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Everything posted by Lt_Damage

  1. What do you mean exactly... ? To be able to show which AI unit was killed by which player or what? I'm confused........... because if u mean kills in mp games.. they are already shown.
  2. Lt_Damage

    Weird situation......

    In the properties of a waypoint you can select when you want it to be visible in mission...always or never or somewhere in between. So you can have many waypoints and only have them visible when active, not visible ever, or always visible.
  3. Lt_Damage

    Bad performance

    Definately increase your ram to at least 256. Make sure you select 1024x768x32 not, 16. Having 16 bit color can significantly effect performance has OFP has been optimised for 32. If you have a Geforce3 you can handle 32bit color so don't use 16bit.
  4. Lt_Damage

    Game crashes upon joining/starting game

    Make sure you have the latest directx test your ability to play network games using the dxdiag tool. Select START > RUN > DXDIAG then enter. Go to directplay and try and create / join a session on the port OFP uses. 2234. Also make sure you have the latest video drivers and sound drivers for your pc. To connect a lan game you need to run TCP/IP only, don't worry about that IPX stuff. Make sure you have that protocol running and have assigned yourself an ip address. if all of these things are correct, you can try looking up your issue on Avon Lady's OFP FAQ http://www.theavonlady.org Regards,
  5. Lt_Damage

    Create a backup cd - how?

    My OFP CD has only ever been used once, I intend to keep it that way.
  6. Lt_Damage

    Geforce4 framerates disappointing inofp

    Sounds like the game engine simply isn't taking advantage of the extra power available.. quite sad.. maybe BIS will contibute something.. when Suma gets back.
  7. Lt_Damage

    Auto-restart standaloneserver when hang-up

    They sound very fun, the ones we tried were AllOutWar (crashes with 1.49, working on a fix) and Jeeps (crashes with 1.49) And BigWar with 64players i think.. and also "High Noon" which we never played again... Congratulations on creating fresh mp gaming maps for the ofp community, regards,
  8. Lt_Damage

    Auto-restart standaloneserver when hang-up

    Yes.. I am very jealous................ I thought i'd show a few of the players some Fraghaus maps for some variety.. and I was almost laughed off the server... I had to promise I'd remove them and never play them again. But this is quite beneath me, lets quit now. In regards to the server issue, I simply advise the user to follow Kegetys's method as 1) It does not require any third party software running. 2) It does not require editing the registry 2) It works and is simple. Increasing the priority of a process can create issues, do this with caution. Regards,
  9. Lt_Damage

    Create a backup cd - how?

    That's cool as! All CD's should fly!
  10. Lt_Damage

    Create a backup cd - how?

    If what you say is accurate... Rather than edit all my posts with apologies to BIS I will just say here, I am sorry, i was unaware you had no choice in the Safedisc2 issue. It just shows decisions are inevitably made because of money rather than true concern for the customer's enjoyment of the product. I acknowledge it was codemasters thinking along these lines and not BIS. Great work BIS, I am sorry I doubted your integrity.
  11. Lt_Damage

    Force feedback

    I know its you
  12. Lt_Damage

    Funny mp momments

    Are you sure you weren't smoking wacky tabaccy that night?
  13. Lt_Damage

    1.49 beta feedback

    Done. The files have been sent. I have done some really long and tiring testing, I tested a total of 190 maps on our dedicated server, running 1.49, with 1.46 clients. I have singled out every map that crashes, and made a list, and also checked every map that works. I will be checking the differences between maps and might come to some conclusion soon. Now I have some testing to go, but I think it might be related to some maps using Editorupgrade102, the server tolerates this as it has the addon on it to stop it crashing, but the clients crash to desktop, i think because of the protection introduced into the config.bin.. not sure. If not there is a camera or another objected that doesn't agree with 1.46 / 1.49 server. Regards,
  14. Lt_Damage

    Please insert the correct CD-ROM problem....

    I find this rather pathetic, that we have to help you rather than BIS. They should remove safedisc2 from their cds, as it serves no purpose besides making it very difficult for people who purchase the game. I can tell you now, it poses no problem to people who want to play the game by downloading it and burning it to a CD, or playing from the Image. If you email your contact details to Adam_M_@hotmail.com I'll help you get it working, you shouldn't have to buy anything new just because of safedisc.
  15. Lt_Damage

    Win2k and ofp

    I only encountered that issue when setting resolution beyond 1024x768.
  16. Lt_Damage

    Force feedback

    I have the same issue, but i didn't really know it was an issue because I only just got my Wingman Force3D, and i didn't know it was supposed to have force in the centre.. I don't think the joystick support is too great in OFP at the moment, certainly not for the fancy stuff. I'm gonna try that soft landing in water thing when i get home, i've been trying to master this trick i did once, where I flip the chopper upsidedown and ejected upwards... hasn't worked so far.. Damn I hate being stuck at work with no OFP
  17. Lt_Damage

    Auto-restart standaloneserver when hang-up

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (BigQEd @ Mar. 17 2002,18:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Sure... however I know for a fact running them in the FOREGround is not as effecient as running them in the BACKGround. Now... if you would stop and think about what server runs the fastest with the most players maybe you would understand that maybe running OFP as a Service isn't such a bad idea. <span id='postcolor'> Oh man, does the phrase "blowing your own horn" mean anything to you? I think your concerns at the moment would be why your server has such a bad reputation in the OFP community, not how fast / how many players it can hold. nuff said. Also, running ofp as a higher than normal priority can create issues. Instead of editing the registry like a cowboy, I suggest doing what Kegetys posted.
  18. Lt_Damage

    Create a backup cd - how?

