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miles teg

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Everything posted by miles teg

  1. Merkava Mk3 and Mk3 BAZ (uparmored) Main Battle Tanks. We have been steadily updating them so that now they have a working loader's MG (along with a working commander's MG). They now also can fire the Lahat ATGM, can carry 4 passengers in the cargo area, and have had several other bugs fixed. So they are about done finally. We had a major setback losing a bunch of work on the IDF infantry and weapons accidentally, but we recovered most of it. Still some work has to be redone again. Jewish Freak is on top of that. Meanwhile, me and Namman2 will get the rest of the Egyptian and Syrian stuff up to snuff. Our plan is to release one more pack for ArmA as it will be a few months before we all have ArmA2. No big deal as by that time the addon making community I think will have figured out alot of the new features in ArmA2. Hopefully also, by that time some new tools will be released. So our main task is just to rap up Addon Pack #4. I think that it will be worth the wait. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  2. I would recommend adjust the blending on the alpha channels for the USAF markings as right now they are way too strong and cause it to look a bit cartoonish. Aside from that however it looks good. Good work both to you and Rocket! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  3. Again its my fault, not Maza94's. I apologize for the misunderstandings. I'll make sure that any new models/textures that I share with Maza do not have anything from Vilas/P85. I didn't know that there were any problems between you guys so again I apologize. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  4. There is no need to remove your older version of this addon unless it uses his textures or models. There are other infantry models with no vest that we can get permission to use. That is not a problem. Vilas, he is the only one who has offered to help me with making Iranian addons. That is why I'm helping him. It is nothing personal and I respect your addon making skills. Lets just move on now. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  5. Vilas that is my fault that he's using them. I heavily modified those textures to make them Egyptian which is why I thought it would be ok to let him use those textures. He is also helping my mod out by making some Iranian forces. My apologies. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  6. Yeah we are working with Mazda to get an Iranian pack made. Historical first and then modern. It's not easy considering that the modern guys use like 8 different sets of cammo uniforms. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  7. Thanks for the reply John. Ok yeah it sounds like you guys really did alot of work to make the performance good. Hopefully whatever is causing problems can be narrowed down and fixed because I LOVE huge missions and was really enjoying your campaign's first mission until the frame rates just got to bad. Give it some time and I'm sure the issues will be worked out. Until then I'm enjoying making small missions with the addons like simulating ambushes or prisoner rescues. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  8. Thank you Inv1944 Team for an excellent pack. The addons in there are truly works of art. However, the problem is that they are so incredibly detailed (aside from a few units ike the flamethrowers and stuff that was incomplete like the Hurricane) that it destroys frame rates on anything but a high-end computer if someone wants a mission with large amounts of infantry. I assume that all the textures are high resolution? I imagine that is probably what is causing most of the frame rate issues but I may be entirely wrong. Still...with small numbers of units, I'm having fun with the mod. I hope you continue to develop it as the maps and mod has enormous development potential. I would recommend concentrating less on trying to make them look photorealistic with ultra high-res textures...and concentrate more on converting your excellent addons from OFP and just updating them a bit with merged textures, rvmats, extra gun positions, etc... I assume however that the next update will be for ArmA2? Either way its all good and I wish your mod well as its always been one of my favorite mods in OFP and now in ArmA. Keep up the awesome work guys! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  9. miles teg

    British vs Taliban replacement configs

    Well the weapons dependency is there because those are the weapons that the Taliban actually use. As for the melted face, I'm afraid that for right now, there's not much I can do about it. I have to concentrate on the main Lost Brothers Mod right now as we've fallen behind a bit. IF anyone volunteers to fix it, or if ACE wants to use it, they are welcome to fix it up as long as they keep the man-carried recoiless rifle. I'm fine if they use their own AK-47's. Otherwise, I'll probably won't end up updating it until later in ArmA2 unless BIS takes to long to get out information on how to convert infantry. If the ArmA2 infantry use an entirely new skeleton and selection names...then... I'll try to later fix the bug in ArmA. Snake Man fixed up the models tremendously getting rid of all the .rpt errors, but I guess something slipped through. Is there any server setting for MP games that can be used where this bug does not occur? I'll double check the blood textures also because last I played them (the exact version that I uploaded) they had plenty of blood textures. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  10. miles teg


