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Posts posted by euly

  1. Thanks.

    Supposed to be kind of obvious code. OF like offensive DF like defensive. Said at stance change.

    That's easy part. I know, how to do this. Idea is cool, but problem is voice acting and English sentences. :) Especially, I long time ago forgotten, which audio filters and how set I was using to get that kind of radio distortions etc. And this must be cohesive with the rest. The more - can't even recall, whose voice was used for HQ (one of two, while one guy is hard to reach and second out of reach completely). So, the only choice I see is making whole voice acting from the scatch. Or leave additional HQ sentences voiceless...

    Thank you for the update on the OF and DF.

    I didn't mean like vocally talk, just text in the side chat. I really like the side chat/radio chatter. The chat is immersive while the commander and squads are acting and reacting to the situation.

  2. Wow. That sounds like awesome feature. Definitelly will try to utilize this in Hetman, thanks. Still - not sure, when exactly I'll back to Hetman itself, depends, maybe tommorow, maybe next year... :) Learned to not force myself to work on anything without genuine willingness and it's not possible to predict, when I'll get again such enthusiasm for pushing forward given project.

    When you do get around to working on it again, one of the chat responses is "No possible - Over" when it should be "Not possible - Over"

    "No possible" sounds strange, even though I'm sure everyone knows what the group meant. If you ever figure out a way to have the commander talk to those groups, it would be nice to know what he's ordering them to do. The only text I see him say is about artillery missions and "To all groups, perform Oscar Foxtrot! (or something like that)" What does that mean? Is he calling an audible? It doesn't make much sense without context.

  3. Hm. Indeed. Possibly. Once I try all this sling loading thingy one day, I'll think, if and how use it for ammo dropping.

    The AI is pretty good about loading things. I gave one of the new choppers a "Lift Cargo" waypoint that I place directly on top of a truck and placed a "Drop Cargo" waypoint a few kilometers away. When I previewed it, the chopper automatically grabbed the truck and dropped it off. Very simple. I tried an ammo box and it worked the same.

  4. I think that's where he misunderstanding comes from. Enemy AI are not always local to the server. One example is when a player spawns AI using Zeus. Those AI are local to the player and not local to the server. Another example is AI that are in a player's group. The player's computer then controls the thinking part of these AI, not the server. This is the idea behind headless clients, I believe. If you can take all the AI from the server to another computer, it really saves a lot of CPU.

    So if the server attempts to control these AI, half of the scripts will not work because the server does not own locality to these units. So the player that owns the AI must execute all the scripts on the AI for them to act in a reasonable manner. This also allows for properly implemented headless clients and etc.

    I have a group of friends that prefer using Zeus/MCC on my dedicated server. Does this mean they will need Vcom installed on their systems to control AI they spawn?

  5. And it looks like you check for rank, I think that's not a good idea, most people don't care about those and just place units as privates.

    I'm confused by that statement Wiggum. I know you have some skill with coding, so I don't understand why the fsm checking for rank would be bad, such as in consideration of a group's hierarchy. One of the features I really like about Robalo's ASR_AI is it bases skill from the unit's rank and provides a randomized threshold, so every unit can have a different tier of skill with some scale of randomness. I tend to place groups, which by default, have the leader as Sargent, followed by corporals and privates. I hate having to micromanage the skill of each individual unit in a group, or even as single units, I would rather just make a quick drop down of the unit's rank and be done with it. Am I missing something?

  6. Is it possible to run this Mod Serverside only?

    I transition between Vcomai and ASR_AI on my dedicated server. Vcom works just fine, but it's only good for missions that do not involve units walking on patrol (this setBehaviour "Safe") because Vcom will force them to go into formation and walk with their weapons ready, like they are hunting. I know Genesis is aware of this issue and working on a fix, so I'm patiently waiting for the day I can replace ASR_AI.

  7. Still debating if I should continue it. The chance of having realistic AI is very slim.

    Performance is a killer issue as having complex simulations bogs down ingame performance too much. Would you all be okay with having the same principles of FFIS1 incorporated into FFIS2 with a slimmed down, per-mission data collection instead of per-map?

