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Everything posted by LBGS_Stewart

  1. LBGS_Stewart

    Stats screen?

    unfintly there seems to be a bug with recording kills sometimes i dont get credit for kills i have made eather.
  2. LBGS_Stewart

    Stats screen?

    Player is the number of players you killed infintry is the number of people you killed this is a combo of AI and People where the list that says People are just people you have killed Infintry takes the number of people you killed Pluse the number of AI infintry you have killed
  3. LBGS_Stewart

    Pc temp 72 degrees

    i just checked the temp of my processers on my system with MBM5 the case statys at 23 Degrees C processer one and two at idle is at 30 but when under load playing OFP processer one hit 42 and processer two is at 40 or so Degrees C and the average is 37 for processer 1 and 36 for processer 37 my processers are P3 1ghz each
  4. LBGS_Stewart

    Multiplayer maps available

    Hello all i am a dial up user and i seem to have no problems with lag with Resistance. i live in Michigan the UP and there is no cable no isdn no dsl. but we have the good old trusty Dial up 3-5K down or about 1K up. and i was playing on the bis testing server last night with Hell toupee and Brune. who i beleave is wiggem. anyways dispite this the told me them self that i did not lag. but from times i have seen that even "broad band" people tend to lag at time. which i think is quite funny. why do i find this funny because majority of the time they blam it on someone else with a "higher ping" from what i seen in games i have played Ping dont always mean Lag but this is just my two tokens worth
  5. LBGS_Stewart

    How's the new netcode in Resistance?

    Desync from what i can take from the word Dis Sync would mean how much you are out of sync. but thats what i think it is but i could be wrong thats the only sence i can make out of the word
  6. LBGS_Stewart

    Patch in testing?

    if you go into Multiplayer form and look at the stickies there is one made my suma that saying that they have a server up for testing.
  7. LBGS_Stewart

    What is your multiplayer name?

    I am Rabbit-Slayer_[Militia]
  8. LBGS_Stewart

    Resistance buglist

    i have noticed when you have your side arm drawn and you go to pick up a flag from the pole you dont have to bend down and wait to get it. just select "take flag" and then run off and then you will get the flag. i feel this is a bug because you then no longer have to wait for the flag to come down the pole befor you take it. meaning in CTF games you can get away with the flag much faster.
  9. LBGS_Stewart


    is it just me or dose it seem that all the weapons in OFP are now weaker such as the AK, M16 ect i know the sounds are changed and the rate of fire. Because it seems like now i have to have more hits in a person in order to bring him/her down or are there more hit spots on the Soilder now. something differently seems different in killing
  10. LBGS_Stewart

    Resistance buglist

    1. drop ladder function dose not work. 2 when having gernades and smoke shells if you drop all of your gernades you cannot select the smoke shell or drop it unless you go into the map schreen and drop them that way and Vic versa.
  11. LBGS_Stewart

    \combat flight simulater 3

    i dont know if any of you have ever played "B-17 flying fortress" this was put out by hasbro in this you can also be in any of the 10 crew spots in it and yoiu can switch when your in the game. its quite a fund and intristing game and i think the detail in it is also nice
  12. LBGS_Stewart

    Smith & wesson revolvers addon v1.0

    actuly the Police department around here you are able to use any side arm you want as long as you are so accurate with it and are able to load the gun on handed and some other tests if you pass the best with that gun you can use it when on patrol. i know one deputie has three different guns he can use while on patrol
  13. LBGS_Stewart

    Mossberg 500

    if i was going to get a shot gun that could be eather Semi auto or Pump with a push of a button it would be the "Franchi SPAS 12 with the Folding stock
  14. LBGS_Stewart

    Mossberg 500

    My dad use to be a gun smith. and from experence i have found that some guns dont like different types of ammo. and also the settings on some autos. such as the browning we have at home. you have to take it appart and tighten up the spring or losin it up depending on the type of loads you are going to use. and like i stated above some guns perfer different kinds of ammo. one gun may like one type of brand ammo where if a different gun used the same ammo it would jam or get stuck. some times it not ever the guns fault for gamming like my .45 colt i use a winchester winclean ammo for it the lead is tapered and flat in at the end. it jams some times but its not the guns fault the colt wasnt made for that kind of ammo. the kind of ammo it was made for was the full metal jacket that had the rounded tip at the end. so there could be manny different reasions why it had jammed
  15. LBGS_Stewart

    Drop ladder

    i am not shure is this is a bug or just a problem for me. when ever going down the ladder the "drop ladder" fuction dose not work for me. but it dose seem to work for AI. so the question is dose the Drop ladder button work for you? because irritates me when playing missions and wanting to get down in a hurry
  16. LBGS_Stewart

    ?optical cammoflage?

