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Everything posted by MDRZulu

  1. MDRZulu

    Bush and iraq?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yeah whatever. That is your political stand. I would be ashamed of it, but its a free world and you are entitled to your opinion.<span id='postcolor'> ? What is there to be ashamed of? The people in the ghettos are for the most part and, I do mean most, fucked up drugies living off our money who use taxpayer money to buy bagel bites and twinkies and then steal the rest. They are perfectly capable of supporting themselves if they would go get treatment or stop their drug abuse then start small getting crappy jobs and work their way up from being money leeching couch potatoes.
  2. MDRZulu

    Questions on the m243 saw

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I satisfied myself with plinking at a friends place with his .22 Ruger rifle, or my 30-30 <span id='postcolor'> Hey whater works, I used to have to use a slingshot and rocks some years back.
  3. MDRZulu

    Iron maiden

    I hate 80's rock music, shit I probably hate all music from the 80's. Are they one of those bands with the annoying ass girl voices screaming? I can't stand that garbage.
  4. MDRZulu

    Ballistic addon studios site updated

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Just because Cpt. Moore has made one doesn't mean others are welcome to try and possibly improve on what's out there. <span id='postcolor'> Definetely, I totally agree but I just thought it might be wasting time on your other addons because I was satisfied with Cpt. Moores. I wasn't telling you shouldn't make it and there is probably people who are satisfied with Cpt. Moores so go ahead.
  5. MDRZulu

    Questions on the m243 saw

    Is there anyway possible to borrow one from the army? Say you were on leave and wanted to take it home. Then you could go out in the woods and shoot whatever you want. Someone around where I live I have heard through rumors has an M-60 and I have heard something that might be one, just a ton of automatic fire that wasnt constant but it must have had a big magazine. It could have been a bunch of rednecks shooting at once for all I know and all guns I've shot/heard pretty much sound the same to me.
  6. MDRZulu

    Luke, i am your father....

    If its supposed to be for star wars then its called a light saber and they arent pointed either they are the same thickness all they way to the end where it stops.
  7. MDRZulu

    Ballistic addon studios site updated

    It all looks good but why are you making another littlebird, is it Capt Moores or are you making another? I still dont get why another one is being made but that looks a little on the too big side.
  8. MDRZulu

    Do you know ann coulter

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">For eight years, Clinton caused America to retreat in the face of terrorism. He used the best fighting force on the globe to build urinals in Bosnia. Eventually, he lobbed a few cruise missiles in the general vicinity of Islamic terrorists – but only in a desperate attempt to distract from his impeachment. <span id='postcolor'> I agree that Clinton retreated to terrorism. He was a pussy who shot like 5 missles at terrorist camps which I'm sure pissed them off more then ever. Then he didn't bother to finish them off just like he did in Somalia, leaving them pissed off and probably gaining support for future terrorist attacks. I dont think he did it to save himself from being impeached though. Building urinals in Bosnia? I dont get it but I dont really understand all that happened there so its over my head. This could be a little prejudice but what does a middle aged airhead richy rich blonde know about war? Shoulda sent that bitch to vietnam and she wouldnt have come home in a wheelchair she woulda came home in a box.
  9. MDRZulu

    Ofp r mission #3 -steal tanks

    This mission stopped me from playing the rest of the campaign but I beat it sort of. I just set the time to 4x and walked around so I could attack it from the south I beleive then I slowed the time back to normal and had my squad go run to their death to take most of the fire while I ran into a T-72. All of my squad and the backup driver guys died so I just shot the rpg soldier and a few others then I hauled ass towards the end of the llevel church place, make sure you haul ass because a helicopter will shoot at you a little bit. When I got there I oddly had all of the tanks.
  10. MDRZulu

    One swedish made

    This is a little offtopic even for offtopic but I watched the first Austin Powers today and I wondered about the Swedish made Penis enlarger (that sort of thing isnt his bag baby) and they always say Swedish made. Is Sweden famous for these things? or did Mike Meyers just make that crap up. If you are from Sweden I'm thinking there is a good chance you have seen Austin Powers and if you did it might not have been funny.
  11. MDRZulu

    Die another day!

