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Everything posted by Lt_Dan_Sweden

  1. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    New soundpack is it good?

    My view on Wrights sounds I really liked the Dragunov sound! Unfortunally thats about it, on the bright side. I really enjoy anti tank fighting, as an infantry, in OFP, so my atention immediatly went to LAW and CG. What a dissapointment. Far from reality and tecnically wrong, since the sound is to loong and slow. Reloading of LAW, original sound... (see link about JIM view) OK I know alot like to play Sniper... M21. This sound is recording from an indoor shootingrange or something. Ground hits with Assault rifles are like a hollywood movie, with ziing, ziinng sounds... And yes, as posted all the good stuff from the Tanks/BMP engine sounds are original. On this point I disagree completely with a previous poster who says the sounds in OFP a most real of all packages. I think those who have been inside and outside a BMP (or the bigger engine in MT-LB). The 30 mm canon among other weapons also sound too slow. Tecnically wrong, even though it sound cool. Below is link regarding JIMS and AdvocateXXX http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....9;st=10 But it all comes down to taste. I can understand why many enjoy the Wrights sound. The majority of people do not have other reference to these sound other than that Hollywood provide. BTW I have not noticed any buggs on any of these three packs. Please provide more detail about those findings.
  2. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Testing netcode settings

    I have changed to your settings MaxMessege=256 and Min Band 768000, but my opinion still stand: It is difficult to tell the effect. Please suggest a standard way of evaluating the result of the changes? 4 vs 4 players all with ping between 50-100 ms A standard CTF measure FPS? Suggestion?
  3. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    1.49 beta feedback

    Yes I recognise the probelm of ghost players, not kickable by Admin. It does not have to do with ADD-ONs missing, it has to do with the player crashing, which can happen, and does happen, even though the MAP is an original. The Dedic server code should be fixed so these players can be kicked. The server players should be dependent on whether or not the person, know how to kill the ghost Process or reboots. As you know the server is unasable when this ghostplayer cant be kicked and doesnt Green-Up/press Start.
  4. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Negative lod bias with 28.32-

    But with a P3 1,0 GHz I won't use a g4 fully, if im correctly informed? So a wast of money, since lifetime for graphicscard is short i will want a newer model by autumn, when changing CPU...
  5. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Negative lod bias with 28.32-

    Works great. Really beautiful images. Too bad it affects the performance. Have turned down to 16 bit Bpp to be able to keep the negative 1,5 LOD bias, but performance decrease is still noticable from time to time. p3 1000 Ram 768 MB Geo 2 Mx
  6. Lt_Dan_Sweden


    oh I forgot! two more sounds I love from Jims Sound: the metall-to-metall cutting sound when reloading AT/CG/LAW the regular reloading of mags with Assaultrifles.
  7. Lt_Dan_Sweden


    Hi Regarding Jims Sounds. First, please use a good card and most IMPORTANT use a loadspeaker WITH sub. If you use a light (and open) headset, it cant produce the base, so the M60, MG and others sound like a previous poster described. A closed big headset might be a good comprimise. Regarding the explosion, I always thought of it as secondary explosions, that extra bullet-like sounds, about one sec or two after the primary explosion. It's real if the target was a TANK ,like Jim prefers. There are many things to still improve. I would like the Carl Gustav to sound LOUDER and with more base. I love the sound of the BMP!!! Tht huge diesel engine with strait pipes without a silencer. Generally speaking, the west weapons do sound wimpier in real life to. Jim has a special version which is better but it manipulates the Config. Ask him if you really want realism. His page is http://jim_262.tripod.com/ Please post a link to mr Satchels pack of Sounds.
  8. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Testing netcode settings

    Hi I have used MaxMsgSend = 64; MaxSizeGuaranteed = 512; MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 64; since your post. I usually have a higer MaxMsgSend around 128-256. The problem is that its very hard to eveluate the settings. Maybe thats why you are not getting any posts back. Please suggest a uniform evaluation method. My observation/speculations: I think the MaxMsgSend is strongly corelated to the CPU speed. In my case i think i get slightly better performance increasing the MaxMsgSend to 180 or so. The MaxSizaXXX I have no idea on the impact. If we play a big map, with choppers, 12-14 player the flops go down to 8-10 FPS, which is a shame. but the players keep coming back since my server has really good PING and interesting maps and ease of becoming ADMIN My Dedicated OFP PC is a P3 850 Mhz 256 RAM 2 Mbit upp and 2 MBit Down OFP Dedicated V1.49 Try it at IP during evenings at CET
  9. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Multiple dedicated servers on the same ip

    Please provide more info so we can help. Is there 2 separated computers? One STRONG computer doing two dedic at once? Are you using NAT or IPChains, behind same IP? If you are using NAT and 2 separate computers: Use different port for server number 2. Make a DMZ for those ports to the internal IP of computer nr 2 ( or somthing).
  10. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Dedicated server difficulty levels

    Short answer; No. Long answer: You have to EDIT the file ..\users\Player\UserInfo.cfg That can be done in many ways without FTP. Suggestions: Telnet SSH SSHFTP (diffrent PORT) email the new UserInfo.cfg and have moved in place by a script email the new UserInfo.cfg have it moved in pace Manualy VPN tunnel Using Netmeeting I probably missed some ways... See ya on TCZ