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miles teg

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Everything posted by miles teg

  1. Yeah the old Vilas weapons packs should work. Actually... I think I put down the wrong link as now that I think about it, he had the Israeli stuff in a seperate pack. I get so confused cuz he's always changing his weapons packs around. Tomorrow morning I'll find a better link or put up a RAR of the required Vilas addons as right now I'm about to fall over from sleepyness (long night of playing ArmA2 on the Tactical Gamer servers). lol Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  2. Finally, at long last I'm releasing our Historic infantry packs as well as the modern Egyptian infantry. The LoBo_HistIDF.pbo file contains within it IDF units simulating those during the 6-Day War, Yom Kippur War, and the first Lebanon invasion (early 80's). Within it you will will find standard Golani units, Sayeret Matkal, and paratroopers that include those wearing French Lizard cammo uniforms common in the late 60's amongst paratroopers. These units are primarily equipped with the FN-FAl rifle (the main battle rifle of this period) along with the famous IMI Uzi sub-machine guns. Other weapons include the standard K-98 rifle, the K98 sniper rifle, the Panzerfaust, and a range of other weapons. The M79 grenade launcher is not realistic but was put in to substitute for barrel launched grenades which we were not able to get working in ArmA. Perhaps in ArmA 2 we may get working some realistic rifle barrel launched grenades like we had in OFP. Aside from this the helmets represent those of the period to incude old British paratrooper helmets as well as the US M1 steelpot. The 80's units are wearing the modern IDF kevlar helmet (patterned after the British WWII paratrooper helmets), and the Israeli version of the PASGT kevlar flack vest that is still used in some units today. These units are armed with various types of Galil rifles (AR, SAR, Galatz, etc...). Credits- Vilas- Main base model, M1 helmet, ammo pouches and ammo harnesses. Topaz- The base uniform and equipment textures that were then modified. Miles Teg<GD>- Black exterior helmet straps, British paratrooper helmets, texture modifications, and base infantry and equpment model modifications. Hayal- IDF kevlar helmet. Namman2- Winter coat. BIS-Head, boots, hands, and some of the base models and misc. pieces of equipment. _______________________________ Download link to Historic IDF pack: http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/LoBoHistoricIDF.7z Required Addons: LoBo Infantry Pack version 4.0: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2253 Vilas Weapons Packs required for all LoBo infantry: http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/VilasWeaponsPacksForLoBoInfantry.7z ________________________________________________________________ Below is the Modern and Historic Egyptian infantry pack: This pack consists of both Modern and Historic Egyptian infantry soldiers with the addition of Historic Syrian soldiers. Egyptian Infantry- These are the regular infantry of the Egyptian Army made up of largely conscripts along with some career officers and NCOs. They are equipped with the standard 7.62mmX39mm AKM Assault Rifle, the PKM Machine Gun, and the RPG-7 Anti-tank rocket launcher. In addition officers carry the Port Said M-45 SMG and Tokarev 7.62x25mm pistol while snipers are equiped with the Russian made SVD sniper rifle. In addition there are highly capable engineer units who are equipped with landmines and satchel charges in order to carry out demolition missions as well as area denial missions and anti-armor missions against enemy armor with the usage of land mines. Unlike Western armies, the Egyptian officers basically take up most of the roles that senior NCO's carry out in Western forces. In the past the Egyptian Army was notoriously sluggish tactically due to the old Soviet doctrine of warfare which they used throughout most of their past conficts in modern history. However with increased joint training with the United States along with a rapidly modernizing military force, the Egyptian Army is gradually turning into a powerful military machine reshaping itself to the realities of modern warfare. Unlike most Western forces however, the Egyptian military has been slow in taking up the usage of modern body armor, although it is available to some elite units. Helmets are generally older M40 style helmets with Kevlar liners comparable to American 80's era M1 steel pot helmets with Kevlar liners. (Miles Teg commentary- I have personally trained with the Egyptian Army and observed a high degree of professionalism in their military. Their uniforms also appeared very comfortable with open sleeves and beautiful suede combat boots perfectly suited for desert