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Everything posted by Mercutio

  1. Another one, but not as effective because the mission ends abruptly, is to put "forceend" in the ACTIVATION field of a waypoint or better yet a trigger.
  2. I'd just like to know what exactly the different trigger types mean. I'm particularly curious about what the "SWITCH" and "GUARDED BY SO AND SO" types are for. Any help appreciated and thanks in advance.
  3. Mercutio


    I said souteast, its southwest.
  4. Mercutio


    I dunno if its what you want but there's a castle on Everon, just south-east of Saint Philippe. Its more of a tower than a castle but it may help. Sorry if you already know about it.
  5. I think you may be better off downloading either the OFP mission assistant, or the Overview and Briefing editor, both available from the downloads section at the OFP Editing Center. They're both really easy to use and you don't have to go sifting through files. Hope that helps.
  6. Mercutio

    new weapons from wp1

    AddWeapon"G36a" AddMagazine"G36aMag" AddWeapon"Bizon" AddMagazine"BizonMag" AddWeapon"XMS" AddMagazine"M4" Haven't tried the others yet. I think the Steyr is "SteyrAug" and the ammo is either "SteyrMag" or "SteyrAugMag" Those should work. If not, someone on this forum has posted them fairly recently. Hope that helps.
  7. Mercutio

    soldier in house on second floor

    The in cargo thing works too, but then you can't pick what position he'll take in the house.
  8. Mercutio

    soldier in house on second floor

    I've actually been able to do this, at least with civilians. Start your unit outside the house, then give him a move waypoint on the house. Make sure it says "HOUSE" as you put down the waypoint. Then in the waypoint box, there's a new drop window that says HOUSE POSITION, and there are numbers (usually around 8-10) that indicate different positions in the house. You'll have to check where he goes for each number, but a few of the numbers always make him go somewhere to the upper floor (if there are any) and he'll stay there. I think you can do it with some other waypoint types too, like Sentry or something. I've put snipers in buildings like that too, but that have a bad habit of not firing until very late. Anyway, that should work. I hope that's clear enough. Post again if you have problems. Later.