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Everything posted by Landwarrior87

  1. Landwarrior87

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    jesus everyone is making a big "hoooplaaa" about earl not having an m16a2m203.. there is really nothing different about the m16a4 and the m16a2 except the handle is removable and you can mount stuff.. theres something different around the tip of the barrel.. but after that.. its the same gun! same rate of fire and everything.. put a end to your troubles.. use the m16a4m203.. afterall its only your BRAIN telling you its unrealistic.. If your not playing as the grenadier and was playing someone elses mission you wouldnt even notice it was a A4. all of my troops are armed with m16a4's and m4's. Even if your that nit picky about it.. on militaryphotos.net there are pics of army regulars using m16a4's.
  2. Landwarrior87

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    in-fu-kin credible.
  3. Landwarrior87

    Updated anim.pbo replacement pack

    this is a differnt version than posted originally in this thread?? this is getting a bit confusing on if i have the latest one.
  4. Landwarrior87

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    sounds promising.. post a link i would check it out. Was playing this morning on Tonali 1 with these guys trying to cross the bridge with 4 squads of rebels and 2 squads of civilian militia on the other squad. seeing as tho there was only one squad of us troops and 2 squads of Gov. Forces we were defeated... Earls M249 gave the rebels a good go though.. again these units r just so fun... thanx again HYK best units i ever played with.
  5. Landwarrior87

    New island in progress

    ill be happy with whatever.. as long as its released
  6. Landwarrior87

    Desert 5t truck pack.

    hehe yup we all could NEED them.
  7. Landwarrior87

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    that ski masked civilians reminds me of some terrorist ive been always looking for in flash.
  8. Landwarrior87

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    I want those BRADLEY's! but anyways to stay on topic.. im directing a new movie.. not yet complete.. ull see other pics (trailers as it progresses).. documentary about recent military action THE FRONTLINES
  9. Landwarrior87

    New island in progress

    lookin good.. lookin great. SWAT Units would be nice if some big time addon maker could make some.
  10. Landwarrior87


    i agree with everyone actually... we shouldnt discourage anyone from doing what they want to make, but on the other hand it would be more useful to make something that hasnt beeen made 6,000 times.. Marines DeltaForce Rangers US "Regular" Army Any kind of M16,M4,M249 Already been done to death. well not marines, but suchey and earl have satisfied the need with those. Addons needed badly are: GOOD and RESISTANCE capatable: AH64D Apache Green Berets (US Army Special Forces) Navy SEALs US Airforce Combat Controllers HUMMVEE'S!!! <--- (Somebody has to want to make these!!) I cant believe we havent gotten a breakthrough hummer addon.. its just so popular in real life every little boys dream is to be GI Joe and drive around in one of these kickin ass.. and we still dont have a bugless version of these yet. Overall Point: Other things can be made, dont just focus on something thats been made 6,000 times.
  11. Landwarrior87

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    i agree with Lee, after installing 102 and just making them carry earl's weapons... this addon is 100%. Nothing else i can see changing.. every other addon in flash however something i dont like about it.. but i guess thats why these are my favorites.. there just so "RIGHT".
  12. Landwarrior87

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Ok... good updates are good.. just one question? if i used the same config i used before to put earls weapons on these guys would it conflict or should i just do a whole nother Cpp job again?
  13. Landwarrior87

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    i didnt know there were two versions.. i downloaded the one off of Ofp.Info so that means i have the old one. What were the changes/fixes in this new version?
  14. Landwarrior87

    Woodland hummers

    YaY! YaY! YaY! YaY!
  15. Landwarrior87

    Bas delta/ranger update

    keep the flags. nuff' said. You've already said u guys will be addressing the darker textures and making the m4's to scale.. so theres nothing else really 2 do.. except that ground breaking operation that people have wanted from BAS. forgive me for bringing it back up.. Night Vision Goggles on the rangers.
  16. Landwarrior87

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Landwarrior87 has officially fallen in love with these units, and can call them his favorites. I dont know what it is, but ive been having so much fun on DES Island (with BAS Tonal Objects) shooting rebels with squads of these Regulars, and i installed wilco's replacement anim pbo, and the game just has a new feel to it. These are my new favorite units. If you would ask me what would you change/add to them the only thing i could say is nit picky and thats just to turn the US Flag around. Thats not even a problem.. Congrats HYK on make one of the best addons the community has seen in my opinion. And Thanks to Suchey And Earl (Weapons) Ballistic Addon Studios (Tonal Objects) BIS (More than you could name) All of those people above, including HYK made March 14th a better day. I played ofp for four hours straight.. longest in a while. Now someone make some more missions for these guys!
  17. Landwarrior87

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    i see a good difference, and it does look better. Hope something happens.
  18. Landwarrior87

    Stoner rilfe sr-25

    oh my gawwwwwwdd!! INQ your are the best.... just the best.. Sniper Rifle i have seen for Operation Flashpoint.. Question: Does Army Regulars use this weapon?
  19. Landwarrior87

    New island in progress

    im reallly really reallllly looking forward to this island.
  20. Landwarrior87

    Bradley pack by rudedog

    i wanna see my new hyk us inf running side by side these things.... :-)
  21. Landwarrior87

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    yes changing stuff has been fine always.. its just they have a problem with releasing thier work modified or changed. Im perfectly fine with this rule as everybody else should be. As long as im not passing it out as my own its good, but it can sit on my hard drive with Earl's M16's and no one should care. So as long as were not releasing the edited addons then everybody should be ok with it... BTW: its not like were changing textures, editing the helmets or models.. were just giving them new weapons for gods sakes.. no one would complain if we did the "removeAllWeapons this ;" and did it, but since we had to de-pbo it and make life easier on ourselves so theyll already be pre-loaded with the guns we like, someone has a problem with it.
  22. Landwarrior87

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    amazing... just amazing
  23. Landwarrior87

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    yeh miss cleo i redid my config on my own just keeping the jam weps on 91/85.. works fine. :-)
  24. Landwarrior87

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    well i just finished my own version of hte config only replacing the 03' Troops! leave the bis m16 to the old trooops.. that error i was getting was probablly from INQ's weapons anyway, to the post above about tweaking his addons, were not publically tweaking them, were privately doing it, just releasing the config.cpp to show us (Non Modders and Cpp'ers) how to do it. Were not tweaking his addon, were just changing the weapons i doubt if he has any problem with this. Afterall its the JAM weapons stuck on them anyway.. were simply making them better with Earl's M16's and M4's.
  25. Landwarrior87

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    mann bullshat!! i used that config and now i get errors... man plz fix the config, or just post a new one on this page so i can use that... the error im getting is the same as the last guy with the scope error... im on to see if i spot something. I only want to replace the 03' units anyway.