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Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

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Everything posted by Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

  1. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    Portable Target Range

    Hi, I was wondering if this could be adapted for use with the "Real Artillery". ie Engaging at distances up to 14 Kilometers. If I had another player to play with I wouldn't need anything like this, but since I'm playing by myself in the editor I need to be able to spot my hits somehow. I've tried to use your target range and just add the artillery piece. Actually, I'll simplify what I'm asking. I'm definitely not very script savvy, so how can I use your bullet cam script with the artillery piece? Regards, Tracy
  2. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    Tank Fire Control Systems

    I didn't see anything about it, but is there any news on using XAM 1.4 and your tank mod? So far the only way I've gotten your mod to show up properly (The moving red reticule and such) is to put your addon in the XAM folder and remove the XAM_Veh addon, which got the reticule working, but removed the loadout and therefore the ammo. I really like XAM for taking screenshots and single player infantry, but the only way to play tanks is with your mod. Please, please, please... *Bows to your glory* Example Regards, Tracy
  3. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    6th sense or XAM ?

    Sickboy, if you can, please do write up that tutorial for sound modding, I've wanted to for a while, but haven't been able to find good information for doing so. Regards, Tracy
  4. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    Extended Init Event Handler

    Ah ok. Actually, it seems to work anyway, now I can use the Sight Adjustment mod simply after putting your pbo(s) in the Addons folder. So thanks!
  5. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    XAM 1.3 Released

    Thanks froggyluv. There's even a seperate .pbo that's for gmjamez SightAdjustment mod included with Solus' addon. Thanks much man.
  6. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    Extended Init Event Handler

    I'm probably just being stupid, but how exactly do you use this? Particularly in regards to gmjamez Sight Adjustment V0.4 Beta and XAM 1.3. Thanks in advance for your help. Regards, Tracy
  7. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    XAM 1.3 Released

    Hello, not sure if I should ask here, but gmjamez isn't responding. I really want to keep using XAM 1.3 But I would also like to use gmjamez Sight Adjustment mod, since that would allow me to actually hit things at a thousand meters with the Barret consistently and without using the thick black bar at the bottom of the scope. And since gmjamez isn't responding, I was curious if you knew what caused the Sight Adjustment mod to not work, and if you knew how to fix it. Thanks in advance for any help. One other thing, is there any way I can disable the custom XAM explosions for tanks and such? I really like how they look, but it sacrifices too many frame rates for me to still want them. Eye candy is awesome, but not at the cost of performance. Thank you for any help or even just kind words. Regards, Tracy
  8. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    Realistic Ballistics

    Great mod, it's nice to see someone this dedicated to realism. Anyway, I was curious. I see the .303 British is on the list as a round to find out information for, I was just wondering what you would use the ballistic info for? Is there an addon that puts in a 303 British into ArmA?
  9. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    SightAdjustment (windage+elevation)

    Hello all, I'm quite impressed with what this mod is doing, and I use NonWonderDog's realistic ballistics, so I figured I'd use this too. I would like to be able to hit things at a mile while using the Mil-Dots, not the black peg. But I also use XAM 1.3 English. I saw the XAM incompatibility on things to look into, but I was wondering what's going on with that and if anyone else has gotten it to work with XAM and NonWonderDog's addon at the same time. Thanks for your help, I really like XAM and NonWonderDog's mod, and I'd like to keep using them, but I would like this addon too, so any help is appreciated. Regards, Brett
  10. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    Chammys Sound Mod

    Yeah I noticed the odd echo sound when I listened to it really closely, that's why I was wondering if they could be merged with other sounds. Individually adjusted for volume and then put together with the loud shot part playing over the first and then the echo playing underneath it so that you hear the big boom and then the echo. Cause I know when I'm shooting the M4 it's loud as hell, and then a light echo comes, it's not all the same volume at all. And when my dad's shooting the 6.5 with a muzzle break (Pretty much what the 308 sounds like without a muzzle break) it's a REALLY big boom and then the echo, I know it says you haven't got to work on the sound adjusting yet. It's just that I'm impressed with the echo part, that sounds nice, but the initial shot is so quiet compared to what it is when I shoot. And that's with earplugs. I don't even want to know what it's like without ear protection. My right ear still sounds funny from being around an M4 without the earplugs. Also, I'm trying to get ahold of the rights to use sounds from the Insurgency mod for Half Life 2, since that takes place in Irag and such, where the towns are much like some of the ones in ArmA, they have wonderful RPG7, RPK, M9, SAW (With belt sounds) and Makarov sounds. And one M4 sound set that doesn't have the odd echo of the first from the CSS mod. What's nice about the Insurgency mod is that it also has mag entry, mag release, bolt back, bolt release, slides for pistols, all the reload sounds for the RPG and M203, the fire mode selector, all the noises for the SAW; Belt in, belt out, bolt back/forward, empty, and opening the top. The belt noises include the noise of the brass. Regards, Tracy
  11. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    Chammys Sound Mod

    Great sounds, love em. Other than the aforementioned quietness compared to the rest of the world, they sound really good. I was curious though if I could bother you on how to put my own custom sounds in for ArmA, not replace any of your sounds or anything, just test them out to see how they sound in game. I looked around but couldn't find anything telling me how, maybe I'm just not looking right. I didn't want to ask you to put the sounds in game and then send a video showing how they sounds so I figured I'd just ask how. On another note, I gained permission to use gunshot sounds recorded with high quality mics for a Counter Strike Source mod, which I extended to Predator, but he didn't seem to want them. These were the sounds I wished to try out, anyway, I was wondering if there was any way to merge them with your existing sounds, so there was the echo from the shot being in a large open area, but still have the sounds you'd hear being the guy behind the stock. Here's the link: http://halflife2.filefront.com/file....s;74302 It has many of the weapons in ArmA. Just thought I'd extend the invitation to you. The owner of the sounds gave me full permission to use/let use the sounds in whatever I felt like. Thanks for readin' the spiel. Two thumbs up for your work.
  12. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais


