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Everything posted by mrakos2005

  1. mrakos2005

    GF Vegetation Replacement Script - Mod

    Sorry to bump an old thread - trying to get this working for Chernarus_2035, but only to replace the trees on Utes island. At the moment its trying to replace whole map which causes Arma to crash. I would think setting up a marker covering the area I want to be affected would be the way to go but how do I reference this? Cheers!
  2. mrakos2005

    Trees classnames and Replacement script

    @Maff Thanks for the reply - as far as I can see, the enableSimulationGlobal command is already implemented within George's script. Have to admit its all a little above my pay grade!
  3. mrakos2005

    Trees classnames and Replacement script

    Hi George, I've been using the script and its great but when I replace the trees on Utes map, they become indestructible - like even a tank can not knock them over. Do you know of a way to fix this please?
  4. Bump, sorry guys! Would anybody here have an idea on how to make a vehicle locked but only for a player who is currently carrying a flag (CTF mission)?
  5. Thanks very much for all your help - just what I needed!!!
  6. Awesome, thanks! What about having the dogs respawn after a certain amount of time has passed, like some new dogs move in to replace any my players have killed? Trigger repeat or loop etc?
  7. Hi and thanks for the quick fix! Could you please explain if there's anything particular I need to do with the trigger locality for it to work properly in a self hosted mp mission - like trigger "server only" tickbox (in editor) or remoteExec instead of execVM? Sorry if this seems obvious but I am learning ;¬)
  8. I know this thread is OLD but I had the same issue in understanding how to get Larrow's brilliant "overRide_VA_templates" script to work. After some noob head scratching I realized (eventually) that you don't have to create a whitelist file, it just works off what's already inside the box ie. what contents you, as the mission designer have put inside the ammo box (I used 3den editor's Inventory Manager for that part). Just make sure the folder "LARs" is placed in your mission root folder. The next hurdle (for me) was getting the class CfgFunctions part right. I did it like this in description.ext: respawn=3; respawnButton = 1; enableTeamSwitch = 1; respawndelay=5; respawnDialog = 1; respawnOnStart = -1; disabledAI = 1; aiKills = 0; briefing = 1; debriefing = 1; showHUD = 1; showGPS = 0; showCompass = 1; showMap = 1; showNotePad = 0; showWatch = 1; showUAVFeed = 0; showSquadRadar = 0; joinUnassigned = 1; skipLobby = 0; Saving = 0; // Functions #include "LARs\override_VA_templates\settings.hpp" class CfgFunctions { #include "LARs\override_VA_templates\functions\functions.hpp" the rest of your classes here....
  9. Hi and thanks for your reply BUT this is exactly what I did - placed the trigger etc as per the readme... still I have the error.
  10. Hi, I'm getting an error with this... been scratching my head for hours but I have to admit defeat! vDogFeral.sqf, line 311 Error Params: Type Array, expected Number Any ideas? I haven't changed any of your code, just trying to use in my mission. Cheers Guys!
  11. mrakos2005

    QGIS Game terrain tools

    Great tool, just what I've been looking for! One request - could you add a feature providing more control over the size of the generated [scratch-layer] polygon please? Reason is I'm struggling to place the polygon "box" over the island I'm trying to build (is surrounded by other islands)... Thanks very much in advance ;¬) Ok, thanks, will try that...
  12. mrakos2005

    QGIS Game terrain tools

    Great tool, just what I've been looking for! One request - could you add a feature providing more control over the size of the generated [scratch-layer] polygon please? Reason is I'm struggling to place the polygon "box" over the island I'm trying to build (is surrounded by other islands)... Thanks very much in advance ;¬)
  13. Hi gents, just tried this and can confirm is working great apart from not saving a chute that I added to one of sab's ww2 planes... the pylons are saved though. Many thanks for doing this!
  14. I know this thread is old but... I was also having the LOD popping issue with grass/bushes/trees on all the CUP terrains (I play on Utes mostly). My issue was solved not by messing with my nVIDIA GTX 1070's settings (although I tried that) but by using the Cherno 2035 terrain instead. Instant improvement! I'm no longer experiencing any ugly popping of grass etc and am running between 50 - 60 FPS on my custom made 24 player CTF sessions. Hope this helps somebody ;¬) https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1113631358
  15. I don't know if I'm covering old ground here but...the black load screen issue with Vista 64bit / 4 gb RAM - The ONLY way I can get the game to run is by dropping back my nvidia driver to version 1.54. I tried all afternoon with various "fixes" (including -maxmem=256), removing sticks of RAM etc etc. If anybody else is still struggling with this one - just use the older nvidia driver - it works! PLEASE let's turn the heat on nvidia to produce a fix!!! Quad core G0 stepping CPU 2.4Ghz (no o/c) 8800GTX 768MB 4GB ballistix RAM Vista ultimate 64 bit