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Everything posted by LBGS_Stewart

  1. LBGS_Stewart


    what i think would be good is if Satchel and BIS could get togeather and then have satchel give his sounds to bis and have bis put his sounds in the game as a patch so that you wouldnt have to keep updating it all the time just a idea. it could be posible
  2. LBGS_Stewart

    Need a new f16 or f18

    http://www.armscontrol.ru/atmtc....eau.htm    this should help you with modeling of most  aircraft along with some specs http://www.bglink.com/bgpersonal/ands/galerija/images-rus.html
  3. LBGS_Stewart

    Need a new f16 or f18

    i will have to do alittle reshurce
  4. LBGS_Stewart

    Need a new f16 or f18

    what about using older aircraft such as the mig 21 thos should be slower.
  5. LBGS_Stewart

    Need a new f16 or f18

    that would be a good aircraft. altho i beleave the most superier one they do have would be the SU-35 with Thurst vectoring that would give the ruskys a huge advantage over the US.
  6. LBGS_Stewart

    Need a new f16 or f18

    there is a difference between the F/A-18 and the F/A-18 super hornet. the Super honet is much biger and the intake is hidden in side the plane more and the outside of it is coated with a radar asorbant material so it isnt as easy to detect, and the F/A-18 super hornet also has a biger payload it can cary so there is a difference kind like land air craft and aircraft cariers, the landing gear is more heavy on planes for Aircraft Cariers. then the planes that are land based also all the aircraft on aircraft Cariers also have two jet engiens insted of one and there is good reasion behind this. so there is always a difference kinda like the Tomcat and the Bombcat
  7. LBGS_Stewart

    Need a new f16 or f18

    know what would be sweet is if some one could make the F/A 18 Super Hornet
  8. LBGS_Stewart

    Side arms

    I feel a Side arm would be ideal in this game most deffintly. the millitary would never issue something that they feel would be useless, in WW2 i beleave most people had a side are which would be the colt 1911A1 and that gun if i reamber right was till in service int he US untell 1991 i am not shure tho but it has lived a long life and been in manny wars and they where used when they needed them. i feel it would be a great addon to the game my self for Realism pourpouse and survival. when you run out of M-16 whats left nothing if you run to a guy in the back thats deal to take his gun you risk being shot in the back.
  9. LBGS_Stewart

    Why is bi doing this?

    i have to agree with madmike on this. 3/4 of the people on this form are acting like babys. there too greedy it seems they want eveything given to them on a silver platter. thers there tools they desined it, if you wanna put a model into the game so bad why dont you make your own tools. a agree about what BIS is doing. BIS is still one of the best compines look at all the patches that they have made, it seems evey day i come in here and all i hear are people demanding addon and demanding this and demanding that. they didnt have to make thos patches they didnt have to give them out for free. i Praise BIS, they are doing a great job and i think of them holding the tools right now is the right thing to do because if it was relased the next day 90 percent of the addons would be junk usless and pointless but if you can give it to the ones know what they are doing and actuly do some reshurche on what there making it will be much more higher quality
  10. LBGS_Stewart

    Oxygen not being freely distributed online!

    well this is my two cents, one thing is i dont know anything about 3d modeling or any modeling. shure it would be nice if they released it to the public. but yet. there are all this people out here that dont want cheaters in the game ect. look at it this way, in a way its proventing cheaters. if they give it out to the people who are doing thos big mods such as invashion 44 and such, the ones that are deadicated in doing this they will look into reashure and find out what all the specs are to put in it. where some of the avridge users would just go ok desine it put it in the game test it, and then decide to change it make it faster carry more ammo. i can understand why BIS is doing this, and frankly i agree to them. they said they would release them and they are i never seen anywhere where they said who they will relase them to tell now. and it is there property. if they want they can just destory it, it wasnt yours to take or use if was BIS. BIS has been the best people i have seen deadicated to there comsumers. look at all the patches they put out. and all you guys are just complaning like a bunch of babys. there would be manny other publishers and desiners that would put out patches would wanna sell them. or not even put out the patches. for example B-17 2 there where manny things promised but never delivered. trust BIS judgement. i hurd one person wanting to boycott BIS. why because they dont wanna give you something BIS owns? that is just pointless. thats what i think, i feel BIS has done nothing wrong but actly will help this comunity.
  11. LBGS_Stewart

    How do i get my radio back?

    or you can get the radio choices by pressing the 0 for reply and then 0 agine for radio
  12. LBGS_Stewart

    Physical mem dump

    Ok i seem to have this problem happen randimly from connection to MP on ofp and during the game i some times get the blue schreen of death that says Physical Memory Dump i am courious to know why this may be happing and any if you others have experienced this it only happens with OFP abit VP6 mother board VIA chip set 1ghz P3 PC133 processers X2 60gb hard drive 512 SDIMM ECC ram OS win 2000 pro 5.1 sound blaster + MP3 creative 52X cd rom Plextore 12/10/32 CDRW ATI Radeon 64mb DDR VIVO any opions or solushions would be helpful
  13. LBGS_Stewart

    inet connection option

    But if you live like in a place where i live, unforintly you cant have eather all i can have is dial up and i get connected at 28.8K with a transfer rate of about 3K
  14. LBGS_Stewart

    BI: Please fix this to prevent hacking config.bin

    some people use costom faces like me and thats shows up as a Modified config file. id ont see why its wrong to have a camo face and having that restricing the player to play. so will there be a way of knowing what files are modified so they know who they should and sholdnt kick out???
  15. this is a Exelent sound pack i must say, but i have a question tho   sence i have downloaded it and try playing MP games  it some times gose to the blue schreen of death. i am not shure if it is the sound pack or posibly something else  it dont do it all the time but its quit increased.  my system spec are OS win 2000 Pro mother board  Abit VP6 processer  PIII 1ghz x 2 video card ATI Radeon 64 mb  DDR VIVO ram  512 mb SDIMM  ECC HD  60gb  7200 RPM Sound card 5.1 live + MP3 any input would be greatly apreated
  16. LBGS_Stewart

    Green sky

    i seem to have a green sky now after i have updated to the most recent drivers for ATI Radeon 64mb VIVO. i have looked in the OFP Avon lady FAQ and the sugestion there didnt work because the object size was already set for that. if anyone has any sugestions it would be apreaciated
  17. LBGS_Stewart

    Green sky

    i have disabled the W buffer and it works like a champ now thanks guys and the virshion is 1.42
  18. LBGS_Stewart

    THE DAMN LST won't move

    it wount take you for ever on isdn i am running dial up with 2K trasfer rate it took about 7 hours or so. and it is a good idea you do upgrade to 1.42 if you wanna play on line that is.
  19. LBGS_Stewart

    Sounds interesting!

    I am also running windows 2000 Pro I have a  P3 X 2  One gig each 512mb ecc ram soundblaster live 5.1 + MP3 digital incoding ATI Radeon 64MB ddr vivo and i use to have the cracking sound also  but i have fixed this by disabling the sound excerations  but leaving the eax on in the settings for ofp and it works great for me not a crack at all and i a very pleased
  20. LBGS_Stewart

    Mission Editing

    Ok when i start making a mission and place evyething where i want it people, ammo, trucks, helos, objectives and ect. when i go to preview how come none of this stuff comes up on the map??? also when i change settings in my options when i close it and excit and come back in they have changed back Please anyone with advice please replay i would be greatfull for any and all helpfull feedback