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Everything posted by Diealotus

  1. I may be late to the party and I don't know whether this helps, or already been covered, but... Whilst playing around with an AI launch on this wonderful ship I have noticed that the crew animation is a little bugged. I had not noticed this before as I was usually in the cockpit. The hook up man is being hit by the plane and constantly fall over. I have tested the animations with the FA18 and conclude that the hook up man animation is not taking in to account that an aircraft may have different weapons configurations and he is being hit by said weapons. A solution is simply to move his starting position slightly backwards to give clearance. The shooter is also falling over but I have not been able to work it out yet and will report my finds shortly. Again many thanks for this awesome ship.
  2. Many thanks for the reply. I will try this out asap. Update: That worked. Thank you very much for the assistance.
  3. Firstly thank you all for one of the best mods in Arma. I'm sorry for being thick, I just can't work out how to animate just the blast shields without all the other stuff. I just need them to raise and lower via trigger. Many thanks.
  4. Diealotus

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Thank you for a great mod. I wonder whether the zombie thermal signature could be masked as the dead would be cold.
  5. you also could try lockWP https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lockWP
  6. Diealotus

    USS Nimitz

    It can be done with an island that has the runway in the water, like Gnats Waves. Just position the carrier at the south end of the runway. Not great but works.
  7. Diealotus

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    I was only using Nimitz and Waves. After a little testing I tried a few take off's from land as well. I think the dampeners have increased the take off distance.
  8. Diealotus

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    I have a small issue to report after update. I have been using an AI Cat Launch. But since the last update this happens: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DivNCEDM8pg
  9. Diealotus

    USS Nimitz

    I have found that you can use Auto Landing to touch down on your great addon. This only works with Gnat's Waves Island as the runway is in the ocean. If you place the Nimitz to the south of the runway and angle it just right the auto landing will work with you just having to lower gear, tailhook and brake. Here is a clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqMJsgGnIkI I dont know if this has been mentioned before but I have read most of the thread and don't remember it.
  10. Diealotus

    USS Nimitz

    Hi Thank you for a great addon:) I have managed to cobble together with my meager scripiting knowledge a working AI cat double launch :cc: I built it from Steam Catapult System by Raddik, your script ingame and a tiny bit of my own. I have been testing the script and had no crashes in the last 50 or so launches and only slight movements of the planes to either side. Sorry for the short vids I only have free fraps. F18 Launch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw5_TDMbUq0 F14 Launch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dH8lOkP9Uq8 I am still currently working on it and hope to nail it all down soon.
  11. Diealotus

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I don't know if anybody has pointed this out yet, as too many pages to read. But on the map the arrow in Scotland is roughly pointing to Her Majesty's Naval Base (HMNB) Clyde.
  12. Diealotus

    Armed Assault videos

    ArmA Mount Asharat Mount Asharat Just a little something for fun
  13. Diealotus

    Spawn a unit?

    Sorry for being a pain But now I have the spawn done how do I make the unit spawn in a tent or building. The tent is named spawntent and I have the building id but no idea how to do it. Thanks for any help
  14. Please help me. I need to spawn an enemy unit, but nothing seems to work for me. I have a marker called "here" and have tried the code "soldierWB" createUnit [getMarkerPos "here", groupAlpha] It doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong. I have searched alot but this seems to be a very basic thing that everthing I find goes way over my head and alot about respawning.
  15. Diealotus

    Spawn a unit?

    thanks alot guys I have got it working it was a group problem
  16. Diealotus

    ArmA Addon request thread

    A table would be nice. I can't understand why they didn't add one. Unless I am missing something.
  17. I just got ArmA yesterday. I really like what have seen so far. My question is what are the main differences between ArmA and OFP editing. Are things pretty much the same?
  18. Diealotus

    Carry Addon release

    Nice addon mate. Will you be adding any more objects?
  19. Diealotus

    Camcreate Radio

    Thanks for the link
  20. I am having a promblem with camcreate. I am trying to create Lasers Radio (LSR_prc117new) on a table so the objective is to recover the radio.  I have tried radio = "LSR_prc117new" camCreate  [(getpos targ1 select 0), (getpos targ1 select 1),1] but it never appears. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
  21. Diealotus

    Camcreate Radio

    Weaponholders? Sorry I dont know what you mean by that. Are you talking about ammo crates?
  22. Diealotus

    OFP : Happy Birthday 5 Years

    Still the best game out, even after 5 years
  23. Diealotus

    Camcreate Radio

    I can create a laserguided bomb with this comand and add the radio to a unit using this addWeapon "LSR_prc117new". So i know it is the right Radio. Thanks, I will give this a try tonight.