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Everything posted by Lt_Damage

  1. Lt_Damage

    Strange multiplayer problem :(

    Try getting the server to create the game on port 2235 instead of 2234, I find WindowsXP machines have problems creating / joining sessions on this port. You can test this by running DxDiag from the Start > Run area. Go to directplay tab and test creating / joining sessions on Ports 2234 and 2235, I found that 2234 would not create but 2235 was fine. Goodluck with it.
  2. Lt_Damage

    When is the next client update due?

    No, I have checked the flashpoint.rpt and it is not an addons issue. I have a stock standard install of Operation Flashpoint and I have added nothing to it but the official upgrades. This issue started since 1.45 or 1.46 and is not related to addons used by maps, it is usually an "access violation" in Operationflashpoinh.exe. I have no idea what is causing this violation, hoping BIS will nail it down shortly. I was thinking since config.bin is somewhat protected now it is creating access violations when something tries to access it in some way.. dunno.
  3. Lt_Damage

    Hand brakes!

    I believe he was joking. But we do need brakes. It is quite sad watching your tank tumble down a hill, trying to aim for a house so you can stop Considering there is a spare tyre on the back of the jeeps, i think it should be ok to have an option while standing beside flat tyre of jeep to Repair. You kneel for 35 seconds, vulnerable, and then it's fixed. Its realistic and doable. Regards,
  4. Lt_Damage

    When is the next client update due?

    It depends on the map we play. Some maps work, some crash the players to the desktop as soon as we load the map. (After selecting team, before breiefing) It is only some maps, it is not an addon issue, as all maps have been extensively tested to make sure they do not require additional addons. All the maps worked fine until 1.46 client update was released. The server is quite stable now with 1.49, I think its absolutely fantastic, hoping the clients can match it. Regards,
  5. Lt_Damage

    No more respawn killing in mp

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Espectro @ Mar. 16 2002,00:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yea, the official CTF on everon is simply awesome. I wish BIS would make more of this quality. Heres an idea, that one from my squad made. Both teams had there base, while a civilian truck was driving around with civilians. If you were lucky, you could embark the truck and sit in the back of it. It would drive you to the enemy camp, and vupti... get out... hide etc its a very cool tactic.<span id='postcolor'> What is the official CTF map on everon called? Thx
  6. Lt_Damage

    1.49 beta feedback

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Suma @ Mar. 16 2002,01:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Lt_Damage @ Mar. 15 2002,15:15)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The 1.46 client is now pulling us all down. Maps that have been played since 1.20 are no unable to be played, simply crashes to desktop. I hope this can be resolved. I hope someone can gather more information on the issue ...<span id='postcolor'> As there are two major crashes fixed in 1.47-1.49 that were present in 1.46 (see this topic), let me explain how they can affect clients: Hind crash can affect 1.46 only when they are using config modification that uses different number of cargo slots. This is especially true for config modifications based on 1.45 config (like popular Dynamic Sound Range). Take weapon crash should never happen on the client, as it was related to no existing camera object on dedicated server, and there is always some camera on client.<span id='postcolor'> Ok, a few facts I've noticed about the crashes: Some maps crash, some work fine. Even maps without any air vehicles at all, can crash. Maps that used to work with 1.42 now crash to desktop. Server does not crash at all, the server remains active. My flashpoint.rpt should contain all the recent crashes. http://members.optushome.com.au/ofpwolf/flashpoint.rpt Is there any other files for client that record crashes besides flashpoint.rpt?
  7. Lt_Damage

    1.49 beta feedback

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Suma @ Mar. 16 2002,01:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Lt_Damage @ Mar. 15 2002,15:15)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I hope someone can gather more information on the issue than I have been able to because there is no crash report for the client (that I am aware of anyway).<span id='postcolor'> There is such crash report - it is created on the client machine (same files as on server machine).<span id='postcolor'> Thankyou Suma. Here is a sample of my latest crashes: ===================================================================== == C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\OPERATIONFLASHPOINT.EXE ===================================================================== Exe version: Wed Mar 06 12:50:16 2002 file: Â Â CUR_MP world: Â Â ABEL campaign: battle: Â mission: Â Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION Version 1.46 Fault address: Â 004B357F 01:000B257F C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\OPERATIONFLASHPOINT.EXE Prev. code bytes: 31 85 F6 75 07 51 E8 86 D5 07 00 59 8B C6 5E C3 Fault code bytes: FF 49 04 56 8B 71 04 85 F6 75 06 8B 01 6A 01 FF Registers: EAX:1219E1B0 EBX:110CD7D0 ECX:00000001 EDX:00000006 ESI:110CD7D0 EDI:1219E1B0 CS:EIP:001B:004B357F SS:ESP:0023:0012F154 Â EBP:0012F160 DS:0023 Â ES:0023 Â FS:003B Â GS:0000 Flags:00010202 ======================================================= Full report click link: http://members.optushome.com.au/ofpwolf/flashpoint.rpt
  8. Lt_Damage

    1.49 beta feedback

    Ok, our server was up all night. There has been no time outs or crashes since we updated to 1.49. That is the good news. That bad news is that we have constant crashes to desktop for players, almost every second mapp crashes us all to desktop. The server is the most stable it has been for a long time. The 1.46 client is now pulling us all down. Maps that have been played since 1.20 are no unable to be played, simply crashes to desktop. I hope this can be resolved. I hope someone can gather more information on the issue than I have been able to because there is no crash report for the client (that I am aware of anyway). Seems some of the newer maps work better than the older maps now.. I think so anyway. Good luck with the next client update, we are waiting eagerly. Regards,
  9. Lt_Damage

    Request for future patch

    The only thing that WOULD be good, and still not doable because it effects the netcode in the same way, is like a SoldierCAM sorta thing. Whereas you can join and look through the eyes of a player already playing. This at least would resolve the boredom issue a bit, but would still lag the server for no reason.
  10. Lt_Damage

    Request for future patch

    Besides the fact that it will never happen, i hope it doesn't anyway. The realism and consitency of any mission being played would be effected. You start a 5 player coop, 3 players die, 3 new players join and get to play as the other dead players? what would be the fun in that.. it'd suck. Take note of the game clock and come back a few minuts before restart, get in some practise on a sp mission or something. Rather than wrecking the entire symetry of the game, not to mention stressing the already stressed netcode.
  11. Lt_Damage

    1.46: frequent dedicated server crashes

    This is great news, I have been very stressed as our server has been crashing constantly and as admin I do not know what to tell the players. I think we need a way to make sure clients connect with the same version as the server. It should be implemented that lessthan server version = disconnect. [ with message explaining upgrade to server version ] Anyway, good to see a fix for these terrible issues. thanks Suma
  12. Lt_Damage

    Multiplayer latency

    That sounds like a strange issue you are having.. I would try connecting directly to the server, don't use gamespy if you can help it, it is a terrible piece of software and constantly bugs you with ads. To connect directly to a dedicated server go to www.theavonlady.org and look it up under the ofp faq. Connecting directly to the server without gamespy running in the background may help the issue. Regards,
  13. Lt_Damage

    Create a backup cd - how?

    For those who are burning copies I have doubts as to whether it will work. OFP uses special security software encoded into the CD sub channels which can detect copies or not. It is in the Opflashpoint.exe and also in the patches that are released so they won't update if you don't own an original cd. I believe 100% that you should be able to backup your belongings. As long as software is released on a media that is as easily vulnerable to damage as a CD is I will make a copy. I pay money for it once, and only once. BIS should respect that I think. Same goes for how I use it in my household. If I wish to run it on two computers, I have already bought 1 copy, I will not buy another for the purpose of multiplayer. There is a very easy way to safeguard your cd from damage but I will not disclose it here as though it may be intended for honest purposes people can use it to pirate the cd. Basically my CD is tucked safely away and I play from my HDD, this is done without using any cracks or modifying OFP files at all. It is the only way I am aware of that defeats fade. As to how to go about this as I said I won't elaborate. This CD copy protection stuff is foolish, people should be able to easily backup their property because they own it and have a right to protect it from damage or loss. The way to curb piracy is to lower prices of software so people won't turn to piracy so quickly. Why have a crap pirate version when you can have a nice new legit copy at a reasonable price? Just my thoughts. Regards,
  14. Lt_Damage

    Cd stolen, what do i do?

    definately kick his ass. take the broken pieces from him and do as AV lady said and look up replacement cd. kick his ass again. wait for your new cd from BIS. kick his ass again, then play OFP
  15. Lt_Damage

    Red hammer bug

    Sounds like an audio driver problem [ voice speeding up? disable hardware sound???] My red hammer also doesn't work, just crashes as soon as I select the campaign. I've given up. I don't play SP anywhere near as much as Mp anyway. Possibly look into video / motherboard / sound card drivers, change these and possibly your AGP settings might effect it. But as you can probably tell I'm shooting in the dark here. Regards,
  16. Lt_Damage