    First off, you guys have just achieved rockstar status in terms of ArmA modding. Second, thank you for this wonderful mod, especially the fact that one is allowed to see around the edges of the Acog, ever since Red Orchestra, that is one thing I've looked for in 'Realism Games'. And the last thing, could I possibly request a particular mission for conversion to the Switzerland Mod? Or possibly request some directions towards how to do so? I still haven't quite figured out how to get existing missions in the Editor, or how to set up the ability to select different weapons at startup. Links to tutorials would be quite welcome. Anyway, the mission I'm speaking of is Night Strike: Saboteur. Thanks for the Add-On no matter what. mrcheetos; You have to press F and then reload, or reload then press F, I don't remember which. I had the same issue. Got frustrated and pressed keys one by one and found that out.
  13. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Oh no, don't worry about it. I completely understand the need for balance. It isn't like WWII (Referring mainly to Red Orchestra Ostfront 41-45) where being realistic doesn't make a single tank becomes overly uber. But maybe there could be a little minimod simply for editor purposes. Maybe seperate? Or you could point me to a place that could teach me how to myself. I'm kind of illiterate when it comes to mod making. I do however, like to amuse myself making AI kick the crap out of each other. And it's annoying sometimes that I can't recreate real world tank battles, cause the opfor actually has a tank capable of taking on an Abrams. I suppose I can just pretend they got their hands on advanced tank ammunition capable of penetrating reactive armor. There was a book with that plot once. A 'what if Saddam had Anti-Abrams rounds', don't remember what it's called. I wouldn't even mention this if I had Steel Beasts Pro PE. But alas, I don't have a 130$ to spend on a tank simulator. Would be so cool... Edit: Thanks for the tip on the Bradley. Looking now. W00t! 25MM Ownage.
  14. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Course, if you've got the time, you can always just read the entire thing, it's not too bad on the eyes. That's what I did before I posted anything, I always try to read, otherwise I get yelled at... Anyway. Pred, have you been able to listen to those sounds I found? The author doesn't have any issues regarding the use of them. And they're the highest quality recordings for AK's, M4's, M16's, and SAW's I've found. Oh, and a question regarding your future Config version for 1.07 when it's finalized. Do you have any way to make the M1A1 and T-72 "real"? As in no T-72 is at all likely to kill an Abrams from the front, or even the side. Even if it's just a little hotfix. I really like how realistic ArmA is in most regards, but as a tank lover, that just plain bothers me. The turret disabling and track disabling I understand, just not the destruction of an Abrams. My Dad was talking about how there was an Abrams stuck in the mud, trying to get itself out when 3 (I think) T-72 or T-80s crested a hill and sighted them in. The Abrams was facing them though, and the Abrams got every one of em, taking multiple hits and barely getting a scratch. (God I love how fast a trained loader is.) On a side note, just where is the Bradley in this game? It's lack of inclusion just confuses me, it's not like it hasn't been around for a while...
  15. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Actually, we have a muzzle break, so recoil is diminished. But I have shot a standard M4 and the kick wasn't much more. Just about that of the QDS Comp M4 in Arma.
  16. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Hey Pred, don't know if you're interested or not, but here's some footage of me shooting our M4. If you crank the volume you can kind of hear the way the gun actually sounds. It was recorded on a handheld digi camera with a 2 minute video recorder so quality commited suicide. YouTube M4 Corner Drill Oh, and what were your thoughts on the Real Recorded Gunshots? I love the way they sound when I'm playing CSS. Some are kinda overly full of bass though. (That could just be how much I cranked the bass on my subwoofer for Red Orchestra Artillery though...)
  17. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    The author of the sounds I posted recently just relayed his permission for use of any and all sounds from any of his 'Real Recorded Gunshots' mod. If you could compile a list of weapons you would like to get high quality recording for I can ask about getting them recorded, though I can't guarantee results. Edit: He would like to be credited for anything used though. The name he used for the mod was 'jclewis'.
  18. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    I might have found some people that can help you with recordings, they did a sound mod for Counter Strike a while back, in which they recorded all the guns with high quality equipment. (And yes, you can listen to the sounds without having CS:S) http://halflife2.filefront.com/file....s;74302 It's only 3 megs, so I figure you can download it to see if you like the way they sound. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to get into contact with them. I will however, keep trying. It doesn't sound like much at low volumes, but crank it up a little and it's pretty cool. Unfortunately, the sounds mostly only come in single shot, so I wasn't able to tell how they'd sound in full or burst.
  19. Lt. Tracy 30MikeMike Matthais

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Alright, first off, I'm new here. Second off, absolutely quality work, keep it coming. Now then, in the morning my father and and I are going down to our shooting range. Technically it'll be in a few hours since it's already 0200. Anyway, while we do not have high quality recording equipment, we do have a B. 92FS, along with a Taurus 9mil and an M-4 with which to compare your sounds, both shot reports and reloads. I'll try to record some of our shooting, maybe we'll get lucky and there'll be a quality one. My father has also had experience with the 240Bravo and the M107, along with a few AK's and a DShKa (Spelling?). I'll try to get him to sit down and listen to the weapons and vehicles so he can give some thoughts on it. (He was impressed with the helicopters.) Our M-4 won't be very reliable for sound though, it's got a muzzle break on it, so it's a little, eh, different sounding. And that's it, Guten Nacht, actually Morgen. P.S. I swear ModWar Arma becomes so much cooler when you crank the surround sound to the point where you have to put in earplugs. God help you if you're near a Shilka though. Tracy Out