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About LordLucifer

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  1. Is there a way you can make the original Campaign missions playable as cooperative multiplayer missions? has anybody done this yet, could I download it somewhere? thanks
  2. LordLucifer

    Is codemasters making a ofp 2?

    are they actually going to make one? is it in development?
  3. Hi everyone read this and post all your pictures and mods here so that i can download them or email me at thekokopuff@yahoo.com plz I just beat the last OFP game and i love it i need mods now plz oh plz !!
  4. LordLucifer

    Radeon 8500, freezing every 5-10 seconds

    well heres a liitle more info that you may find interesting. I used to have Win 98 and the game would run just fine, I played on 1024x768 and the game ran smoooth. but then when I upgraded to XP this problem occured. i have no idea why.
  5. Operation Flashpoint (every version) freezes about every 10 seconds, is stays frozen for about 5 seconds at a time. Then it resumes to play just great. I it freezing constanly makes it very difficult to play since i always die. I have a Radeon 8500 and all the latest drivers and all the latest updates for Flahpoint. I have a 500Mhz machine and 384 ram. Does anyone know how to fix this? thanks.
  6. LordLucifer

    How do you know when fade has been activated?

    so did fade activcate when he tried to play lan using 2 ofp with 1 license? is that what he meant?
  7. I want to get some new MP coop missoins. where are some good plaves to get them? thanks
  8. i own a legal copy of flashpoint but i saw on here that fade is activated when playing a LAN game. why is that? i dont understand