combat). In this pack are both the older "scrambled eggs" cammo patern' as well as the newer "chocolate-chip" desert BDU's used by U.S. forces during Desert Storm in the early 90's. Egyptian Commandos- Al Quwaat Al-Khaasat These are the cream of the crop of the Egyptian Army. Generally these are career oriented soldiers who are taken from the best of the regular infantry and airborne corps. They recieve a much higher degree of training in special operations tactics such as airborne insertions, small boat insertion, demolition, raiding, long range recon, and assassination. They are equipped in this addon with folding stock AK-47's, M16's, and M240's. They also carry rifle grenades, RPG-7's, Port Said M-45's and Tokarev 7.62x25mm pistols. In addition saboteur units are equipped with satchel charges and land mines. Snipers are equipped with advanced sniper rifles to include the M-24 SWS and HK PSG-1 sniper rifles. Egyptian 130th Amphibious Brigade These are Egypt's equivalent to the US Marines. While not a large part of the Egyptian military, they are a critical component in operations in which large scale amphibious assaults are conducted via landing craft and helicopter from larger naval ships. These units are well equipped with PASGT helmets, and American made M-16A2 rifles, M240 (FN-MAG) machine guns, as well as a few Russian weapons such as the RPG-7. These units have a proud history and espirit de corp. Egyptian Naval Commandos (Al-Quaat Al Khaasat) These are the equivalent of the US Navy SEAL teams. The naval commandos generally serve in support of the 130th Amphibious Brigade by conducting such missions as the recon of beaches for possible amphibious landings, long range recon to identify enemy defenses and targets, as well as special operations such as assassinations of enemy officers and deep rear area strikes on enemy supply lines and bases. Trained in small craft insertion, airborne insertion, and equipped with Western gear and weaponry, these naval commandos provide a potent special operations capability to the Egyptian Navy. Historic Infantry- These infantry are from both the 6-Day War and Yom Kippur War era in which much of the basic infantry equipment and uniforms remained the same. The only difference was in the Yom Kippur War, the Egyptian commando units began wearing a distinct camoflaged uniform that was reversible. Only one side is shown in this simulation. The weapons used are all found in the required addons at the bottom of this readme. They include such interesting weapons as the awesome Hakim rifle (extremely accurate and deadly) and M45 Port Said. Sniper rifles consist of the SVD (Yom Kippur War era) and the time-tested Mosin-Nagant sniper rifles. _______________ Credits: Modern Egyptian infantry soldiers: PASGT helmets by HYK with cammo helmet covers by Miles Teg<GD>. Main models by BIS with equipment a mixture of BIS and models by Vipersheart. Camoflaged textures by Miles Teg<GD>. Historic infantry: Base models by Vilas. Equipment by Vilas. Textures by Topas modified into tan by Miles Teg<GD>. Some equipment by BIS. Cold Weather coat by Namman2 modified heavily by Miles Teg<GD> ______________ Download Link for the Historic/Modern Egyptian pack: http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/LoBo_EgyptianInfantry.7z Required Addons: LoBo Infantry Pack version 4.0: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2253 Vilas Weapons Packs required for all LoBo infantry: http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/VilasWeaponsPacksForLoBoInfantry.7z ---------- Post added at 04:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 PM ---------- One more addon pack today! This is our Egyptian Helicopter pack. This small pack contains four Egyptian Airforce/Navy helicopters to include the Westland Commando II transport helicopter, the Sea King Naval helicopter, and two Gazelle gunships (one armed with 20mm cannon and the other with four HOT ATGM). Download link (mirrors appreciated) http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/LoBo_Egypt_Helipackver1.7z Addons required: LoBo Egyptian infantry pack: http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/LoBo_EgyptianInfantry.7z ___________________ Credits- Sea King/Westland Commando 2 helicopters Original model & textures- Malvinas Mod model, textures, and cpp.config modified by Calm Terror. Conversion to ArmA by Namman2 Gazelle Gunships Models, textures, & sounds/configs originally by the Operation Frenchpoint Mod textures modified by Calm Terror with flare script added by Calm Terror. Conversion to ArmA by Namman2 OFrP wanted me to note that this model is their OLD OFP model and not their vastly improved ArmA model. All models modified by Miles Teg<GD> _______________________________________________________ Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  3. miles teg

