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Everything posted by malick
I have a good old 56k like you I found some nice campaigns and addons at: ofp.gamezone.cz check there, you may find something that pleases you ! Too bad i got exams to pass: I can't play OFP before next week
Well well well ! walker ! Your mortar seems beautiful, if not too much ! I don't think it's already available, but, when it will, can you keep us informed ? Of course, we're interested good work
I thought the dane had some Leopard II in their army ? Except for the Bundeswehr addon, has some one heard of a Leopard being modelled ? Just in case
By the way... I use quality MODs, like Kegety's Winter Kolgujev, or Satchel's DM sound Mod... I've found other sound mod: what is the difference between them and Satchel's ?? And, is Satchel a ghost ? Haven't seen him on the forums for a while... Strange. Maybe some one clicked on "put off 1 bomb"
Regarding the use of APC, I know that the russian doctrine was to send BMP filled with shock troops on the front line, in order to breach the defences before the heavy armor arrived. This allowed the armor to exploit the breach at full effectiveness, but with quite heavy losses... But I believe that russkies didn't care On the other hand, their BMP or HAPC were far more protected than ours, because of this doctrine. If you look at the M113 or M2, you'll see that they are protected only against small arms, not AT weapons.
I think there are one or two at www.ofpec.com and/or ofp.gamezone.cz Check these sites for some scripts also: there are some that allow you to call for heli evac good luck
Would'nt it be nice to have planes, such as the Hercules, fighters and more, not for actual playing, which is pointless, but for goddamn cutscenes ??
Hi ! I believe it would be nice to see realistic inland terrain, such as a good all plain with cities, factories, etc... this means: not an island ! But I don't know if DEM is able to generate such things.
Hi ! Everybody except me knows about Conquest Is it a completely new game, or is it based on an existing engine ?
Well, I've got the impression that many russian vehicles were disadvantaged compared to US ones... I do know that russian technology is no match, whatever the timeline, but, to this point, I don't agree... Russian armor (I mean, vehicles' resistance) is pretty thick and tough ! What's the use of a russian vehicle, which is too weak, and not sticking to its real model ?
I can see that many of you are heading to a REAL dynamic battlefield... But, as you seem to say, isn't it one of the reasons of the failure of Microprose ? Spending millions in a single game system, which is fairly realistic BTW. Developping such a dynamic battlefield requires a whole team working full time on the project. Is BIS ready, or able, to do this ? Or do you really believe that third party programmers are gonna spend the time (obviously, w/o being paid for it ) ? I don't really know... It's a struggle between money and ingeniosity
This is very interesting, indeed. I thought of an option, that is worth being looked at... Maybe some of you remember, but back in 1994 a role playing game (RPG ) called Daggerfall came on our PC. The diversity in its quests and missions is tremendous, and the way they are generated maybe implemented here: there are important or main quests that the player may play, these are fully scripted, and that's why they are really interesting. and then, there are other quests, generated by the computer, relying on many factors. In fact they are just a customization of 'generic' quests, where many things could change. Thanks to this system, the game has an infinite replayability, cause quests took only 10 minutes to script. So there were some 100's of differents generic quests Do you think this may be done for OFP ? We would only have to script imortant missions, really treaky ones, with drama and a good story behind it, and then script a whole bunch of generic missions, the computer linking them together, according to where you are, how many,etc.. Hope this is an useful idea ?
>> Thats so easy i already got all >>that in my mod. What do you expect someone to >> make whatever you want, learn >>scripting and do it yourself if you really care? Well I know that some of you are able to do it, not really me... Right now I'm discovering C++ and how to draw curves, not how to modify files I don't even know how to read ! In fact, if other can tell me where to find tutorials, I shall go and have a look. I know Physics, Maths, Advanced Mechanic Science, not programming
Hello guys ! I'm looking for someone able to produce a mercenary MOD for OFP... If anyone knows... Cause I believe that the OFP engine is able to sustain such a MOD. The only addition will be to allow player to buy things, like weapons, soldiers, specialists, etc... I'm not looking for a new Soldier of Fortune, it stinks
From what I know, vehicles are mostly given camo nets, cos it's quicker to install and makes the vehicle harder to identify (breaking its lines and profile). But when winter comes, many units are given (or take) white paint that they put themselves on their vehicles. Just like the German army on the Eastern front, see the Tiger picture. The Finnish and Norwegians (is that it ?) armies have white camo net also. I saw a Leopard1 wearing one, green paint with large white spots covered by an all white net with leaves. And the effect is quite impressive. It gives the Leopard the look of strange beast. Anyway, every army has habits and traditions. Guess Russians are better prepared to winter fighting than other western armies (except the Scandinavians)