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Posts posted by Landwarrior87

  1. I ENJOY THE MUSIC... who cares if it doesnt fit a little re-ordering should work then. But ive just got one more thing to ask.. will you guys be working on a Desert 2006 Conversion? I just want the ACU Guys in Desert Vests since theyll still be wearing the vests of the appropriate combat theatre.

  2. i would rather not the see the 2nd rifle thing unless its only on the snipers and spotters... cuz guys everyone in ofp aint GI Joe and Rambo.

    But one thing i do really wanna see is a update or patch for the SEALs Deltas and Rangers to use Llauma's Head and textures andwhatever the new units that the old ones dont. I still use the SEALs and Rangers, and Delta's

  3. it sounded a little racist what Miles Teg said? no it was racist. I cant believe this, being a black person my self how he can say that.. thats what he think our race is.. an angry black mob trying to kill all the white people and take big screen tv's. Thats it. im officially done with this board. I cant beleive these r the people i play ofp with on the net trying to have fun and these are the kind of words that come out of their mouths.

    With all seriousness.. at a time like this i cant believe you guys are acting like this. The black people to miles teg are nothing but "Tonal Civi's" that he can shoot with his national guard addon. I just cant believe it. Dont worry about me posting anything else im done with this board all in all.

  4. (Unless in MP you have Natl' Guard vs. Looters, and then you can REALLY see what the poor, undertrained soldiers are up against). It is for RESCUE missions, and a good version of this mod could've been used as a training device long ago, so the people running the evacuation process now would've had a better idea what to expect and how to react.

    A training device?? Your really educated man. seriously. You think the coast guard needs to play ofp and boyington's mod to know how to do their job better? God. You amaze me.

    Looters huh? thats what you call them, imagine this: You and your three kids and wife had to leave your home and go to the superdome and your waiting there for five days and your watching your family starve without food or water, and thers an old abondoned Walgreens or Grocery Store right down the street.. what are you goind to do? These people are not looting they are surviving!! No one here is going to tell me they are not going to do whatever they have to keep their family ALIVE.. I KNOW I SURE AS HELL WOULD. Sow hile your calling them dogs and animals for looting you have no idea of whats going on.

    But your looking forward to the next missions while your telling your self this is good because the coast guard could have used this to train on. give me a fuccin break

  5. what you FAIL to understand is this is not a WAR cant u bastards see this? This is not the fault of two presidents or dictators not coming together on an agreement and sending thousands of troops to fight for what cause?? WHAT? Nothing? The Hurricane is just like the Tsunami this is thousands of INNOCENT civilians that WERE NOT affected by a WAR or soldiers.. this was a NATURAL DISASTER. These people had nothing to do with what happened to them. So while everyone is blasting away at Bin Laden on Afghan island because of what he did on 9/11 and you compare that to making FUN of the suitation in New Orleans, when its still brand new?huh.gif not even a full week afterwards!!!

    Why dont u just make a 757 mod and fly it in the fuccin pentagon and World Trade Center.. would thta be fun too?? Make a mod where the trade center collapses and the firefighters get to rescue people?? give me a fuccin break. You people are heartless bastards all of you. And your right i wont use this mod and im here because if no one else will let you know i will this mod is wrong and your comparisons to make it seem "OK" are just plain stupid. Unbelievable.

  6. yeh i see mostly everyone on here builds there own computer, while it probablly is simple when you know what your doing im somebody who would have trouble doing it. Although an Athlon 64bit's power is making me horny. :-) lol

  7. 533 mhz FSB does stand for Front Side Bus does'nt it? because thats what it is. ;-[ but my flashpoint will run decent wont it? im more of a console guy anyway i only play ofp on pc anyway im a ps2 lover and hope to get ps3 when it comes out on christmas.

  8. it would have been around 6 hundred bucks without the 4yr waranty but parents wouldnt let me trade in the waraanty for a widescreen and 4 speakers with the subwoofer. instead i got the warranty and a printer :-[

  9. Now that im going off to school i finally got a new pc worth around 800 dollars and its a dell and this is what i got. A             Pentium 4 [2.80 ghz] 1mb l2 cahce 533 mhz front side bus     512mb shared ddr sdram        80gb HD       [intel Extreme Graphics Card 2] <--- i was already informed my gfx card was shit. 48x CD Burner/ DVD Combo, and a 15' Flat Panel Display with a 4 year warranty. What do you guys think? coming from a p3 933mhz 128mb ram and just a office 82810E graphics card. The whole point of this post is to let me know if my flashpoint will play to its best on this system.

  10. i was just browsing in ofp and i noticed i have some brand new faces in there... Laser i know it came from one of your addons because one of them happens to be your face, I need the names of these faces so i can put them in the init line of my SEALs and Rangers.

    Any help from anyone would be much appreciated :-)

    (The Blackhawk down faces, and the misc. camo'd ones)