    I meant the general public "can't" There is a way around everything, hell I don't even have my CD in the drive when i play OFP. But it has deliberately been made difficult to backup the cd.
  19. Lt_Damage

    Create a backup cd - how?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ALDEGA @ Mar. 10 2002,05:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If your original copy is damaged (which shouldn't happen in the first place, mind you), you should ask codemasters for a replacement (minimal fee).<span id='postcolor'> Minimal fee is $65? 1/3 of original purchase price is not minimal. Especially since BIS does not assist the buyer in any way to protect the CD through backing it up. (Safedisc2 on CD to prevent copies) And considering how cheap it is for them to produce a single cd. I find it quite disturbing. I really don't give a toss whether damaging a CD should happen, if someone damages a cd, they should of made a backup... ohhh hangon... they can't, damn.
  20. Lt_Damage

    Create a backup cd - how?

    One thing I'd like to point out. BIS have advised that we are allowed to make 1 backup copy. I assume this is to acknowledge that every person has a right to protect their property from damage. They then have gone out of their way to use the latest software technology (Safedisc2) on the OFP CD to make it difficult for us to protect our property by backing it up. This would be ok if they fully supported one way, or the other. If they wish to put heavy copy protection into their CD, they should support their product in case of damage. Which means, they replace the cd free of charge, as they have inhibited the buyer's ability to protect it themselves. If they support the reasoning that the purchasee of their product may backup their cd to protect it from damage, they should not have put heavy copy protection onto the cd in the first place. I believe this is a result of the gaming industry being slightly conflicted or maybe confused, protecting their own profits, and looking after the interests of their customers, who inturn, provide their profit.
  21. Lt_Damage

    I need an network master to help

    ICS on Windows98SE is flaky at best so it might not work well. The following setup should work: Connect all pc on an TCP/IP only network, make sure internet connection sharing is configured properly on all machines, and that you have the latest DirectX installed. Create the game on the computer you are using as server with the port 2235 instead of 2234. Get everyone to join using 2235 aswell. Make sure they join your session using your internet IP address, not your local network address. This may still not work as I believe the issue lies in the fact that you are creating a LAN game, and then want it to be accessible from the Internet. Which obviously provides a conflict. The only way to resolve this would be to create an Internet Game, then have the clients on your network join via ICS to your internet IP. Hope some of this helps, its a tricky issue which is heavily hampered by Windows98SE, as as an operating system, is not really up to the task. Regards,
  22. Could anyone please post information about the next client update? 1.49 has stablilised the server environment. But players are still dealing with crashes to desktop on 1/2 the maps due to 1.46 client.
  23. Lt_Damage

    When is the next client update due?

    Ok, a few things: When I said "no addons" I thought I was being clear. Let me restate: Server, 1.49, Only addon is the EditorUpgrade102 Clients, all 1.46, most without any addon at all. Some have tried the sound addon but I have advised them to roll it back as it can lead to an unstable playing environment in 1.46 as it has not been fully tested yet. (Users who did try to use it were unable to connect to a game, once uninstalled, this issue disappeared.) So to summarise, we do not use ANY unofficial addons besides the editorupgrade (because so many maps now use it). We are aiming for a stable server evironment so addons are currently not an option. The only other modification I can think of is custom faces, if a user uses a custom face addon, maybe that is causing it. But I also think this unlikely as very few people on the server use them and 100% of users get disconnected, noone is spared when it crashes to desktop. So this issue must be in some way related to a conflict between 1.46, and 1.49 Standalone server. I will endeavour to have all the players on my server send through crash reports to support@bistudios.com Regards,
  24. Lt_Damage

    How do i make a new identity

    Before you go editing your registry like a cowboy, check the following: If you are using Gamespy to connect, it starts OFP with command line parameters that will log you into the server with your "Nickname" in your gamespy profile. If you change your nickname to the same as your new OFP profile, it shouldn't overwrite it. Check this before editing the registry. Regards,
  25. Lt_Damage


    Make sure you have updated to the latest directx (8.1) and run DXDiag to test your directplay capabilities. Check this thread for more info: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....;t=8764 Also you can check the Avon Lady's OFP FAQ site which has a lot of useful tips. http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq