LoBo_TalibanRPK_I Mujahadin Insurgent (RPK-47) LoBo_TalibanSniper_I Mujahadin Sniper (SVD) LoBo_TalibanSniper2_I Mujahadin Sniper (.303 Enfield) LoBo_TalibanAK47_I Mujahadin Insurgent (AK47) LoBo_TalibanAK74_I Mujahadin Insurgent (AK74) LoBo_TalibanAK74GP25_I Mujahadin Insurgent (AK74/GP25) LoBo_TalibanMedic_I Mujahadin Medic LoBo_TalibanShahid_I Mujahadin explosives specialist <u> Taliban Civilians </u> LoBo_TalibanCiv1 Afghan Civilian 1 LoBo_TalibanCiv2 Afghan Civilian 2 LoBo_TalibanCiv3 Afghan Civilian 3 LoBo_TalibanCiv4 Afghan Civilian 4 Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  20. Ah that is true... yeah.... a bit too green. But didn't some also wear all-black uniforms? Or was that just the Fedayeen militia? Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  21. Awesome work maza94! Looking forward to playing some good Gulf War missions with these guys. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  22. miles teg


    For weapons yes, but not yet for the actual units as I was in a hurry to get the pack out the door. Do you need the unit classnames? Â If you need the unit class names, I can see about typing up the list. Â If you just need the weapon/ammo classnames those are in the readme file that came with the pack. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  23. miles teg

    Razani, N. Waziristan Map

    Personally to me its not a big deal. Doesn't look too blue to me. But its up to Nicholas. If it's an easy thing to fix, I guess it would be a little better to make them slightly greyer. But if its a complicated fix, I don't think that would be worth the hassle. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  24. miles teg


    Oh, no worries. Â That's not an error. Â Those two vehicles (as noted in the readme) just require Queen's Gambit to work. Sorry about that. Â However I'm glad you're otherwise having a good time with the pack. If you put together any really good missions, please post them up somewhere or email them to me please. That goes for anyone else reading this. If ya got a really good mission (preferably realistic, with movie cutscenes, and not a ton of other addons needed) please email it to me or post a link here (as well as on the user mission section of the forum). Thanks Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  25. miles teg

    UKF Release: Jackal MWMIK

    With all the issues regarding the Jackal, is there a law against the MoD buying vehicles from other countries? It would seem to me that the South African Ratel wheeled IFV would be able to offer all of the capabilities of the Jackal plus superior armor protection and fire-power (20mm or 90mm + MG mounts on the rear roof). It has long range, plenty of storage room, good anti-mine v-shaped hull, with a rugged combat proven design that saw it used very successfully in the very rugged terrain of Angola. Plus its most likely vastly cheaper. The Caspir and Buffel vehicles could likewise probably be modified for specific missions. It blows my mind when countries refuse to buy a superior military vehicle from another country due to internal poliitics and/or corruption regarding contract procurements. Even the US military finally buckled under pressure and started getting South African designed armored vehicles (in partnership with US companies) that have saved countless lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>