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Everything posted by malick

  1. Hi ! Overall, good update. There wasn't much to fix, but everything is done correctly. I even seem to have a slight performance improvement with 1.09 now. All tracers are loaded without errors on my side. Thank you ! Malick
  2. malick

    DMSmokeGrenadeVB v1.0

    I have the same problem as Mr Groch, with SIX pack1 & 2 and MAP_Misc. Do you think it comes from one of these (compatibility issue) ? Malick
  3. I already dreamt of this... I remember that in OFP, someone released a pack of rebels with random skins, with a setobjecttexture command. So, I do believe that it is possible, technically speaking. But it would mean having a correctly configured addon, with a model able to change texture according to specific conditions. What do you think ? Malick
  4. Thanks Silola, it works Malick
  5. Thank you sickboy, and others involved in 6th sense addons, for this mod (+Pack1 update !. You make ArmA a lot more complete Keep up ! Malick
  6. malick

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

    Thank you ! I see we all have despaired girlfriends Malick
  7. Hi all ! I want to integrate the group of the player in DAC (player != leader) with the command DAC_fInsertGroup after DAC has finished initialize. However, on mission load, it says that the group WEST 1-1-A has waypoints. Can a player group be inserted in DAC or is it possible for AI only groups ? Other question, is there a variable to check the status of a camp in a zone ? For example a function like this one : 'DAC_AliveCamp(ZONE_NAME, CAMP_NUMBER), returns BOOL' Any idea ? Thank you for this wonderful tool, by the way Malick
  8. malick

    MV-22 Osprey Tilt-Rotor

    I have to add my voice to the cheering ! Very good job on the Osprey, Gnat One question: how does it sound like ? There's no ingame sound in the youtube video... ArmA definitely needs some different aircraft/helicopters, and the Osprey is two birds with the same rock Waiting for a release... Malick
  9. malick

    HWM - HAC Huey UH-1H

    Wow these Hueys look excellent ! I believe they fit perfectly with South Sahrani Army. Are you still releasing the US version, sometime later in january ? Good job on these, as well as the jeep. Malick
  10. I am currently trying the new DAC2 features... This is simply incredible ! I really can't understand how you found the time and resources to develop this. It works like a charm and all features are really excellent. Thank you for this masterpiece ! I would have liked to see something similar integrated in the original game... Malick
  11. Crysis is the future of everything. Even Wikipedia will be adapted to Crysis. Well, apart from this : can you give us some insight of the upcoming DAC ? How is development going and what kind of features shall we wait for ? Malick
  12. malick

    One tweak that will change alot

    This indeed gives me some hope. But I expect more than just a config tweak, even if that's good tweaking... I hope to see changed AI behaviour, which implies modifying the logic behind the AI, which we cannot do, only BIS. But I might have my expectations too high Malick
  13. malick

    Projekt Gardinas Island

    True ! Visitor3 is quite frustrating for me. I don't have all the time I want to learn it through, so I'll wait for your wonderful tool before creating islands... If it's even half what you say it can do, then it's truly a step forward for ArmA Community. BIS should thank you when you release it Malick
  14. malick

    Be 32K

    The updated version look good. ArmA lacks good transport planes like this, for East as well as West. If the Be32 addon could reach a good level of finition (UV map is the one coming to mind), it would find a good place in some missions. And, of course, if a West counterpart could exist, that would make me a happy man (well, not that much, but a little). Looking forward to another update... Malick
  15. I am eagerly waiting for DAC... I have been creating a dynamic mission which has evolved into a very complicated moving war. To really finish this mission, I need DAC2. Currently, I have lost all interest in ArmA. I hope 1.09 and DAC will bring it back from the shelf where it stands. Malick
  16. malick

    Ww1 mod

    Hello RPG73, I guess you are french. The WW1 setting is a very good one and fits quite well the capabilities of ArmA. Your models look good. The 75 looks a bit too big and the front wheel of the FT17 seem really too large. But, I have no reference in front of my eyes, so it's just my opinion. You may find some help from modders/addon makers that worked on WW2 : they may help you with scripts, configs, textures and modelling. Between 1918 and 1939 the weapons and uniforms only slightly changed, so you may find some models have already been done. One thing will lack, but it's an engine limitation : trenches. They can be done with objects, but AI have a hard time moving around and in them. Good luck with your project ! And Welcome to the forums Malick
  17. malick

