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Everything posted by Lt_Damage

  1. Lt_Damage

    Favorite server

    LOL, eh.. not really sure I should list our one then.. opflash.gameplanet.co.nz Version 1.60 With GPDESERT, GPJUNGLE and GPWINTER addons. Check out www.opflash.co.nz for details.
  2. Lt_Damage

    Paintball in the editor

    You need to explain what you mean a bit better.. By paintball do you mean youwant paint splats on the players or a "deathmatch" or teamdeathmatch sort of setup?
  3. Lt_Damage

    Get your littlebird choppers here:

    Ok sorry, I mean the AH6v2, it is supposed to have MG but the fire rate is terrible.. I have compared hte config.cpp to others and I can't find a problem.. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgWeapons { class Default {}; //class MGun: Default {}; //class MachineGun7_6: MGun{}; //class MachineGun7_6: default{}; //class MachineGun30: MachineGun7_6 class MachineGun7_6: default{}; class MachineGun30A11: MachineGun7_6 //class MachineGun30: Default{}; //class MachineGun30A11: MachineGun30 { //-- displayName="M134 Minigun"; ammo="MachineGun30A11mag"; count=2620; initSpeed=2000; sound[]={"\AH6v2\mini2.wav",5.162278,2.1}; //flashSize=1.100000; soundContinuous=1; //dispersion=0.003500; dispersion=0.023500; burst=1; multiply=1; optics=1; aiRateOfFire=0.0; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=1500; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero reloadTime=0.070; opticsZoomMin=0.08; opticsZoomMax=0.84; };<span id='postcolor'> If someone can recommend some settings to fix the fire rate that would be good, it won't go continuous.. :/
  4. Lt_Damage

    Get your littlebird choppers here:

    In the config.cpp for the MH6v2 there is no weaponry information, should there be?
  5. Lt_Damage

    Get your littlebird choppers here:

    What is the best config.cpp for the MH6v2? I have had reports that it does not fire the MG properly. (2round spurts) Also are the troop capacities right for each chopper? I've also had reports it allows more troops onboard the OH6 (Resistance Chopper) then it displays in the passenger seats.
  6. Lt_Damage

    New addons!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Skulleye @ July 03 2002,10:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You have to respect that not everyone are as good with english as you are. If you look at the whole sentence you will understand that "to bat" means too bad. If you can speak/write English, you should be perfectly able to read what he said.<span id='postcolor'> In normal circumstances that's all very well but in this case he's a moron and should shut his hole. If you have an addon you want to share, post it on the bloody forum or at least a pic so that way we know it actually exists. Do not bother asking people to "email you" and crap because you just come off as a moron.
  7. Lt_Damage

    Some ofp:r multiplayer questions...

    Most of these are damn good questions, if BIS or someone who has knowledge of this could answer it would be much appreciated. There is confusion in the community about whether terrain detail will be as good in multiplayer, this is actually a very good point as people are holding off buying it because they feel that MP will look exactly the same as before the Expansion. Server administrators need to know this info in advance in order to plan the upgrade of their server.
  8. Lt_Damage

    Logging in as admin

    If you are in fact an admin of a dedicated server with the login pass I suggest you actually read the DS-Admin.doc documentation that comes with every official update. It is a scarey thought for the players that you are adminning this server with no knowledge of how to do it.
  9. Lt_Damage

    Addon packs for multiplay

    I have put together 3 ADDON packs for Gameplanet's Dedicated Server which are grouped together according to Island. GPJUNGLE Includes the best addons I could find suited to Jungle Everon by Ebud, pack includes the Island and is a self installing zip with all documentation needed to get it working. GPWINTER Same as above but with many of the best snow camo units and vehicles and includes the Winter Kolugev Island by Kegetys. GPDESERT Same as the top two but with many of the best desert camo units and vehicles and includes Desert Malden by Selectthis. The MOTD of the server states where to obtain the addons and that website has full support details for players so they have a contact if they are unable to install correctly. As missions are sorted by the New addon islands, we can choose a normal addon-free mission with ease by simply choosing one of the original islands. This maintains a stable environment for all players. Regards,
  10. Lt_Damage

    Texture problems

    This problem - for me - is caused by unofficial addons. Can anyone who has posted above confirm by advising if they do not have addons, and if the problem doesn't occur without them?
  11. Go to www.ofpec.com and look up the tutorials, I suggest this because after this I know you will be back with another question, and another.. Respawn is a simple thing covered in the tutorials.
  12. Lt_Damage

    Resistance's north american release date changed

    Staggering release dates is stupid, if BIS ever find out the actual figures for how many sales they lost to piracy thanks to CM, they'll freak out for sure. Considering CM have done NO advertising for BIS to promote their product, the actual hype in the gaming community was quite good, to delay release in certain countries has wasted all that momentum. I can tell you now 70% of people who were waiting to purchase have now sought alternative methods for obtaining the game. Loyal fans will hang in there but theres only so much crap we can take.
  13. Lt_Damage

    Ofp resistance system requirements

    Can anyone post the exact system requirements as written on the box? The "recommended" and "minimum" please.
  14. Lt_Damage

    Release date?

