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Everything posted by Lt_Damage

  1. Lt_Damage

    How do you get your player...

    Nope, in your player preferences, which is under "EDIT PROFILE" off the main OFP menu. you can change the pitch and tone of your player's voice. This is the only voice modification that can be done. The russian voices in the campaign's are done by voice actors and is not an ingame function. Even Viktor Troska in Resistance sounds nothing like himself when speaking in combat, in the cut scenes he has a british sort of accent.
  2. Lt_Damage

    Bis testing server

    In role selection window. After choosing your roles. I was the last person to press OK to start "Receiving Data.." screen. I was in the middle of typing a message so I had the chat window open. The administrator pressed "OK" and that forced me to start. But instead I was crashed to the desktop. I have had this problem before. If transitioning between player setup windows and I am typing and the admin presses start. I will crash to desktop.
  3. Lt_Damage

    Ofp:r 12th dec release in australia

    Just in case the rest of the world has forgotten. OFP Resistance is STILL not available in New Zealand. Limited copies were made available to Australia. But NZ has been delayed further because the game hasn't been "rated" yet.
  4. Lt_Damage

    Viktor troska

    Why? Going to have him knee-capped? hehe
  5. In Resistance, new vehicle named "Bomb". You can use it to create an explosion: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">BombName = "Bomb" CreateVehicle Position; BombName SetDammage 1<span id='postcolor'>
  6. Lt_Damage

    Flying the flag?

    For the flag pack, don't use _vlajka... it is actually just the name of the country.jpg All my missions have Australian and US and Russian flags using this format, and I have the standard BIS flag pack addon.
  7. Lt_Damage

    1.75 doesn´t save new missions?

    The missions should definately not be deleted from the MPMissions directory of the client every game. This is not only a cause of long delays between each game, it is also blowing the servers costs way out of proportion to what they usually were. If the same file has to be sent every single game, our servers are going to be sending so much data out for no good reason, that is going to raise costs. BIS, there are way too many negative effects of having the missions refreshed constantly, the old way worked fine and was efficient use of bandwidth, please take these things into consideration as servers cannot run this way. Regards,
  8. Lt_Damage

    Ofp:r 12th dec release in australia

    This is not a "release". Basically they have dumped whatever stock they have left to us after giving it to priority countries. It's trickling into Australia, get whatever copies you can, for myself, I'm done with this game. I will not pay for this kind of service.
  9. Lt_Damage

    Whats your favorite thing about resistance?

    I wish I was in a position to comment about Resistance, but looks like its not available here until the 22nd now.
  10. Lt_Damage

    Ofp:r 12th dec release in australia

    I wouldn't mention alternate sources of Resistance the moderators just love to close down threads criticising anything to do with BIS or Codemasters and discussion of alternate sources of software is usually their excuse for stamping down on non-conformist threads. It is quite sad that we keep getting stuffed around, I just want to know what is causing this delay, if I wasn't getting a free copy sent to me I'd never pay for this software after being slapped in the face so often.
  11. Lt_Damage

    Green areas

    I have had the same olive green screen problem for a while now. I purchased the best video card I could find so I could see OFP at its best. Now to run OFP, I need to disable HW T&L, and run in Direct3D mode. I think this is a pretty poor solution, I dislike having to run in a "compatibility mode". I have an ASUS GF4 Ti4600 with 128MB RAM, WindowsXP all latest service packs and updates. AMD 900Mhz Athlon Thunderbird and 60GB 7200RPM Maxtor hdd. I have 384mb 133mhz SDRAM Taking the HW T&L off puts more strain on my CPU and degrades my performance further.
  12. Lt_Damage


    If I knew Codemasters made Red Hammer I would NEVER have bought it. Damn them to hell. And damn them more so for having my money which I thought was going to BIS.
  13. Lt_Damage

    1.6 extremly high ping issue

    Is Resistance production quality?
  14. Lt_Damage


    We appreciate your tireless work making sure this forum is as informative and sensible as possible. Great work guys. Please try and keep the biased opinions I am constantly seeing to a minimum. People are making honest complaints to what is supposed to be an impartial medium. While you have your right to an opinion, it is often biased no matter how valid the point that is trying to be made, this is creating an atmosphere which I'm sure BIS does not desire. Regards,
  15. Lt_Damage

    Dont worry guys!

    that's fair enough if you HAVE the expansion, we are still waiting for what is the most borked release of a game ever.
  16. Lt_Damage

    Ofp:r 12th dec release in australia

    I am quite annoyed. But surely not as much as BIS is. I don't want BIS to suffer, because I appreciate they made this game. But why the HELL are they still letting Codemasters **** them up the *** ? There is no advertising for this game, NOONE knows about it. I think I've done more advertising in Australia than Codemasters has. Our release date is constantly being changed, do you realise that 70% of sales are gone now? Pirate versions are becoming available quite readily, you are **CKING yourselves over. Dumbasses, absolute dumbasses.
  17. Lt_Damage

    Tank driving in resistance.

    Forget tanks, explain why a normal car can't brake?
  18. Lt_Damage

    Tank driving in resistance.

    Forget tanks, explain why a normal car can't brake?
  19. Lt_Damage

    Coop - team vs team

    eh... why?
  20. Lt_Damage

    Cutscene error.  ashm2ifvreal

    Also sounds like the mission he is playing actually requires this addon which is definately the Ash IFV pack. It is also available at www.ofpec.com
  21. Lt_Damage

    Explosions and coronas don’t look right

    Sorry I have bigger problems to worry about at the moment, I have a Geforce4 Ti4600, best card I could find, and I can't use its full features because if I enable HW T&L I get green terrain! Bloody terrible, so i'm running Direct3d at the moment
  22. Lt_Damage

    1.6 extremly high ping issue

    So to clarify you are sharing your brothers internet connection? He has 60ms and your ping has exploded to around 1000ms+ ? This would indicate some problem with the internet connection sharing.
  23. Lt_Damage


    so nobody has any ideas on this? I am having serious issues. I can't use 1.60 or I get green terrain, if I use 1.46 its fine. Any input would be welcome.
  24. Lt_Damage

    Everything looks black and white at night.

    I am just so glad this has been cleared up! I went from a Gigabyte Geforce2 GTS 32MB to a ASUS Geforce4 Ti4600 128MB and I thought i'd gone colorblind. Thank god its finally settled.. Note: would like a little more colour..
  25. Lt_Damage

    My idear for a coop mission

    That sounds more like a couple pilots get drunk and have wacky adventures with expensive military hardware. If you want it made give me 10 seconds though