    Brazilian Releases

    Oh awesome!!!! Once you get a good transport chopper for them, it will be a nice little pack for any kind of jungle map. At any rate they look great. Thank you for your hard work along with the great work by Vilas and others. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  4. Sorry for the delay... still writing up the credits and found a few last minute bugs that I'm trying to fix...but for sho' it'l be released in a day or two if nothing comes up in real life to interfere (lately I've had a ton of stuff that I needed to to take care of in RL). Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  5. One by one... it's the only way really. But hey...better then nothing. After the Historic infantry release I'm going to try and put together the historic armor pack. Some of the stuff will be in rough beta form...but again...I just want to get the stuff released so that we can fully concentrate on ArmA 2 stuff. They will be usable and not total crap, so don't worry. Just minor bugs. After that updated modern armor (requires a bit more work) and an updated aircraft pack. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  6. Ok good news...the Historic infantry pack is almost ready!!!! I'm just packing it up right now! I promised it and by God I will deliver!!! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  7. miles teg

    MH-53E addon released

    Soldier, are you working with Emery on more realistic versions of the CH-53E??? I just noticed he relased a version that has the proper fuel tanks and stuff that looks much better. Also please remove the little antennae or whatever those things are sticking out on the front on the variants that do not have those in real life. Here is the version I was talking about: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7562 You guys seriously need to work together otherwise there will be a bunch of different versions that overwrite each other. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  8. miles teg

    Backdoor.Graybird in Armakeygen.exe?

    Thanks Wolle. Yeah we got it straightened out. I didn't even know that file was on there until now (it was in a FTP folder I never look at). We're probably changing servers or updating security on the current one if we keep it. But we appreciate your vigilance and professionalism in this matter. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Team Leader of the Lost Brothers Mod
  9. miles teg

    Cheytac M200

    ??????? I've fired many rifles and machineguns and I've never experienced or heard of a rifle that has less felt recoil in the sitting position compared to the prone position. The lower your center of gravity the more the recoil is absorbed through the full length of your body. Sitting up, if you're not leaning forward with the butt tucked tightly into your shoulder, it'll likely knock you on your back if the recoil is anything like a 10 gauge shotgun. In the prone position however, barrel rise should be minimal. In other words, in the prone position, you should not be looking at the sky after each shot. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  10. I agree. The RPD, along with the shoulder-launched version of the B-10 and the .303 Enfield rifle that I used on my Taliban pack for ArmA 1. That and special elite insurgent shock troops simulating Al-Qaeda's Shadow Brigade (Brigade 055) also known as Lashkar Al-Zil (Shadow Army). http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2009/02/al_qaedas_paramilita.php I was very saddened that the ACE mod never used them. So I hope that BI makes similar units like I made for ArmA 1. I already sent a message saying that I'd be happy to help them since my area of research is in Islamic extremists as a cultural anthropologist. Hopefully they'll take me up on that offer. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Team Leader of the Lost Brothers-Isaac & Ishmael Mod
  11. miles teg


    Yeah the Commanche project was cancelled by the U.S. Army. Very sad as it had enormous potential....but ultimately too expensive as it was designed to penetrate Russian air defenses rather then to hunt down insurgents. Still its fun to fly them in the game just for fantasy purposes. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  12. miles teg

    MH-53E addon released

    Fantastic work guys. Great to see the community all working together on important addons like this one!!! I second the notion also about making a USAF MH-53 PaveLow (what I consider the ultimate CH-53 variant as far as capability and pure bad-ass'ness). But I guess the other USMC variants would be easiest and quickest to make. I hope to see some with the side fuel tanks and refueling probe. It would make the perfect companion for the BI Super Cobra and UH-1N. Keep up the great work guys!!! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  13. miles teg