    They gotta be able to sound british atleast, matt damon cant do that.
  12. MDRZulu

    One swedish made

  13. MDRZulu

    why did you use your username

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Capt. Benjiman Willard(Charlie Sheen) <span id='postcolor'> Not that this matters but it was Martin Sheen, Charlie Sheen's father.
  14. MDRZulu

    Wwii mod

    WOW! Invasion 1944 made a panzershreck, it better be as good as resistance since it took them about just as long to make it.
  15. MDRZulu

    Most underrated movies

    I thought Office Space was underated, I dont remeber seeying any commercials for it. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i hope you are not talking about the one with PAtrick Swayze as a highschool student fighting against Russian invaders in US territory.... <span id='postcolor'> Is that what that movie is called? the one where alot of the time Hinds are after them . I liked that movie, whats wrong with it ralph?
  16. MDRZulu

    Attention coders! can this be done

    I dont think I understand what you mean because my answer is the same as snoopy's, cant you just put one law in it?
  17. MDRZulu

    Fixing my textures

    Ok I think I fixed this problem, first I downloaded the newest detonator drivers (may or may not need to do this), then the more important part I downloaded a program called rivatuner which can be found HERE. Then I went into the driver settings part and selected the directx/direct 3d button. I then set my Mipmapping LOD setting to -3. Then this is what actually made a difference, I went to the textures tab and put my degree of anisotropy at force level 8. When I played resistance it was amazing how much better the ground looked, it actually makes me want to play it much more. I can now see the stripes on the runway with 2000m viewdistance and they are crystal clear the whole way down. I dont think alot of people mess with this setting but if you do its definetly worth it.
  18. MDRZulu

    Fixing my textures

    In all of my games my textures are very detailed up close but the further you look the more blurry they become. I have a Gf4 4200. For D3d I am using 2x anti-aliasing, MIP map on best quality, fog table emulation enabled (whatever that is), and my texel allignment is at 3. This must be some sort of setting because my Voodoo 5 barely did this. Sorry I cant get a screenshot from ofp because it isnt letting me take screens anymore but an example would be standing on a runway and 10m up you can see a section of slightly blurry texture, then 20m up from that its even more blurry and so on and so until I cant even see the stripe in the runway anymore. This might belong in troubleshooting but since it is in all my games I put it here.
  19. MDRZulu

    Pc temp 72 degrees

    I got my ge force 4 and now my cpu (athlon 1.33 ghz) temp while playing game will got to atleast 72 degrees celsius. I dont know much about how hot it can get but seems hotter than hell. It used to get to about 60 max which I didnt worry too much about. Im a poor bastard and Im not gonna buy some expensive orb fan or water cooling shit. My plans atleast one big hole in the case with a duct going to the cpu fan (probably made from cardboard) so that it is getting an outside fresh air source. I took the sides off for now but its still hot. Anyone have any homade suggestions?
  20. MDRZulu

    Bell jetranger?

    Id like to see the 206L Long Ranger.
  21. Better cop cars Im starting to see more are some sort of volvo, it looks awesome, Chevy Impalas, and camaroes.
  22. MDRZulu


    Oh well we all know Denoir is just jealous because he can't pull a 720 in jeep himself.
  23. MDRZulu

    Fixing my textures

    Maybe this is just something gay about D3d because I always used glide on voodoo and it never did this.
  24. MDRZulu

    Fixing my textures

    Also my trees textures are really crappy and some bushes are keeping their crappy texture no matter how close I get to them. Looks similar to this guys screen, can you see how it gets all blurry after the immediate area where the player is. Could be something to do with MIP mapping here is pic from Fs98 showing the differences, that is alot like what my ofp is doing.
  25. MDRZulu

    Girl shot for winning game

    What a retard.