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Posts posted by Landwarrior87

  1. Now i am confused can anyone please explain the difference between AGP and PCI, and PCI-E?!

    I have no clue as to what card would fit in my machine right now! I have a P-4, 3 Ghz, a somewhat outdated piece of equipment...

    by what u have listed it sounds to me like were in the same boat.. u proabbally have PCI if its a dell.

    you could always change to pci express... if u want to change the motherboards.. which is like changing your entire computer. cuz trhen u gotta buy new everything.

  2. I only have PCI... so im very limited to my graphics card... im thinking of upgrading my Geforce 6200 FX 256mb to

    ATI Radeon X1550 256mb / PCI

    do you guys think its worth it?? Im to cheap to change my motherboard. I still have a decent enuff PC..

    P4 3ghz

    512 ram (mite add some more)

    rite now i can play AA on low settings but still not getting the fps i want.

  3. what graphix card do u guys recommend?? im running a


    P4 3ghz

    80 GB HD

    512 mb Ram

    i guess i should up the ram too.. how hard is it to double my ram and add a graphics card.. im not about to buy a new pc. Again much help appreciated i could run up to circuit city today and buy one of those ATI's or geforce as soon as i gtet some opinions from my fellow gamers for over 5 years.

    Whos is better and why.. or just tell me your guys preference??

  4. Landwarrior, fielded soldiers have a full ACU loadout or at least they should. Pictures of soldiers with woodland/desert camo with their ACUs were just under supplied. Who would want to play as an under supplied soldier? The Army is getting closer to giving the full ACU equipment to soldiers. More then half already have all ACU specific equipment. This process should be complete by the end of 2006 according the Department of the Army. I can't get enough of the current ACU Officer in FFUR2006, near perfection.

    well in that case were still playing as "Under Supplied" soldiers then arnt we?? lol were keeping it real then because guys on ffur already look under supplied with the woodland and they look fine. I think it looks much cooler anyway with desert vests. Well then all soldiers should be given to look like the officer then. And an off-topic question

    Will the NAVY Seals still use the traditional Camo?

    What about Rangers, and Delta??? are they switching too?

  5. On the subject of desert camo,etc... The ACU pattern was adopted just for this reason : It is suitable for both woodland and desert theatres of operation  wink_o.gif

    Yes i Know, but only the Officers have the full ACU loadout. All the regular soldiers still have the woodland vests and i guess thats due to not everyone having a acu vest loadout. I have seen pictures of ACU guys using their old Tan Desert Vests to go along with the ACU, the boots already match.

  6. Quote[/b] ]This might be interesting but it could be done ONLY if the update of the FFUR 1985 Desert would be cancelled because of the lack of time.

    But as mentioned above, it depends only on people opinion.

    Hell Yes!! No one is really interested in an 85' campaign all over again if we can just get a modern one! I personally would like to see a modern desert one with Desert Vests over the ACU Pattern and the desert vehicles and such.

    Im glad you guys are puttin the goggles back in because that just made soldiers look so much better.

    I also agree with replacing the M60 with the m1a1, and the cobra with the ah64a and just have the apache as the longbow.