    Optical camo. that is something i havent seen in a while. i reamber watching it on a channle one time. it dose exist in actual life but its something that is hardly knowen which uses fiber optics to transfer the image from one side of a truck or object ot the other side works very well untill it moves. kinda makes it look like a vapor in the air when moving of the shape of the object that has it but once again i dont reamber on which program i seen this on i reamber it was a tatic that was being used in a open feild where thes people where having a stand off inside a house snipers and a truck where sent going up this feild inorder to recon it all day tell night for the SWAT team to enter the building
  17. LBGS_Stewart

    New creative labs drivers coming soon!

    thats whats nice about ATI they update there drivers every mounth. but it is funny on the Creatives driver download page "check back often we are always updating drivers" or something very similar to that.
  18. LBGS_Stewart

    Ai shooting range?

    if i couldnt see the target i would most likly wouldnt shoot. even in MP if some one sees me and shoots at me if i do not find where the shots are coming from or who is shoot i usly dont bother returning fire untell i find them or see them. but thats just me
  19. LBGS_Stewart

    Ai shooting range?

    if i couldnt see the target i would most likly wouldnt shoot. even in MP if some one sees me and shoots at me if i do not find where the shots are coming from or who is shoot i usly dont bother returning fire untell i find them or see them. but thats just me
  20. LBGS_Stewart

    Ai shooting range?

    here is a idea. the Military is traned for spoting things that dont right or should be there. the civ arnt really trained for combate they are just rebels and that would make it hard for them to spot a person in camo at long rangers where on the other hand the trained military wouldnt have as hard as a time. some people are good at spoting this difference in partterens of colors and shapes where others arnt. so dont think its always because of the rang but posibility of simulation of the eyes of the AI not being very well trained for this
  21. LBGS_Stewart

    Ai shooting range?

    here is a idea. the Military is traned for spoting things that dont right or should be there. the civ arnt really trained for combate they are just rebels and that would make it hard for them to spot a person in camo at long rangers where on the other hand the trained military wouldnt have as hard as a time. some people are good at spoting this difference in partterens of colors and shapes where others arnt. so dont think its always because of the rang but posibility of simulation of the eyes of the AI not being very well trained for this
  22. LBGS_Stewart

    Hey bis, we need the eye!

    i wasnt talking about GS. but all i think GS is is just a place to find players because if you wanna connect to the host after you have luanched you need the host IP address so i dont thin GS really has anything to do with the game after launch
  23. LBGS_Stewart

    Hey bis, we need the eye!

    i wasnt talking about GS. but all i think GS is is just a place to find players because if you wanna connect to the host after you have luanched you need the host IP address so i dont thin GS really has anything to do with the game after launch
  24. LBGS_Stewart

    Shooting at lax

    i dont know how manny people on this form are from michigan. anyways in Michigan a BB gun is consitered as a regler gun. the BB gun must be resitered with Michigan if the BB gun dose not have numbers on it you need to bring it down to the Michigan state police for them to stamp numbers on it and register it. if you are cought with our it being registered it is consitered a felony. swift isnt it. Ralph you said if they ban gun it dont mean they would ban BB guns correct. well maybe that is true where you live but in Michigan a BB gun is consitered as a firearm, in every way shap or form. so in michigan if guns where banded i am shure the BB guns would also be banded sence they are under the same laws as a regler fire arm. then again michigan dose have some messed up laws expishly the hand gun law.
  25. LBGS_Stewart

    Hey bis, we need the eye!

    i odnt know much about the eye or net codes. but here is what i think. sence we had Direct play the game was really laggy but sence it has been switched over to sockets which imporves game play it will be much better so what would you reather have seeing games on the eye and having lag or using GS and have alot less lag. cant have your pie and eat it too but maybe if your lucky you might have the options of switching between direct play and sockets