    You posted it in Armaholic? A link would be nice, or when I have time I'll go look for it. But it should have worked simply removing the test_soldat thingy from the mission.sqm file's required addons list. Did you have an intro or ending section to the mission? If so they have their own required addons list. You'll have to delete test_soldat from those as well. After that save the file IN WORDPAD or NOTEPAD (or whatever you used to open the mission.sqm file). Then re-load the mission in ArmA. You should see them there. Save the mission in ArmA and it should be fixed. But if you did all that I'll check it out and try to figure out what's wrong with it. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  11. miles teg


    Arrg... I was going to update this pack with a new binarized ANA pickup, but sadly I'm having alot of problems with it. I'll just update the pack later as 1.6 as its going to take while for me to figure out whats wrong with it. So if I can get some mirrors on this version that would be good. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  12. miles teg

    British vs Taliban replacement configs

    I'm glad the melted face issue appears to be gone...hopefully anyways. Their should be blood on all the sleeves and leg portions of the models when they are shot. There was on the all the guys I shot. :) It's not a bloody mess and rather subtle but it should definitely be there. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  13. miles teg


    NEW! TALIBAN PACK UPDATE !.5 IS HERE! Version 1.5 1. All models fixed/optimized. 2. Pickup truck class names changed to avoid conflicts. 3. Config fixed to make it compatible with latest version of ACE. 4. Blood Textures are working now. 5. model.cfg files made seperate. 6. All configs generally cleaned up/optimized. 7. Crap that was not used all removed. 8. All files now binarized except the ANA pickup truck as it was already binarized by BIS. ____________________________________ Known issues: Old missions using the last Taliban pack will have to have their .sqm files manually edited as some class names were changed. To get the infantry working in the mission simply remove "Test_Soldat" from the list of required addons in your mission. If you used the pickup trucks, that is a little more complicated. You need to remove the old names, then load the mission again. The trucks will be invisible on the mission editor so just try to delete all over the general area where they were at. I greatly apologize for that, but the class names were messed up and really needed to be changed. _____________________________________ Download Link: http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/LoBo_TalibanVer1_5.7z Special Thanks to Snake Man for doing the bulk of the work on this update. I mainly just fixed some final bugs on the sounds and windows on the pickup trucks. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  14. Ah ok. Thanks for those pictures of the OD EAAK. Nah don't use the original model as its too buggy. Go ahead and keep doing what you're doing as your improved version of the woodland variants are fairly good. If you can get the tan variants to look anything like the real thing (dust/rough tan paint job with the original woodland cammo showing through), then that would be awesome. The tan versions are actually the ones that I most wanted to develop as I wanted to use this addon mainly for modern missions. So yeah by all means go nuts on that one. Once you turn down the shine a bit on the rvmats, they should all look fairly good. We'll just have to live with the solid OD EAAK until someone else can take a crack at it. When released, if you can create two seperate .RAR or 7zip files (one binarized and the other pack unbinarized) that would be good. That way others can develop it further. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  15. TO CELEBRATE THE 4th OF JULY (American Independence Day) ****Operation Code Blue AAVP7A1**** This is a basic conversion of an old model that was never released in OFP mainly because Dave8 of Operation Code Blue ran out of time to work on it due to real life obligations. The model was given to a bunch of people to do something with it, but I got tired of waiting years (literally) for someone to finish it up so I decided to try my hand at making it work in ArmA. Fortunately, I think overall I've been successful.  This is just a beta but it should be relatively bug free aside for some minor issues and the lack of a detailed cargo interior. This addon includes two USMC AAVP7A1 APC's for use in ArmedAssault.  The normal version includes EAAK appliqué armor as used on most USMC AAV's today.  This provides enhanced protection from heavy machine gun fire and reduces dammage caused by RPGs.  The other version is an 1980's era original version without EAAK armor and thus with lower armor values. Both are capable of carrying 24 infantrymen and are armed with a Browning M2 .50 caliber machine gun as well as the Mk-19 40mm automatic grenade launcher.  However, it is not meant to be used as a infantry fighting vehicle as a few RPG's will knock out these vehicles if they get too close to enemy anti-tank infantrymen.  