    Israeli Weapons Part 2

    My mod (the Lost Brothers) had a working Spike ATGM in ArmA 1 and we will soon begin the process of converting stuff to ArmA2. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  14. miles teg

    MH-53E addon released

    Gachopin, I just want you to know that you are welcome to use the rotor/engine sound that my mod (The Lost Brothers) used on our CH-53 in ArmA 1. It is an actual CH-53 recording that I heavily edited to make it sound more like the massive thundering sound that these choppers make in real life. In the editing I both enhanced the low frequencies and I added in several jet engine sounds from other samples to get just the right balance. So I worked very hard to get this sound. I used to hear Ch-53's flying over my house all the time when I lived near the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida and the huge sound of these choppers always was awesome! Anyways, you might want to check it out. Here is the link to the sound: http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/CH53EX3.wav I hope that you will continue to perhaps make other variants of the CH-53 as well such as the MH-53 variants. Overall incredible work!!! Thank you! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  15. My apologies I did not read the first post and assumed that by content they meant the game itself. Content I believe is what is responsible for my bugs. So my apologies for my misunderstanding. However, I tried the community issue tracker before posting here and was lost...sorry I'm an idiot at navigating such sights and totally unfamiliar with how it works and how to search for the bugs I'm experiencing so I don't repost something that already exists. Any other ideas of where I would post the bugs that I had? I'm feeling a bit frustrated and as I stated earlier, I've been one of the most loyal and outspoken OFP/ArmA fans/mod developers since the beginning. I would hope that such loyalty to BI (along with introducing their products to countless new customers) deserves a bit of respect from BI. I would recommend that BI post some kind of tutorial on how to use the Community Issue Tracker for those of us unfamiliar with such websites as it was a bit overwhelming for me. Sorry If I'm an idiot for not figuring out how it works. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  16. ArmA II Version 1.03 Computer: Acer AST180-UD400B processor: 4000+ AMD 64X2 RAM: 2 gigs Video Card: Nvidia 8800GT Sound card: built in on motherboard- Sound Drivers: RealTek High Definition Audio Additional Software being used while playing: Team Speak Bug #1: I am having two major problems. The first just started happening after the 1.03 update. During heavy gunfire, my sound starts distorting terribly even on Team Speak. This is not Team Speak related I think because everything was working fine in version 1.02 as far as sound goes even when I used Team Speak. It may have to do with soundcard buffers or something. However my main point is that there was not a problem in version 1.02 so something was changed regarding the sound in ArmA II. Bug #3: I have a legit DVD of the 505 version of the ArmA II DVD that I bought new from Amazon.com in the United States. However now when I start the game, the DVD just keeps running for like 5 minutes until it tells me that it either could not detect the DVD or that I do not have a legal copy. Now here is the wierd thing. After putting the DVD in and out of the drive a few times I'll get the menu to play, uninstall, etc... that automatically loads from the DVD. When I use the play option from that menu, then sometimes I'll get a wierd little box that says "deleting" some file (its took quick and doesn't always appear) and then the game boots up just fine. It will also then work on multiplayer just fine. The problem is that this is now the only way I'm able to run the game and thus can now no longer use mod folders. Any advice on what may be causing this would be very much appreciated. Please don't tell me to buy a Steam version as I'm unemployed right now and don't have money to waste especially when I already plucked down good money for this DVD. Also I should note, that as many of the BI devlopers know (but for those at BI that don't know), I have been with the OFP/ArmA community since the beginning when the OFP Demo was being developed and I am head of the oldest surviving mod from OFP (The Lost Brothers Mod). Thank you for any info on possible fixes. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  17. miles teg

    Arma 1 abandoned?

