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Posts posted by Landwarrior87

  1. i agree.. RAD's are probably a bit outdated due to their size. I havent even tried the FDF one, too big of a pack for me to download :-( I think someone should try to contact the FDF mod makers and see if someone can mod theirs into differnt skins for different countries, (Canada, USA, any others that use em)

  2. @exigent: I see your new around here, dont ask for release dates.. it kills all of us too the motto around here is "Its done when it's done." Good things come to those who wait :-)

    @Laser: Like i said, you made them look so much different than the Delta's And Rangers thats why it also adds to them looking so well. I cant wait to patrol islands with these guys, my only request if its possible.. keep the screenshots coming!

  3. man i cant wait for these to come out. Gonna have a Task Force 20 raid in Iraq with SEALs, DELTA Force, and Rangers looking for saddam hussein on the old island of Mogadishu with added Tonal Objects.. it does resemble iraq.

  4. fuck yeahh!!! yes Laser you have done it again.. i see the grey nomex guy in the background too!!! yes yes yes!! i think you have successfully made them look different from the rangers and Delta's... i want to play with them right now! just one thing with the SEALS.. please equip them with all DESERT GEAR.. no Desert Uniform and woodland Vest.. it would be nice to have a tan vest also

  5. i cant wait for those seals to be done biggrin_o.gif . good work laser

    you and me both :-) For any of you who have the Discovery Military Channel, their featuring Navy SEALs in the "America's Secret Soldiers" in the next hour. Current and Future equipment.