    The best course of action in this situation is to shelve the unfinished features and revise the project to FFIS1. Once you release the project, people will find problems and hopefully report back to you, which will help you identify areas of improvement and possibly inspire your ideas and methods to re-introduce the features you shelved. Right now, the options are: have a version of FFIS2 compatible with ArmA 3 that resembles FFIS1, or have no FFIS2 at all. Do what you gotta do man.

  8. If all player units are in one team anyway try this (i use it in my helicopter insertion script):

    _units = [] call BIS_fnc_listPlayers;
    _n = 0;
    for "_i" from 0 to (count _units - 1) do
    _unit = (_units select _i);
    _unit moveInCargo [_heli,_n];
    _unit  assignAsCargo _heli;
    _n = _n + 1;

    I had a similar problem and i think its because the units init field is executed to late.

    I'll give that a shot. Thank you Wiggum.

    ---------- Post added at 01:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 PM ----------

    In an mp environment it can take up to 2 seconds for the group variable to properly synchronise across the network and be recognised fully.

    You can see this by seeing the effect of setgroupID in the init field of the units and then having that unit do a sidechat message at the start of the init.sqf and then after a delay of 2 seconds.

    To work around this issue in scripting, waypoints etc add a time condition to your waypoint condition (And best run it on the server only if the helo pilot is in it's own AI group meaning its local to the server))

    ((IsServer) &&(Time > 4)&&({alive _x && _x in Helo1} count units team1 == {alive _x} count units team1))

    You could also just count Isplayer and playableunits if all the players are in the same group

    If you have disableai = 1 then you could just check for alive and count of playable units

    The timing issue didn't occur to me. Thank you

  9. Hello.

    In the editor, I have a group with team1 = group this in the leader's init field. I have also tried team1 = group this in every group member's init field as well as team1 = group player in the init.sqf (all players will be part of team1).

    I have a helicopter with {alive _x && _x in Helo1} count units team1 == {alive _x} count units team1 in the condition of its first waypoint (which is on top of the chopper), basically saying "when everyone from team1 is in the chopper, take off."

    This works perfectly in single player (and probably hosted multiplayer), but when I throw the mission on a dedicated server, the chopper will immediately take off, indicating that it does not recognize team1.

    Any help will be appreciated.

  10. I should help you out a little bit more:

    Let's say you have 3 spawn points that are randomly selected, and after the player is spawned on one of them, you want to delete the rest

    Here's how you do it: Create 3 triggers and build the spawn place and whatever you want to be at the spawn place. Give all of those objects a name. (make the names really obvious, it will save you a lot of brainwork, I promise) Then you need to make sure that it (whatever selects the random spawnpoint) can run a little script for each spawn point. It should be able to run this little script if player spawns on place 1:

     playerSpawnedOnOne = true; 

    Do the same for the other spawn point scripts:

     // for spawn place 2
    playerSpawnedOnTwo = true; 

     // for spawn place 3
    playerSpawnedOnThree = true; 

    Now you can setup the triggers: for trigger 1, use this condition:


    (this will check if playerSpawnedOnOne is true)

    Do this for the other triggers too. (playerSpawnedOnTwo for trigger 2 and so on.....)

    What we currently have is 3 triggers that will activate when a player spawns on the spawn point that belongs to that trigger :)

    Now we only have to do the last part of scripting: make sure that if trigger 1 becomes active, it will delete all of the objects that belong to spawn point 2 and 3. And of course, same counts for the other triggers. (2 deletes objects for 1 and 3, 3 deletes objects for 2 and 1)

    For this, you can do the following:

    put all of the names for the objects belonging to each point in an array and attach a variable to it:

    objectsForOne = ["someFireplace", "aTent", "canOfBeans", "emptyMag", "someOtherCrap"];

    (put the above in some script that runs as early as possible. (preferably in a script being loaded with preproccessfilelinenumbers)

    Do the same thing for the other points. (you can put the rest one line below the others)

    Then, for trigger 1, put this in it's ON ACT field:

    deleteVehicle objectsForTwo; deleteVehicle objectsForThree; 

    This will keep the on act field very clean instead of putting all of the object names in the on act field :)

    Do the correct thing for the other triggers as well.

    Now you should have a solid system running like it should :) You might need to test it though. all of the above code is out of the top of my head so there might be something in there you know ;) Anyways, I hope this was clear enough to you. Good luck!

