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Everything posted by Lepardi

  1. Lepardi

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    HD4850 for about 190 USD. Why bother with the 9800GTX?
  2. Lepardi

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Yes there are, the promised features:
  3. Lepardi

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    I'd say pretty much like that. GRID had render trailers too, and the game looks almost just like the render trailers.
  4. Lepardi

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    So you're saying that HD4xxx series isn't a serious competitor? Outperforms every nvidia card in it's class. And there's HD4870x2 coming out in August, and it will outperform nvidias fastest GTX280.
  5. Lepardi

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    HiFi 1.5 Warfare will be something like "HiFiFX for Close Quarters Battle areas" version (best used in cities) It will be changeable by an alternative config file What.. is there two different versions? Why so?
  6. Lepardi

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Now tell me, how the hell does the choice of the enemy make it a BF2 clone? OFP 2 and BF2 has nothing incommon, Bf2 is an buggy arcade shooter, OFP2 will be a military simulation. Damn, how can someone even think OFP2 is a BF2 clone?
  7. Lepardi

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    The fourth pic is just absolutely amazing... http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3267/2655076399_a84e89fb27_o.jpg
  8. Lepardi

    ATI 4850/4870

    Yup, im also getting better performance with 8.6 hotfix drivers. Anyone else on Vista(32) tried to switch off indexing (Windows search)? Since i did not only Arma but my hole system overall feels more responsive. I always disable it right after formatting, the only thing it does is slow your HDD in order to get little faster searching for files from HDD.
  9. Lepardi

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Yeah, 2nd pic is out. Looking good.
  10. Lepardi

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    I do not think that this is hard too do with the engine being used for the game. This isn't an EA mass-production game with a deadline resulting in cutting out half the features planned for the game.
  11. Lepardi

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Yes. Even weapons will get scratches and go dirty when used. I think that's a rather ballsy statement to make unless you're on the development team. That is stated by the development team.
  12. Lepardi

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Yes. Even weapons will get scratches and go dirty when used.
  13. Lepardi

    Not very encouraging news about ArmedA 2

    Â Sorry, but I quit reading after that, since it's the typical PC nerd nonsense we have to read over and over. Â Grim Amen to that You quit reading just because you can't accept the fact. PC > consoles anytime.
  14. Lepardi

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    They ruined singleplayer and gameplay totally, so no wonder. At least the fact that OFP 2 will have a highly realistic gore most likely makes it a 18+ game.
  15. Lepardi

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    OFP 2 won't be aimed at mainstream audience.
  16. Lepardi

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    Judging by the video I thought the vehicles sound a bit too loud. Could be a problem with X-Fi sound cards with SVM enabled. But weapon sounds in the end.. can't wait!
  17. Negative. Don't say there isn't, because there is. There isn't, if you configure things appropriately. Hint: Render frames ahead (Nvidia)/Flip queue size (ATI) Turning off Vsync can help too. Like I wouldn't have tried those. There's still a huge mouselag in lower FPS situations. ArmA needs 100fps constant for a good experience, but that's impossible. Other games even 40fps is fine with zero mouselag. And I think that is a huge problem if it will be in ArmA 2 too.
  18. Lepardi

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    depend on what you want to have in the map, we can push the total landmass to 400 sqkm sauad shape and fill it with towns, villages, airports, base etc. this is what the arma engine can do yes what it can do, we're talking about the islands included now.
  19. Lepardi

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    Would anyone recommend this over FDF Soundpack?
  20. Lepardi

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    How big will the map be for ARMA 2 ? OFP2 operates with 220 sqkm landmass estimate. Arma's map is 400 sqkm, not sure for Arma2 OFP had no boundry either, you could keep flying/boating forever ArmA has the sea counted in the map size, while OFP2 has landmass only 220sqkm. And from what we've calculated, OFP2 island is big compared to ArmA island.
  21. Lepardi

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    You just can't use GRID to look how the engine does. It's a different engine to the EGO used in OFP2. The map is bigger than sahrani?
  22. Negative. Don't say there isn't, because there is.
  23. Lepardi

    Question on the M16

    M16A4 has full auto mode IIRC, and of course the rail system. Other than that, same weapon.
  24. Lepardi

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    I just did some tests. In the southern sahrani deserts I have FPS easily above 100, but when entering the northern sahrani environment and fps starts going below 90 you can clearly feel some lag. It's good, very playable still. But when you hit the 60 mark in the forests it starts getting noticeably bad, and when under 40 it's really bad, and at minimum, 30fps, it's not worth playing anymore.
  25. Lepardi

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    Let's just face it - it is an unacceptable bug. I could easily enjoy the highest settings in ArmA and still maintain a smooth FPS, but the mouse lag totally kills the gameplay. If I quickly move the mouse a small distance and stop, the character will start turning when I have already stopped the mouse. It's like a 1000ms additional delay, unless you've got fps 100'ish constant, while in other games you can have a fairly low fps and still maintain a good gameplay.