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Everything posted by Lt_Damage

  1. Lt_Damage

    Microphone use in ofp

    Ingame voice support can be enabled by using the Operationflashpoint preferences. Select Voice Setup, run through the setup, and voice support will be enabled for you. You may also leave it disabled, and use Roger Wilco or another 3rd party software.
  2. Lt_Damage

    Microphone use in ofp

    So that goes in the server.cfg or the user cfg?
  3. Lt_Damage

    1.55/1.58 is the worst ofp experience i've had.

    I am glad games are not still being developed with Win98 in mind. It is an ancient OS and basically why limit the potential of games so it can be compatible with outdated inferior OSes. As long as the MP test works for current operating system platforms like WindowsME, WindowsXP and Windows2000, i am content that proper support is provided.
  4. Lt_Damage

    1.55 patch, on dedicated server

    I am at work, so not able to experiment, I'd like to know how this executable is used to start a dedicated server with the new netcode.
  5. Lt_Damage

    The beta test prob

    I might have to have another play with the new netcode, I didn't really get to check it out fully, as soon as I found out it didn't support dedicated servers fully i binned it
  6. Lt_Damage

    1.55 netcode paramaters?

    Are you running the original mptest netcode for 1.55 with the -server argument? If so.. how are you getting around the problems experienced when logging in as admin? When we tested it, we were unable to use any commands or change mission or anything.. I have noted the only way around that was to reduce the missions to number around 10-15, does this mean the 1.55 server only has 10-15 missions running at the moment?
  7. Lt_Damage

    Gamevoice & ai

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (5thSFG Drak @ May 21 2002,03:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hey Damage this is when the reg issues come's into play. you have a group of guy's you know that wont do it then your problem is solved. I have seen this alot. I mean "ALOT".. and it's real easy to break it down to who it is when I know 3/4 of the players on the sever. Heck most of the time I get the guys on the 2nd kick. And just tell the other person that I was sorry but it had to be stopped. most of the one's that I kicked that were not doing the mic spamming understand. It may sound harsh but what else can you really do ? sit there for how ever long it takes and wait it out? No thats not the best idea in MHO Hope this kinda help's till BIS help's us.<span id='postcolor'> I understand your reasoning Drak, but it just isn't practical. A dedicated server should support its new players as much as it does its regulars. New players bring a lot to the game and I respect them for that, I enjoy the new tactics and personality it brings to the matches. The only fair policy is to let whoever got there first, play. It is in the best interest of the server and the players that there is no favouritism. If you just rely on your regulars your server will never grow, or build its reputation, its like a business, new business is good business. Regards,
  8. Lt_Damage

    Turrets all point one way?

    Yeah its annoying, but I understand why they bounce so it doesn't bug me so much, I want to know about the turrets.. must all point 1 way for a reason.
  9. the turrets all point one direction? I think it is north. I have no idea and I've searched the forums for 2 days. If anyone has a clue please let me know. Regards,
  10. Lt_Damage

    Can't select missions

    Hehehe, thought I posted somewhere in here.. I must of been dreaming.. We currently have 240 missions online, our players like a lot of variety, and we also need to cater for the different numbers of players at any one time. So if you can imagine, when 20 players are on, we need at least 20 twenty player missions, to provide variety for that session. If I limited to 10.. i dare say I would have my house burned down and my car stolen.. u get the idea. This is all good, I will wait to the fix, I just thought u should know the average missions we have online, so the fix accounts for that maybe. Kind Regards,
  11. Lt_Damage

    Microphone use in ofp

    Hmmm, no comments.. My only option so far is to upgrade the server to the 1.55 netcode when it is released, which does not support ingame voice.
  12. Lt_Damage

    Fraghaus is running ver 1.55 24/7 now

    Is Fraghaus running with the -server argument on the original mptest or has a new test been released for dedicated? Last I knew dedicated servers were not supported fully and admin functions didn't work.. how is Fraghaus working around this? Regards,
  13. Lt_Damage

    Internal voice supported in 1.55?