The main strength of this vehicle is its ability to carry a large number of Marines with protection from small arms fire and artillery. It also has the ability to cross bodies of water however it should be noted that in the game, its water speed is very low so don't plan on swimming in from a boat unless someone figures out how to get it to move faster in the water. Known bugs-  1. Commander in 3rd person view and in turned out view can't look around. 2. Textures are very basic in the troop/cargo area and not attached to the crew areas. 3. No crew areas have been made. 4. Hatches don't have a hole in the top when crew members are in turned out position. 5. Moves very slowly in the water. 6. Still needs a shadow LOD. Credits- FULL CREDIT for this beautiful addon goes to Dave8 of Operation Code Blue (OFP) who long ago gave this addon to me to develop. All textures and modelling are by Dave. Fixing up tons of bugs and converting to ArmA-  Miles Teg<GD> *** If anyone wants to improve this addon, please contact me at [email protected] I'm looking for someone interested in making a desert texture for this bad boy as well as helping to minimize the number of textures used and doing some specular/normal mapping to it. Also credit to BIS for the weapons, many its textures, and the whole game engine and tools that make this addon possible. Disclaimer- I nor Dave8 are responsible if this addon blows up your computer or causes you to join the United States Marine Corp. Download: AAVP7 Download Semper Fi & Happy 4th of July! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  16. Ooooooooh.... :( I see. Damn, I was afraid of that as I thought the woodland textures looked wierd. Kikill's versions really shouldn't have been released as I had not wanted him to redo the woodland textures but rather only wanted the original textures merged unless the new ones were higher quality. He also didn't map the woodland textures onto the EAAK like on the original model. Is there any way you can still use the original woodland version and merge the textures? Thunderbird84 did that on an earlier version, but the problem with that version is that the textures were transparent (you could see through the vehicle) and he never fixed it (nor was I able to). However if you can fix up the desert version? If the desert version with EAAK can be fixed up to where it actually has details on the textures (rather then just solid tan colors) that would be awesome. I'm fine with the woodland version without EAAK as long as there is still one version with the EAAK so no you don't need to remove it as some people want to simulate 80's era and Gulf War I missions where they may not have had the EAAK armor upgrade. Anyways... I guess just do your best since nobody else has volunteered to fix these up, but if you can, see what you can do with the original woodland version. If you can use that version and merge the textures on it, it would solve alot of problems and look MUCH better in my opinion. To me, the original textures had a more worn, beat-up look to them. Otherwise, I hope you can maybe try to map the new woodland textures over the EAAK. I should also note that the KiKill version does have alot of other model fixes done by John Ka so maybe its not a idea to use the original model which had alot more isues. So yeah just do your best. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  17. If you can, please keep the EAAK armor on the AAV7. I kept those on their for a purpose because just about ALL currently used AAV7's have that armor on them. There was another AAV7 addon out there (I think it was in the Spanish Army mod) that I could have asked to use if I didn't want a modern version. I really would rather NOT have this version released if its lacking the version with the EAAK armor. If anything, if you can please make two versions in the pack. One with the EAAK and one without. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  18. What Manzilla said....I've been waiting a long time for someone to fix up this beast. I'm still trying to get ACE to include it in its next update. Hopefully your update will convince them to include it. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  19. We were planning on doing that, but right now Iranian forces are on the back burner while we concentrate on getting what we have fully working and ready for release. However if we get a new member to join who dedicates himself to working on the Iranian stuff then we would restart work on Iranian addons. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  20. I have no problems with the ACE wound system. Overall I think it works very well and has been improved substatially. I've never had anyone who I shot in the face live past that one shot. Like Echo, I try and do headshots. But more importantly I learned to shoot the wounded body a few times just to make sure that they're dead. Double/triple taps during combat is an absolute must in the ACE mod and in real life. With that said, some people will never be satisfied. There is no way that ACE can please all people. I hated the fatigue system and I bitched and bitched about it much to ACE's annoyance. However, slowly I learned to appreciate the fatigue system once I lightened my weapons/equipment load. I found that indeed it was quite realistic. Now I actually like the fatigue system alot. As for body armor, it would be great to see it emulated better, but