    Sprint and Animation fixer

    Thank you Sakura ! Your small fixes greatly improve gameplay and immersion for me... I hope to see even more from you. Malick
  18. malick


    In fact, a group throws only one smoke at a time. The logic is simple: if the group is pinned down (and the smoke cover script has been called), check if member_1 has a smokeshell. If yes, throw it and exit the script. If not, go to the member_2 of the group, and so on. Like this, there is the illusion that there is only one guy making the decision. As you said, I'll try adding smoke shell to every unit, or maybe add some to Squad/Team Leaders only. We can even think of smoke cover for infantry vehicles and tanks... With a different logic for suppression calculation, an armored unit may want to hide from enemy (if outnumbered, for example). We just have to create a "smokeshell" somewhere between the vehicle and the nearest known threat (not enemy). Well, I'm day dreaming, here... Malick
  19. malick


    It should... Just drop the addon in an addon mod folder (let say "ArmA\@Suppression\Addons") and every mission will have this included. What it does is add an Init EventHandler to all Man class units. Then, the scripts apply only to groups instead of separate units and skips units in vehicles. Each group, when pinned down or breaking/fleeing, has a chance (50% and 75% respectively) of throwing smoke cover. However, the default load out of smokeshells in each group is pretty thin... I think that only squad and/or team leaders have some, by default. The effects should be visible even with small firefights. Of course, squads firing too close on each other won't even have time to throw smoke, as they will pretty much anihilate each other quite quickly. Best solution is to reduce units precision in difficulty setting and increase their engagement range. Feel free to post ideas and comments... Enjoy ! Malick
  20. malick

    Durg's Vegetation Fix

    Nice mod, with little to no impact on fps... It's often hard to tell whether or not this really changes gameplay, but I have witnessed some occasions when the AI lost trace of other units in forest. However, what's the use of bashing and blaming BIS each time a new mod comes out ? The mods are there to improve the game under many aspects. Some of you may know that every single game or product in every single industry has room for improvement. Lots of improvement... So keep the mods coming and stop blaming BIS for things they did, but not as you would. Not satisfied with BIS work ? Join their development team in Prague and do better than them with the same assets available. Malick
  21. malick

    ArmA Effects

    I think the more modular you get, the better. Look at Q's PROPER mod, that's a good example of the way to do things, in my opinion. Malick
  22. malick

    ArmA Effects

    Works nice ! The new rain effect still needs some work though, with smaller, more numerous particles. The effect gets a bit ugly at times, specially with NVG at night. After all, it's up to everybody's taste. Good job, anyway ! Malick
  23. malick

    ArmA Effects

    Excellent ! I love your effects... I'll test the new version (with rain ! and come back for comment Malick
  24. malick


    I know, the default load of smokeshell is only for team/squad leaders, so a squad is not really able to cover itself very often. However, you can see the effects of the script by simply putting 2-3 squads on each side and watch. Usually, within a minute or two, at least two squads are pinned down and throw smoke around... I realise that I have tested this with quite a lot of mods around (Proper and TrueMods, reduced AI precision to 0.55 and increased the AI engagement range by setting CAMan sensitivity to 12). Effects may differ due to this : for me, AI engages the fight at 200-300 meters and with reduced precision, the firefight lasts several minutes, which is long enough for the script. Tell me if you have any problem or if you can't see it. On my side, the addon does not load for units spawned after the start of the game. Any other bug so far ? Malick [EDIT]Thanks Imutep for a mirror : Mirror on AssaultMissionStudio.de
  25. malick


    OK, quick update : you can download the suppression addon, using Extended Event Handlers and smoke cover. Plays best with DMarkwick VB smoke shells ! Click here for a download link I hope to have some feedback and comments in order to improve it as much as possible. Malick