    As voice support in the sockets is yet to be implemented, now is a great time to consider the following options, which are needed desperately: Ability to disable voice on the server itself. - Possibly with a #command so it can be done mid-session. Ability to identify person using microphone. - Possibly an icon appears next to persons name, or their name flashes. These are much needed, people who abuse voice support cannot currently be identified, or stopped if they persist. Regards,
  14. Lt_Damage

    1.55 patch, on dedicated server

    Sorry Suma, I was singlemindedly checking this thread as it appeared to have the most visibility regarding the subject. Thankyou for your great support. I will endeavour to make the Gameplanet dedicated server provide as much netcode performance information as possible. Kind Regards,
  15. Lt_Damage

    1.55 patch, on dedicated server

    ............ There u have it.
  16. Lt_Damage

    Gamevoice & ai

    I was attempting to narrow down who it was first before booting anyone.. it was a real pain in the ass. We are actually lucky we don't get this sort of crap more often, as with the current setup, there is no way for me to combat it. Really looking for help from BIS on this one.
  17. Lt_Damage

    1.55 patch, on dedicated server

    Well obviously, as it stands, the netcode is not fit for release. I hope BIS do not see us as ungrateful, we definately are grateful. Problem is.. what exactly do you want us to do with this netcode? As you can see it is not fit for testing, and there is no dedicated server support so I myself am unable to test it on our server. It is an absolute fact, that our dedicated servers are currently trying to cope with more players than the existing netcode is designed for, we will upgrade to resistance once it is available, but do you really want to hold off the new netcode for dedicated simply to secure sales for the new product? Also in the process rendering OFP outdated and slow. Please advise.
  18. Lt_Damage

    Hotfix needed

    Well obviously, as it stands, the netcode is not fit for release. I hope BIS do not see us as ungrateful, we definately are grateful. Problem is.. what exactly do you want us to do with this netcode? As you can see it is not fit for testing, and there is no dedicated server support so I myself am unable to test it on our server. Please advise.
  19. Lt_Damage

    Gamevoice & ai

    "I know, just yesterday on a coop server there was a noob complaining and whining for fifteen minutes. He couldn't understand that we wouldn't stop the coop that was already running for more than 30 minutes... As there were more than one player waiting (5-6), we couldn't tell who he was..." That is why I want mic identification implemented so we can tell who is using the microphone. I had to listen to someone abuse myself (admin) and the players all day because I could not tell who it was.
  20. Lt_Damage

    Microphone use in ofp

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ May 20 2002,06:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hudson @ May 19 2002,21:15)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Guess again...<span id='postcolor'> He may be right??<span id='postcolor'> That's a negatory lil lady.
  21. Lt_Damage

    Admin rule of conduct

    Well that was all good reading, positive, negative, otherwise. Being an admin and making decisions is never clear cut, you need to be fair and also firm. I think I know how things are run on other servers, but the reg's get no special treatment on mine. I treat everyone fairly, reg's simply get a hello from me Guaranteeing spots for regulars is damn right wrong, first in - best served, I'm sorry but there is no compromise here. If they are a regular then they know this. I warn once if I notice a TK, if this warning is ignored and this occurs again, I simply kick and tell the user i'll see them next game. Reassigning is generally up to the players in the game, it is their game time you are taking, if you wish to reassign, consult them and judge for yourself (players in game, consent, vs players outside, waiting). I rarely reassign 10 minutes into a game, unless there is a lot outside, say if we had 10 in, 30 out. There is no point starting a game if you aint gonna finish it, consistancy is the name of the game, keep the games flowing, your players will appreciate it. As far as kicking, banning, I have only banned one person, that person was not able to play on the server for about 2 months, and subsequently asked to be let back in on "good behaviour". I do not kick someone for asking that a high ping player be kicked, that is not really worth commenting on. Kicking of people based on their ping is done very carefully, I judge whether they are currently downloading or connecting, and ask the player if it is likely to settle, the player usually knows how his connection works. Admins, whether voted, or using login, need to remember they are players first, admins second. We are all there to play the game, there is simply one guy who can make things run a little smoother. Don't get delusions of granduer, play the game, support your players. Regards,
  22. Lt_Damage

    Using -server to make dedicated

    We are trying to run 1.55 on our server at Gameplanet, but the server we have doesn't have a 3d card, its for true dedicated servers.. Is there a way to make the mptest ignore the fact that it doesn't have a video card capable of running the game? We are using: OFPMPTEST.EXE -server -port=2235 -config=server.cfg
  23. Lt_Damage

    Great mp test

    I personally think JIP would ruin the game. You start out with your squad, you know who they are, having people constantly quitting and joining would remove the "teamwork" and continuity of the game and just make it like quake. For all you ofp veterans out there who don't mind waiting for a decent match, i'm sure you'll agree.
  24. Lt_Damage

    1.55 patch, on dedicated server

    Ok. I think this is very clear cut. New netcode "looks" promising, if Suma and Co really want to know, do it properly, and release dedicated. It is my server, and BigQed's and others that support 100's of players a week, if you want to know if this netcode has improved gameplay, reduced lag, then you need to test it on a larger scale than someone hosting. It is a simple fact, I leave it up to BIS.
  25. Lt_Damage

    Turrets all point one way?

    the turrets all point one direction? I think it is north. I have no idea and I've searched the forums for 2 days. If anyone has a clue please let me know. Regards,