    Because NZ and AUST won't get Resistance until the 12th apparently.
  15. Lt_Damage

    Release date?

    Because NZ and AUST won't get Resistance until the 12th apparently.
  16. Lt_Damage

    New pics! screen shots of the bike in action!

    Lets just wait till he gets WCIII and find out what a piece of crap it is. Warcraft III was being released for so long, but it looked so crap they had to redo the engine again. Give me WarCraft II any day. Besides OFP Resistance is going to be the best game available anyway, easy decision.
  17. Lt_Damage

    New pics! screen shots of the bike in action!

    Lets just wait till he gets WCIII and find out what a piece of crap it is. Warcraft III was being released for so long, but it looked so crap they had to redo the engine again. Give me WarCraft II any day. Besides OFP Resistance is going to be the best game available anyway, easy decision.
  18. Lt_Damage

    Oooo ofp: resistance e3 , day 3 shots

    Damn, looks like they were really cutting it close with the release date, BIS must of just got finished with it, made a Europe version for 28th, and the delay for the rest of us must be time taken to export and localize it. Hopefully the localizations are done properly, I recall problems with US versions of Red Hammer, and Russian versions of OFP was done quite poorly.
  19. Lt_Damage

    Resistance's north american release date changed

    Codemasters have staggered the release dates? Well.. poor BIS, I suggest they seek another distributor because they just opened the floodgates to piracy. Game gets released in 1 country = Other countries are still in demand = demand filled by Piracy = Less dollars for hard work BIS have done. Unfortunately BIS have also been let down, aswell as the OFP fans in the US, Asia Pacific etc have been let down. And I haven't seen bugger all advertising so what are CM good for? It's the best game on the planet but it doesn't matter if noone knows about it. Bah! 2, TARGET Codemasters, 12 O'Clock! 2, ROGER!
  20. Lt_Damage

    Is ofp  mp dead?

    Yeah fortunately OFP as it is attracts a more sensible crowd, who can wait 30 mins, enjoy a great game. Join in progress will open the floodgates for all those stupid people that are described above. The forums generally reflect our online community, currently it's pretty damn good. Unfortunately all the numbers on other game servers indicate is there are a hell of a lot more stupid people in the world than there are OFP players. :/ Btw.. YOU ARE THE HARDMAN! YOU ARE A MORON!
  21. Lt_Damage

    I r not happy

    I will buy Resistance because it appears to be an excellent product. As far as demanding things or you'll boycott Resistance that is the most moronic thing I've ever heard. BIS have already delivered more support for their product than any company I've ever bought a game off. Wait for the tools to be ready you spoilt twat.
  22. Lt_Damage

    I r not happy

    I will buy Resistance because it appears to be an excellent product. As far as demanding things or you'll boycott Resistance that is the most moronic thing I've ever heard. BIS have already delivered more support for their product than any company I've ever bought a game off. Wait for the tools to be ready you spoilt twat.
  23. Lt_Damage

    Uh-1n by the svfe team

    Can we have some sort of ETA for this? We are very much lacking a Huey, none of the current addons really cut it. Also a must is some sort of heavy MG on the side that will hold off troops while it's landing.
  24. Lt_Damage

    Is ofp  mp dead?

    Heh, I have nothing against the Marines, as long as they teach that boy some manners. Harnu, it's all jokes matey.
  25. Lt_Damage

    Is ofp  mp dead?

    SGT KAMAI, Sorry I haven't been through the whole bondage...errr. bonding-grabbing-each-others-ass exercises that you boys go through to come out all mucho with out an inch more intelligence then when you went in, I didn't realise we were discussing who was "A big tough Marine" and who wasn't. Q) Do I feel grateful for the many men and women who fight for our freedom? A) Hell yes. Q) Do I feel safe with you protecting our freedom? A) Erm.... shit, let's hope he's the cook.