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Everything posted by MDRZulu

  1. MDRZulu

    Uh-1 huey

    I dont give a fuck if it had 9 blades its a damn huey in OFP!
  2. MDRZulu

    Uh-1 huey

    hmm yeah its a little short, maybe that tail rotar is the one from the blackhawk or something and he couldnt put another one on. Thats why the cobra model would have been good, I dont remember it in the demo though.
  3. MDRZulu

    New island!

    Timmy a negative lod is better supposebly, FSAA means full screen anti aliasing I think so pretty much anti-aliasing.
  4. MDRZulu

    Uh-1 huey

    I believe ya, Thats awesome for the fuselage and tail boom all that is perfect. When you figure the rest out it will be awesome. Also its probably a little bit late for this info but the Ah-1 cobra was built on the same frame, rotars, gears and all that so the rotars should be in the correct spots if you had used that model, but you'll probably figure it out.
  5. MDRZulu

    New island!

    Damn Satchel that apache looks finished to me. Ill "Test" it for you if you mail it to [email protected]
  6. MDRZulu


    *WARNING**WARNING**WARNING**WARNING**WARNING* Don't get Jim's Sound mod, it sucks soo bad its not even funny. Perhaps it might be a little bit funny but dont get it. Only under one condition should you get it, and that is if you are depressed and need a laugh. I wasted my time getting 20mb. If by some chance you want to see what I mean I got it from ofp.cz
  7. MDRZulu


    RAZAK did you make it or something it actually degrades the original sound. I do go shooting every now and then and though I have never fired a m-60 I know it doesnt sound near to what the mod made it sound like, I still hold my comment saying it sounds like a cheesy silencer from possibly a chuck norris commando movie or something. I dont know if satchels sounds were realistic or not (the m16 and ak's sounded pretty realistic) but they sure as hell made me want to play ofp more because they improved the quality of the game. Jims sound mod is crap
  8. MDRZulu


    I hope you didnt mean the m-60 and pk sound, they sound like a cheap silenced smg from 007 or something.
  9. Im some what of a flight sim junky too, not to mention I would fly around malden with the blackhawk every day in the demo. Choppers in ofp are easy as hell to fly I wish they were more like FS2002. I dont fly with gunners its just dumb. Nothing pisses me off more than when I line my cannon up and get back into the pilot seat to find out some tard is now in the gunner seat and fucked my cannon alignment up. I get pissed and tell them to get out and if they dont I just leave it there becuase im better of on the ground than with a gunner.
  10. MDRZulu

    A10/su25 loudness

    Benze why do you make things up?
  11. MDRZulu

    ?view distance?

    it sucks only being able to see 500m, I have a 1 ghz and I can run 2000m fine.
  12. MDRZulu

    Bis, will resistance have .... trains?

    Is there any set date for resistance? Im buying it for sure.
  13. MDRZulu

    Bis, will resistance have .... trains?

    Is there any set date for resistance? Im buying it for sure.
  14. MDRZulu

    Is flashpoint a recruiting tool ?

    I'd shoot someone, especially if they pissed me off and it wasn't illegal to do so. However, I'm only 16 that could change.
  15. MDRZulu

    How many of u like the "plane"

    Its cool if you want to do some flight simming or look for a good spot to make a mission. But its way too touchy and it stalls with almost any angle of climb unless you have the flaps out.
  16. MDRZulu

    Seagull spies

    Or just make it so you can shoot the seaguls, if one talks blow it out of the sky.
  17. MDRZulu

    Setting view distance

    I know nothing about coding or anything but there has to be a way to make setviewdistance a bigger number other than doing it in the mission editor. I want to be able to see that far in all the games, 2000-3000 seems like a good distance.
  18. MDRZulu

    8 amazing pictures of what you can do...

    Guess my instructions were clear judging by the first pic. I dont know how I find stuff like that out. I screw around more than half the time im playing ofp just messing with the engine.. its a blast. At the cliffs in malden get a jeep and you can land a full 540 rotation! Most people have probably done this but to get on roofs hover a chopper over the roof and bail, then you got yourself a nice sniping spot. To land the A-10 upside down put the gear out and flip it inverted and just land it (gotta have a joystick). If you crash the chinook just right on a hill you can get and walk on the fuselage if you use the rear rotar shaft thing where the engines are. Ive done more than just that but I cant think of it all right now.
  19. MDRZulu

    8 amazing pictures of what you can do...

    You can land on the pad, you sorta go right in the middle of it or it falls threw. I have only tried it with a cobra. It always bounces a little, the best i have gotten it is to just wobble a little bit. You can then get out and get off the pad if you go towards the front.
  20. MDRZulu

    Why do they even have the lst

    Try this for fun! Just put an lst in the ocean, then get a blackhawk and fly perpendicular to it in a hover, get real low to the water and ram the lst so it is sorta on top of your rotars, then apply full torque and you can pick it up and lift it into the sky. I did this once and got it about 800m up and dropped it. It looks cool.
  21. MDRZulu

    Setting view distance

    Dayglow, if you think that will work then go for it. If you have the time and patience sounds like it might be hard. That would be great if you got one to work though, I'm sure many people would enjoy being able to see where they are on the islands.
  22. MDRZulu

    Setting view distance

    exactly Wobble, you hit it right on the spot.
  23. MDRZulu

    Setting view distance

    Well maybe someone could make a program that sets the view distance automatically to your missions. If you changed your mp missions would it redownload them and set it back when you played?
  24. MDRZulu

    How do you bomb accurately with a10 lgb?

    Just get some altitude on your attack run and point your nose down a bit and let 2 go and hope they hit. If you keep doing that you will know when you have to release them but it still isnt very effective.
  25. MDRZulu

    Setting view distance

    There has to be some genius coder who can figure it out.