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Posts posted by LeftSkidLow

  1. It's working fine for me for both planes and choppers. I tried mapping it to thrust/brake (analogue) but that actually gave me digital controls. Try mapping it to the normal thrust/brake and it works fine (0-50 being brake and 50-100 thrust).

    Actually, it seems like its working in both for me as well, I didnt remap anything I just ran the game after the patch.

    EDIT: Nevermind it doesn't work, I was being dumb, I have the same problems as the OP.

  2. Has anyone else noticed the dramatically decreased pitch up/down and roll rates in the helicopters. I find myself flying the UH-60 like its ARMA1 and the damn thing can't even hold altitude sometimes in a steep turn, or negotiate trees and power lines at low level and high speed.

    Is this realistic... absolutely not! First of all you don't really need much aft cyclic to hold the nose up when turning a helicopters compared to fixed wing. I have accepted this fact as a limitation to engine but now having a less responsive helicopter makes its a lot harder to accept.

    The other reason this isn't realistic is that if you yanked in full aft cyclic to the stops in a helicopter, its going to respond so fast you will be upside down in the blink of an eye and probably be missing your tail boom.

    So why was this changed? It was OK in ArmA1, sure it makes the helicopters a little more twitchy but thats realistic and I most arma players are here because of realism.

  3. Seriously if they went through the effort to apply this to fixed wing, I'd imagine its not too much of a stretch to do it for helicopters. I think its just we bitched so much about with airplanes but we meant it would be greatly appreciated for helicopters as well.

  4. I can understand it with faster aircraft because the wing is designed to be low lift, like a fighters wing is pretty low lift so that induced drag won't slow it down. It makes sense with a wing like that you would need flaps for takeoff.

  5. I've always been taught by various instructors with different teaching styles to use 10° flaps at all times when taking off except in heavy headwind or crosswind situations that affect the aircraft more with flaps down.

    Then again I've never taken off on 10000ft. runways (only 5000ft. at the most IIRC). I've never heard of a reason why NOT to use 10° flaps for takeoff for a/c such as the 152/172 because it makes a world of a difference in takeoff distance, especially when you have a heavy passenger.

    Apologies for saying you didn't know what you were talking about, but I can't think of a reason why your instructors taught you not to use flaps for conventional takeoff...never heard of that before in my career.

    I have a PPL ASEL, and CFI Rotorcraft, I rarely used flaps on takeoff in a Piper Cherokee. Most of my time is in helicopters but for whatever reason my instructor never had me use flaps unless it was a short field takeoff. I've also had better luck ingame with the C-130 ingame without flaps on takeoff. All aircraft in arma respond terrible at low speeds.

  6. For AH-64 i got alot sounds that will be np ,but for Mi-28 i have not much and not good quality. I dunno why on youtube ,theres no good video with mi28 , i founded some 2 ,but sound quality is very low :(

    You're probably gonna have to do what I did with my mod, find the helicopter with the closest rotor system and engines to the mi-28 and use that. I bet you it doesn't sound that much different than an mi-24.

  7. How can you guys consider it a cheat, 19 out of 20 servers are coop evo or domination. Who cares if one player hears a little louder tank, its all against AI anyway. And saying it will rob resources on your server..... wtf??? The server doesn't need to run the mod, it's just a small key allowing clients to play with specific PBO files. It doesn't open doors for cheaters, if they change the downloaded PBO in any way, the verification wont work.

    If you aren't allowing signed addons for at least VOP mod, your server is missing out on a lot of players and they aren't cheaters. Somehow this became worse with Arma2, everyone is afraid to use this feature, if they even know it exists. Do your homework admins and get off the freaking mods are cheats bandwagon. Mods will make or break this game, it simply won't last as vanilla, look at OFP and ArmA1, they are only still around because of mods.

  8. If you got kicked from the Charlie Foxtrot server it was because:

    1) You Tkd

    2) You decided to take a Helo for a joy ride without transporting any troops and decided to dump it leaving no transport at base.

    3) You were shooting all around the base

    There would have been repeated warnings like 'Hey Joe, we already have a pilot running taxi, please leave that MH60 as a backup and jump in that one' (-off goes joe in his empty MH60). In some cases they will say, 'I wanna run a taxi too' and that usually fine.

    We make no apoligies for being tough on players, you need to be at this stage. Only 1 guy can ruin a game for lots of people. Having said that the 100 or so players who join us every night dont mind that as it means they get as good and clean game as is possible with an open server. Many of them return night after night so we must be doing something right.

    None of the above actually, me and another player were asking why addons were disabled on CF. The admin said some ridiculous stuff like VOP messes with hitboxes? So we were debating that and he decided to kick us, absolutely no warning whatsoever. I'll never go back.

  9. I don't understand why so many servers don't allow mods, it seems arma admins whether its arma1 or 2, either they know how to disable addons completely or they allow anything. How about using the signed addon feature guys? What do you have to lose by allowing VOP, especially on dedicated coop servers.

    I've run into so many jerk admins as well, you are either in their clan or you are a mindless noob who gets kicked if you make a suggestions or get in a vehicle the admin wanted (ie SEALZ, Charliefoxtrot, etc)... usually right after they say "go back to bf2 noob".

    There are just some terrible admins on power trips which is nothing new to gaming, but in arma2 they are running the more populated servers. Also some of the less desirable admins' knowledge of the game is astounding, Voice IP isn't lagging you! It's the complex missions like evo and domi with tons of information that's sent to new players connecting.

    There are some servers on the right track with fair admins, but they don't seem to be the popular ones for the most part.

  10. In real life.....the only unit in the US that uses the AH-6 is the Army's 160th SOAR, so cost has nothing to do with it. It probably has more to do with its a small, very reconfigurable helicopter, that fits easily on a C-130 so it can be deployed easily on a moments notice. I'd guess it's designed to give maximum amount of firepower to special forces in a small, relatively quiet platform that can work closer with the troops than an MH-60 or AH-64.... also part interchangeability with the MH-6 probably doesn't hurt.

    Ingame.... it kind sucks because 1 bullet can make your engine fail.
