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Everything posted by MJM0771

  1. MJM0771

    Peripheral vision in ofp?

    NICE! Whats exactly what I had pictured in my mind! Hmmm... the next thing to figure out is how to get $23 grand! LOL!!! Seriously though, that would be awsome if those monitors were just a tad bit more affordable.
  2. MJM0771

    Peripheral vision in ofp?

    karynova - Good point. I dunno if it'll work anyway, cuz I think there may have to be a special video setting that would have to be implemented within OFP to ulitlize 3 separate monitors. Otherwise, there would be 3 monitors displaying the same exact thing, instead of the semi panaramic view. Oh well, just a thought. MJM
  3. MJM0771

    ACTION command Question...

    Anyone else wanna take a shot? I'm still stuck on this one.
  4. I'm wondering how to get all the AI soldiers in my squad to reload their weapons (or change their magazine) at a specified waypoint. (whether they need to or not) Thinking of the movie "Platoon" When Sgt. Barnes says "Saddle up... Lock and Load!!!" then you hear everyone in the squad loading their magazines. On the 'On Activation' field for the waypoint (or trigger) I put "<unitname> action ["magazine"]" I repeated this command for each AI player in my squad separated by a semi-colon. Didn't work... I also tried <unitname> action ["magazine", m16] <unitname> action ["magazine, m16"] but those don't work either. I got this info from Lusty's List of commands. Does anyone have any ideas? Much thanks in advance!
  5. MJM0771


    DKraver, Whats your email address? I'll send them to you. I think there's three kinds: streetlamp-white, red, and green.
  6. MJM0771

    ACTION command Question...

    Thanks for trying though!