from what I understand it's not quite possible to do it perfectly. In real life, the only parts of typical body armor that are rated Level III (NIJ Standards) are those protected by ceramic or steel/titanium plates. These plates will stop rifle rounds. The rest of the vest is usually rated Level IIIA which means that it will stop most pistol rounds but NOT rifle rounds unless you are very lucky. That is a big reason why US soldiers still die from small arms fire. Likewise the helmets they wear DO NOT stop rifle bullets. I've heard so many soldiers believe that their helmets will stop a rifle round. But sadly its not the case. For the reasons stated, its very difficult to accurately simulate modern body armor in ArmA. However... what COULD be better simulated is the vastly increased protection that body armor gives against hand grenades. It would be nice to see a script where body armor equipped soldiers suffer less deaths from hand grenades and small HE rounds like the M203 and VOP-25 rounds. I can't count how many times I've died instantly in MP ACE games (usually on the Tactical Gamer servers) from hand grenades and M203/GP-25 grenades. These should mostly just wound the soldiers aside from a direct hit. So that's one area where perhaps ACE could make some improvements. But for sure the 7.62x51 NATO weapons should stay nice and heavy hitting. They indeed provide a nice alternative. However the 5.56mm weapons are still tons of fun. Also as other people mentioned, the new M249 sound is horrible. I was a M249 gunner in the US Army and for certain, this new sound is nothing like the real thing. The real thing is sharp sounding and you can hear the distinctive sound of belt links being ejected and falling to the ground. I can't comment on the M240 as I never fired that weapon (only the M60 GPMG). OH and before I forget... was the Apache's rotor sound changed? I haven't heard it yet on this new version. If not, PLEASE change it. The sound used was a recording made at a certain wierd angle or something because the AH-64 is not nearly as annoying sounding most of the time in real life. I've had lots of them fly over me and around my unit's area of operation in real life and never remembered them that insanely loud and annoying sounding. Other then that, I can't complain too much. I'm absolutely enjoing the ACE mod and overall I'm just blown away how good the mod is. So your team has TONS to be proud of. It really has totally transformed the game and is a good example of the community working together. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  21. Affirmative. Just replied back. :)
  22. I did check your link and I didn't see anything about the Taliban. I'll check again as maybe I missed that part. However, I wish Squelch or whoever messed with them had told me he was fixing them because Snakeman already fixed all of them for us now that I've gone through to check them. I'll be releasing the updated Taliban very soon. But if ACE has already fixed them and want to use them as part of ACE thats cool. I need to register onto their forums so I can give them official permission as word never seems to get to them from here. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  23. Ouch... we have a massive number of infantry models... I'll try to see if I can find the mismatched name, but no promises. It may be due also to unused selection names as well... but I don't look forward to accidentally deleting the wrong selection names. Apparently ArmA is case sensitive which is the main problem we had. The Taliban also have the same problem. :( Is the -host or the -world = empty commands widely used on people's desktop icon command lines? Are they necessary? I don't use either but I'm assuming that their is some benefit to those command lines. If I go hunting to fix all these bugs, most likely our next addon pack will not see the light of day in ArmA and it will probably be many months before we release them in ArmA2. I was hoping to just finish up what we have quickly and release a pack before ArmA2 comes out. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  24. Could you be more specific kju? Are you talking about our Taliban? That's on a different thread as its more of a side-project. If you are talking about the IDF or Syrian units, those are being overhauled. The link you sent was a bit confusing. I didn't see the exact solution. Only some stuff about not overwriting the base classes which is something that we already did with the Taliban pack and need to fix on our IDF, Egyptians, and Syrians (and historic pack infantry). However right now ACE compatibility is not high priority as it will take a LONG time to make our entire mod ACE compatible. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  25. miles teg

    SJB Special Air Service Pack

    Hey Jackal. Don't worry it won't break your unit cutting and pasting that info into a model.cfg file. My mod needs to do the same thing for alot of our addons...we're just too lazy to do it. lol. But its really easy to do and is one of the things you need to do in order to make it compatible with ArmA II. But anyhoo... not a big deal. It can be done at that point in time later. Overall these are fantastic units!!! Excellent job on them! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>