    Thank you for your help IT07

  11. OK i cant seem to get a consitant flow.

    I just tested a mission where i did the following:

    1. Created 3 groups. Each leader was marked as "Playable"

    2. Create another BLU and OPF group less then 1km away where they are fighting.

    3. Marked each team leader of group with either and/or both variables to ignore VCOM (e.i. this setVariable ["NOAI",1,false]; and this setVariable ["NOPATHING",1,false];. I also created another group with HOLD WP

    4. This is also using ALIVE modules if it matters, but these units are not sync/profiled by alive.

    When mission kicks off, i hear all groups asking to move and change formations. HELP! I love these scripts but i can't get my playable groups to ignore VCOM commands

    BTW using script method (not addon)

    I had the same problem. Try giving the group leaders names and then adding the x setVariable ["NOAI",1,false]; in the init.sqf. That worked for me.

  12. You are actually not doing anything wrong. It is rather a stupid design flaw of ArmA 3.

    I shall explain: object condition is checked ONCE really really early at the start of the mission. It would be impossible to set a condition for those objects because the condition check for objects is so early. What you can try though (I have made a random car spawn system with this) is let all objects spawn, but when a certain condition is met or not met, you can make a trigger delete all of the not-needed stuff with

    deleteVehicle nameOfObjectHere;

    Thank you for the response. I wound up deleting the objects, just like you said. I wonder if the condition could work if the trigger and the unit were up at the top of the mission.sqm and the objects were close to the bottom. That is, if the mission.sqm is read from top to bottom.

  13. I am trying to keep my code as optimized as possible. A system like this would be demanding in nature, but I'm doing my best. The system will take a few seconds to load all the data in, but after that, it's all real-time from there.

    Was it a problem in the past with ArmA 2? The only AI mod I've seen bring systems to a crawl is HAL, and that's more of a waypoint manager than an AI mod.

  14. Look, if it doesn't work then it doesn't work. I don't use radio mods or any addon in general because they don't appeal to me and they always make gear manipulating a hassle. So if it doesn't work then it doesn't work, I don't know what to tell you other then to learn the SQF language and modify fn_handleItem.sqf as that handles all gear handling within VAS. The script that was provided was by one of the authors of TFAR and I really can't be bothered to work with radio mods because as I said they don't appeal to me and honestly I can't be bothered to work on VAS anymore.


    I'm saying all of this because simply VAS has exhausted it's true purpose along time ago and Bohemia keeps breaking various scripting commands with each patch so I can't really be asked to keep updating VAS for mod changes or broken commands by Bohemia. I'm actually hitting the point where I can't be bothered to do anything ARMA 3 related in general as I'm sick of working with an engine that keeps being broken due to them not paying attention to feedback on their dev branch which is there for just that purpose of testing new changes. If they don't care then why should I care to keep working with ARMA 3, well over 35 actual developers for it and it's in a worse state than ARMA 2, a true shame it is. I don't ever see ARMA 3 progressing farther then ARMA 2 even when it has shown some good progress and potential.


    Hey Tonic. I don't post a lot because I take what you said in consideration. If it's broke, it's broke and it will probably stay broke unless I can fix it myself, so there's no point in bitching about it. I don't expect you or any other modder to incorporate other mods into your own, so as a simpleton mission editor that I am, I just do the legwork myself, such as adding a separate crate with those addons. I deeply appreciate what you have done here with VAS. Please don't quit updating VAS just because a bunch of apathetic developers promote apathy. I have lost count how many times you have made my life so much easier with VAS. Thank you soo much man. If you must quit, then quit knowing that, despite the pestering of a few, a huge amount of people have a lot of respect for you and your work, they just don't always express it as much as they should. Thank you, again, Tonic.

  15. New addition: Sandbags! Troops that are in combat and don't have cover nearby will quickly lay down a few sandbags on the ground so they can get a bit more cover when prone. Each unit gets 2 sandbag fortifications (subject to change).

    I'm assuming the AI will pop smoke, which seems to be a norm, but flares would be really nice for night missions. I like how flares wash out IR, which can make spotting units at night very difficult. I haven't found an AI mod that does uses flares, maybe because they need to be added the units inventory?