    Config.bin modifications

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ Mar. 05 2002,10:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Lt_Damage @ Mar. 04 2002,22:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">P.S Since when did a OFP game messages accuse a player of cheating? Â <span id='postcolor'> Today I hosted a server and I still had Satchel's sound addon installed, Hilandor connected and it said he had a modified config.bin (he didn't) then a few seconds later it mentioned it again and said that he was possibly cheating (he wasn't) I removed Satchel's sound addon, hosted again and there were no modified config.bin warnings about anyone <span id='postcolor'> So that cheating message is real? What were BIS thinking? My apologies to Drak for thinking that message was crap. But it does demonstrate my point that the modified config message alone should not be used to determine cheaters, you need visual identification to ban / kick cheaters with any clear conscience on the matter. Regards,
  17. Lt_Damage

    Config.bin modifications

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (5thSFG Drak @ Mar. 03 2002,02:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">They quit makeing mods where you have to make these so called changes ! Screw messing with the config.bin , .cpp's ! Thats inviting trouble ! And I could careless if he's a hero to you ! He's a nightmare to me and every player who wants to have fun with this game ! Our better yet if you Mod makers HAVE to have this .cpp file then keep it in house and not where everyone can get ahold of it ! here is what your soooo badly need hacked.cpp cause's http://www.crude-extreme.com/~kamika....638.jpg this is the first time we have seen  a message like this !<span id='postcolor'> Yes it is the first time we've seen a message like that... isn't it Drak? Although the real modified config message does indicate changes to the config files these changes are NOT a reliable indication that a player is a cheater. Because there isn't a lot of quality control in mod making (custom face packs, sound packs) perfectly innocent players are likely being banned / kicked from Fraghaus. Current policy on our server for kicking / banning a cheater is visual verification of a cheater by at least 1 other than the admin. P.S Since when did a OFP game messages accuse a player of cheating? The crap I see on here....
  18. Lt_Damage

    Ctf, ch, dd, tdm, coop missions of mine for dload

    I'd like to see a Hunter and Hunted gametype. I've been trying to make one but I suck. Basically two groups, 1 large east group chasing West accross the countryside, west has to constantly keep moving and fight off east from the rear but they also need to get flags along the way and pickup ammo. I think it would be exciting being either east or west and I too am looking for fresh MP games. Regards,
  19. Lt_Damage

    New rifle!

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Look what they give you to play with in VBS! It is almost worth joining the military for so I can play it.
  20. Lt_Damage

    Upgrade to v1.45?

    You should always upgrade to the latest patch for a number of reasons. Most servers will be running the latest patch so to play online you will need it. I would think a large part of finding the bugs and fixing them is from feedback of players. If you all stay on 1.42 then it will be harder for BIS to ever find out what is wrong with it. Any new addons etc may require 1.45 but not specify it, so you could find your installation could become unstable, so always best to have the latest version. And of course you would want the new featuers that come with 1.45. I have been running it and have no problem whatsoever. Regards,
  21. Lt_Damage

    Enough is enough

    So that would make this an irrelevant thread based on an irrelevant thread? :/
  22. Lt_Damage

    Server set-up, configs useful tools etc?

    Well. Bis? Where are the answers. I am a dedicated server administrator, and bloody he11 its a full time job. I have people singing into the microphone and I can do nothing about it because I don't know who it is. I have no way to monitor server performance except the #monitor command, which is so useless it is just not funny. Please support the admins as the job is tough enough.
  23. Lt_Damage

    Best site for custom vehicles

    www.ofpeditingcenter.com Excellent resource for map editing, scripting, MP and SP map downloads and also the "addon depot" All round good site.
  24. Lt_Damage

    Best site for custom vehicles

    www.ofpeditingcenter.com Excellent resource for map editing, scripting, MP and SP map downloads and also the "addon depot" All round good site.
  25. Lt_Damage

    Oxygen - foc?

    Maybe it being free is to make it easier for people around the world to gain access to it. The ability to create new and interesting addons for OFP would only enhance the gaming experience and by doing that they are increasing it's popularity and selling more copies in any case. Maybe their reasoning is along those lines... Also I would just like to say that I feel there are so many fantastic ideas and creations out there for OFP and maybe BIS should welcome some outside help with addons for OFP aswell as maps. For example the satchel's dynamic range sound modification is absolutely stunning, it turns OFP into a totally different game. Maybe BIS could embrace some outside ideas which are fantastic and include them in official releases after some beta testing. After all, these creations are freely available anyway. Just a thought... Regards,