    My mod (The Lost Brothers) has not abandoned ArmA yet. We plan on releasing an addon pack #4 and a historic pack in ArmA. I have ArmA II as well, but frankly I like some things more in the first ArmA such as the handling of cars (I can't steer with a mouse anymore in ArmA II). The graphics I think are still very nice in ArmA as well, just not as slicked up as ArmA II. Couple that with all the mods that will take years to mature in ArmA II and for me at least it will stay on my harddrive alongside OFP which I still play as well (although we no longer make addons for it). So anyways, in a nutshell, yes some mods are still making stuff for ArmA. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  18. For right now, we're just finishing addon pack #4 and the historic pack for ArmA. Later we will port stuff over to ArmA II, but we'll probably wait until the tools come out aside from maybe one or two small releases in ArmA II. What we really need in ArmA II is a good basic infantry model and config/cfg example that we can use to make new IDF/Hezbollah/Egyptian/etc... infantry units. Once we get that things will go smooth. Right now I'm researching tutorials on converting tanks and aircraft as well. From what I understand, infantry are the hardest to convert to ArmA II which is why it would be easier to just have an example model. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> ---------- Post added at 04:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:01 PM ---------- When I have time, I'll try to.
  19. When its ready. We're all busy now with real life issues so I can't give any date. Sorry about that. However hopefully the last version of our IDF infantry is ready, so things should speed up if their are no bugs in it as then we can concentrate on fixing the minor bugs on the aircraft and getting all the armor fully working. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  20. Thanks guys! We might be getting a new member soon in LoBo who will be a big help but he's just waiting to get a new computer to play ArmA II right now. Aside from that everything is still going slow and steady. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> ---------- Post added at 04:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:58 PM ---------- Negative. I was born in Tehran, Iran. lol! But I live in Texas now and I'm an American citizen (and served in the US military). Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  21. Thanks guys for the prayers and good wishes. Joske, yeah, the breaching charge indeed does fully work. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  22. We fixed the main problems with the infantry and finally were able to binarize them. Right now we're just fixing some minor problems that unbinarizing them created (long story why we needed to do that). Anyways, so yeah things are still slowly creaking along and yes we will eventually move completely to ArmA II, but not for awhile. I might maybe release one or two addons as time permits. Right now however, as Betsalel stated, personal issues prevent me from working much on the mod as I'm helping my father recover from a fracture to his spine and through cancer treatment for a very serious cancer. Sorry if this is not the proper place to ask, but I would appreciate any prayers for my father and our family. But don't worry about the mod. It's still going slow and steady and we will release stuff an addon pack #4 for ArmA (along hopefully soon after the historic pack although some historic stuff will be included in Addon Pack #4. Jewish Freak and Namman2 also both have very busy lives and likewise try to work on stuff when they can. But they're both doing great jobs and progress is being made. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  23. miles teg

    CAT Afghanistan v1.2 ported by PMC

    ArmA II feels like a totally different game as the graphics just look much different the ArmA. Also the driving system I think was messed up in ArmA II (the mouse barely works now while driving) where as in ArmA I you can drive a car with a very natural feeling using the mouse. Also in ArmA II the camera shakes when you move around which simulates a movie more then it simulates how the human body actually stabilizes vision while running. So I find that camera shaking VERy annoying. Finally, the sound system is changed. I can no longer pinpoint the direction of gunfire or a vehicle using headphones, as they screwed that up in ArmA II. In ArmA I I relied heavily on sounds to locate the direction of gunfire. There are other things I can't remember now, but those are some of the reasons why I'm glad some people are still supporting ArmA I such as we see with this map. It'll be nice to see some missions with my Taliban pack on this map. It'll make for some great MP gaming as well. :) Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  24. We're still having trouble with the IDF infantry which for some reason doesn't want to binarize properly on my computer, but then on Jewish Freak's computer it won't generate the signature file using our private key. So we're trying to sort that out as that is a major poblem. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  25. miles teg

    CAT Afghanistan v1.2 ported by PMC

    OMG!!!! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!! The last version ported had a tons of floating buildings and other issues. I hope this one doesn't have those same issues. It truly would bring an excellent opportunity for ARmA mission making. ArmA 1 is so different (with its own unique features) then ArmA II that I really do hope some people continue to develop ArmA as I like both of them really. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>