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Everything posted by MDRZulu

  1. MDRZulu

    Delta Force ?

    I was wondering if anyone around here could tell me a little about Delta Force. What branch are they out of? Is there anything higher rated in the US? What are they doing now days? All I know is they are counter-terrorist spec ops that I hear are very very good. I saw Black Hawk Down the other day and I was wondering.
  2. MDRZulu

    Paintball sniper rifle

    A friend and I want to construct a paintball sniper rifle for some reason. We know very little about paintball guns and how they work. We basically want to buy a gun that costs no more that $100 and modify it with the rest all homemade parts. So if you know anything about paintball guns try to answer some of these questions and remember we dont want to buy any other manufactured parts. 1. The hardest part, how can we make an extended barrell that is the right radius, is there any metal orplastic piping that is the size of paintballs. 2. what is the standard radius of a paintball barrell. 3. How can we increase the velocity a bit without breaking the ball and 4. how can we increase the accuracy. 5. Any accessories you would reccomend like a bipod, certain type of stock etc. And dont say you cant do it because we are going to try to do it anyway so it will just be a waste of your time to say that. Ok thankyou to whoever helps me out.
  3. MDRZulu

    Leaving ofp

    Yeah well you know how it goes people are starting to not play ofp anymore and I am one of them. I just dont feel like playing it anymore and bf1942 is really fake but its way more fun and its easy actually get into an online game. Since I'm leaving I might as well get banned so I left something for you guys (especially denoir). meooooooooooow meeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooow
  4. MDRZulu

    Leaving ofp

    I know its an ugly kitten but dont be scared.
  5. MDRZulu

    Leaving ofp

    I made the window really small so I didnt have to look at it.
  6. MDRZulu

    New mod

    That sure is a different island.
  7. MDRZulu

    Mafia guys

    Get the H&K pack, they made some sort of mafia units but not with the guns you want.
  8. MDRZulu

    Bush is pushing too far

    You wont see me say this much but it looks like he is loosing it to me. Most of the people I know think that he is going a bit crazy also and they dont trust him.
  9. http://geocities.com/jeffkissick/GCS0002.jpg http://geocities.com/jeffkissick/GCS0010.jpg (copy and paste the url to browser window. Geocities do not allow hotlinking) I havent figured out how to get the handgun to shoot where the gun is pointing yet and the house needs a little retexturing and I will be done with these 2 things. Edit by Ralph. took links out. and made them plain texts so that ppl can copy and paste it to a browser window.
  10. MDRZulu

    Colt 1911 and static house

    Ill move the hammer. As for the site picture I guess I can use the beretta, the problem isnt knowing what it looks like so much its more of whenever I try to make an optics texture it gets really messed up ingame.
  11. MDRZulu

    Koenigsegg cc

    Cool, so did you import it from 3dmax or make it in 02. Me, I have troubles makeing even a square in o2.
  12. MDRZulu

    Colt 1911 and static house

    No I dont think the the ak-47 ones would work, I could use those for my thompson though. The textures on my thompson dont look good at all though so Im not happy with it.
  13. MDRZulu

    Don't do this at home...

    my computer sounds like a vacuum cleaner. I cut a hole in the side a put a drier tube to the cpu fan and that made it really loud and I also have my power supply sitting outside next to my case and on top of that my case has about 200 holes in it.
  14. MDRZulu

    Good 'ol days of 8 bit and 16 bit video games

    I used to have duckhunt and mario on graphing calculator so I had something to do at school.
  15. MDRZulu

    Favorite music video

    Only pennywise song I've heard is fuck authority and I liked it. One of my favorite videos is Korn - Freak on a leash. It doesnt look as cool now days with even better cgi.
  16. If I kill someone with the colt 1911 I made and then pick it up the weapon model doesnt appear in my hands on the inside or outside view, also the memory points are different. What did I do wrong?
  17. If I kill someone with the colt 1911 I made and then pick it up the weapon model doesnt appear in my hands on the inside or outside view, also the memory points are different. What did I do wrong?
  18. MDRZulu

    Editing new pistols / sidearms?

    My 1911 is almost done just a few things need to be fixed here and there Link
  19. MDRZulu

    Colt 1911 and static house

    I need someone to make the optics (ironsite) and then It will be just about done.
  20. MDRZulu

    Gif file requirements

    can someone quickly tell me what size/colors/other crap a gif file must be at to work in ofp because I am having some trouble with one right now.
  21. can someone quickly tell me what size/colors/other crap a gif file must be at to work in ofp because I am having some trouble with one right now.
  22. MDRZulu

    Go here and vote for ofp....

    Shit your a mod now Ralph, does this mean you wont brown-nose anymore?
  23. MDRZulu

    Gif file requirements

    ah multiples of 64 that would be why one my textures isn't working, thx Vixer.
  24. MDRZulu

    Gif file requirements

    ah multiples of 64 that would be why one my textures isn't working, thx Vixer.
  25. MDRZulu

    Importing .3ds models problems

    What might be the problem if I did all the stuff you said zadwar and the textures dont work in game. They show up in bulldozer and look just right but in game its just a big white untextured blob.