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Everything posted by euly

  1. Are there any plans to include the OH-58 Kiowa and the MI-2 Hoplite (the addons for OFP)? I apologize if this has already been asked.
  2. I'm having an issue in which some winter units, such as the Squad Leader, look like they have rpgs on their backs.
  3. Sounds good. I'll check in periodically for the link.
  4. Want to send me your map? I can take a look at it. I use ACE and HAC works fine with it as well as excludes me when I want. Put the entire mission folder in a zip file and host it on filedropper.com or whatever locker is easiest for you.
  5. Check out @Fran_sbrodj I've been using HAC on it for a while now. It's not the most visually stunning island, but it's balanced for the AI, such as few places where the AI can become stuck. The AI doesn't seem to have path finding issues on Sbrodj like it does on many other islands.
  6. Do we still need a custom config init for OA units or did you integrate those?
  7. Is the optional flare system on by default? If not, what is the init setting?
  8. I'm sure porting HAC to ArmA 3 will be easy as the code will at least be legacy and, at that point, will need to be updated with new commands ArmA 3 introduces.
  9. Sounds awesome. Though, I still enjoy having a unit on the map that represents a general or commander. Is there any chance that some objectives could be reinforced by some simple means of garrisons? I ask because I've been using the CWR2 maps lately, specifically Kolgujev, which have lots of bases with guard towers. I'm hoping they could treat some objectives as bases by reinforcing them with look-outs, scouts, or patrols. I know this occurs on a nominal level currently, but the AI tends to be spread out and reammo, resupply, and refuel are way out in the middle of nowhere. Maybe I'm all wrong, but it seems like the objectives are treated with little importance once they are captured. The commander does seem to try, but as I've played many hours of HAC in groups (not the leader), I've noticed that the problem tends to be forces are unable to move into position fast enough. Once forces enter the area, they simply park in whatever position is convenient. I enjoy playing a lower ranking unit in a large group, so what happens often is our group will be on foot patrol somewhere when we receive a capture order 2000+ meters away. If a chopper shows up for us and we're flown in, then timing is not a problem, else, we're stuck walking at-ease until the commander realizes we'll be there in an hour. If we are flown in, we just exit the helicopter and run into an open position and wait for new orders. I'm sure Orcinus will rip up my argument to make me sound like an idiot, but I don't know, it just feels like something better can be done once the AI captures objectives. Also, remember to address the issue of non-destroyed enemy vehicles in the proximity of objectives. Even if the crew of the vehicle are dead, if the engine is running, the friendly AI seems to consider the vehicle enemy, but not a threat.
  10. Will Big Boss replace the HAC system (will I be able to simply replace the HAC files), or will it need to be set up?
  11. Here are the RHQ Arrays for CWR2 with the Winter Kolgujev units: RHQ_Recon = ["cwr2_SoldierW_Sniper_W","cwr2_SoldierE_Sniper_W","cwr2_SoldierW_Sniper","cwr2_SoldierW_Marksman","cwr2_SoldierE_Sniper","cwr2_SoldierE_Marksman","cwr2_Hunter","cwr2_SoldierG_Marksman","cwr2_SoldierG_Sniper","cwr2_SpetsnazBizon","cwr2_SpetsnazBizon_W","cwr2_Spetsnaz","cwr2_Spetsnaz_W","cwr2_BlackOp_XMS","cwr2_BlackOp_XMS_W","cwr2_BlackOp_Laser","cwr2_BlackOp_Day","cwr2_BlackOp","cwr2_BlackOp_W"]; RHQ_FO = ["cwr2_SoldierW_Sniper_W","cwr2_SoldierE_Sniper_W","cwr2_SoldierW_Sniper","cwr2_SoldierW_Marksman","cwr2_SoldierE_Sniper","cwr2_SoldierE_Marksman","cwr2_Hunter","cwr2_SoldierG_Marksman","cwr2_SoldierG_Sniper"]; RHQ_Snipers = ["cwr2_SoldierW_Sniper_W","cwr2_SoldierE_Sniper_W","cwr2_SoldierW_Sniper","cwr2_SoldierW_Marksman","cwr2_SoldierE_Sniper","cwr2_SoldierE_Marksman","cwr2_Hunter","cwr2_SoldierG_Marksman","cwr2_SoldierG_Sniper"]; RHQ_ATInf = ["CWR2_SoldierW_AT_W","CWR2_SoldierE_AT_W","cwr2_SoldierE_LAT","cwr2_SoldierE_LAT_W","cwr2_SoldierW_LAT","cwr2_SoldierW_LAT_W","cwr2_SoldierE_AT","cwr2_SoldierE_AT_W","cwr2_SoldierW_AT","cwr2_SoldierW_AT_W","cwr2_SoldierG_LAT","cwr2_SoldierG_LAT_W"]; RHQ_AAInf = ["cwr2_SoldierW_AA","cwr2_SoldierW_AA_W","cwr2_SoldierE_AA_W","cwr2_SoldierE_AA","cwr2_SoldierG_AA","cwr2_SoldierG_AA_W"]; RHQ_Inf = ["cwr2_SpetsnazBizon","cwr2_SpetsnazBizon_W","cwr2_Spetsnaz","cwr2_Spetsnaz_W","cwr2_CaptiveE","cwr2_SoldierEFakeW","cwr2_SoldierE_Mortar","cwr2_SoldierE_Mortar_W","cwr2_SoldierE","cwr2_SoldierE_W","cwr2_SoldierW_PilotHG","cwr2_SoldierW_Pilot","cwr2_SoldierWFakeE","cwr2_OfficerW_Night","cwr2_OfficerW_Night_W","cwr2_OfficerW","cwr2_OfficerW_W","cwr2_SoldierW_Medic","cwr2_SoldierW_Medic_W","cwr2_MechanicW","cwr2_SoldierW_MG","cwr2_SoldierW_MG_W","cwr2_SoldierW_HG","cwr2_SoldierW_HG_W","cwr2_SoldierW_GL","cwr2_SoldierW_GL_W","cwr2_SoldierW_Engineer","cwr2_SoldierW_Engineer_W","cwr2_SoldierW_Crew","cwr2_SoldierW_Crew_W","cwr2_BlackOp_XMS","cwr2_BlackOp_XMS_W","cwr2_BlackOp_Laser","cwr2_BlackOp_Day","cwr2_BlackOp","cwr2_BlackOp_W","cwr2_SoldierW_AR","cwr2_SoldierW_AR_W","cwr2_OfficerE","cwr2_OfficerE_W","cwr2_SoldierE_Medic","cwr2_SoldierE_Medic_W","cwr2_MechanicE","cwr2_SoldierE_MG","cwr2_SoldierE_MG_W","cwr2_SoldierE_AR","cwr2_SoldierE_AR_W","cwr2_SoldierW_AA","cwr2_SoldierW_AA_W","cwr2_SoldierE_AA","cwr2_SoldierE_AA_W","cwr2_SoldierE_LAT","cwr2_SoldierE_LAT_W","cwr2_SoldierW_AT","cwr2_SoldierW_AT_W","cwr2_SoldierW_LAT","cwr2_SoldierW_LAT_W","cwr2_SoldierE_AT","cwr2_SoldierE_AT_W","cwr2_SoldierE_PilotHG","cwr2_SoldierE_Pilot","cwr2_OfficerE_Night","cwr2_OfficerE_Night_W","cwr2_SoldierE_HG","cwr2_SoldierE_HG_W","cwr2_SoldierE_GL","cwr2_SoldierE_GL_W","cwr2_SoldierE_Engineer","cwr2_SoldierE_Engineer_W","cwr2_SoldierE_Crew","cwr2_SoldierE_Crew_W","cwr2_BlackOp_UZI","cwr2_SoldierW","cwr2_SoldierW_W","cwr2_SoldierW_G36","cwr2_SoldierW_G36_W","cwr2_SoldierW_Mortar","cwr2_SoldierW_Mortar_W","cwr2_SoldierW_Steyr","cwr2_SoldierW_Steyr_W","cwr2_SoldierW_XMS","cwr2_CaptiveW","cwr2_SoldierG_AA","cwr2_SoldierG_AA_W","cwr2_SoldierG_AT","cwr2_SoldierG_AT_W","cwr2_SoldierG_AR","cwr2_SoldierG_AR_W","cwr2_CaptiveG","cwr2_CommanderG","cwr2_CommanderG_W","cwr2_SoldierG_Crew","cwr2_SoldierG_Crew_W","cwr2_SoldierG_Engineer","cwr2_SoldierG_Engineer_W","cwr2_SoldierG_GL","cwr2_SoldierG_GL_W","cwr2_Hunter","cwr2_SoldierG_MG","cwr2_SoldierG_MG_W","cwr2_SoldierG_Marksman","cwr2_SoldierG_Medic","cwr2_SoldierG_Medic_W","cwr2_Militia_AK","cwr2_Militia_AK_W","cwr2_Militia_FAL","cwr2_Militia_FAL_W","cwr2_Militia_G3","cwr2_Militia_G3_W","cwr2_OfficerG","cwr2_OfficerG_W","cwr2_OfficerG_Night","cwr2_OfficerG_Night_W","cwr2_SoldierG_Pilot","cwr2_SoldierG_PilotHG","cwr2_SoldierG_LAT","cwr2_SoldierG_LAT_W","cwr2_SoldierG_Sniper","cwr2_SoldierG_Sniper_W","cwr2_SoldierG","cwr2_SoldierG_W","cwr2_SoldierG_FAL","cwr2_SoldierG_FAL_W","cwr2_SoldierG_G3","cwr2_SoldierG_G3_W","cwr2_SoldierG_Mortar","cwr2_SoldierG_Mortar_W"];RHQ_MArmor = ["cwr2_T72","cwr2_M60A3","cwr2_T55_FIA","cwr2_T72_FIA"]; RHQ_LArmor = ["cwr2_M113A3","cwr2_ZSU","cwr2_BMP2_HQ","cwr2_BMP2","cwr2_bmp1","cwr2_M113_HQ","cwr2_M113","cwr2_M163","cwr2_BMP1_FIA","cwr2_BMP2_FIA"]; RHQ_LarmorAT = ["cwr2_BMP2","cwr2_BMP2_FIA"]; RHQ_Cars = ["cwr2_Truck5t_Open","cwr2_Truck5t","cwr2_Truck5tRepair","cwr2_Truck5tReammo","cwr2_Ural4320","cwr2_UralOpen","cwr2_Ural","cwr2_UralReammo","cwr2_UralRepair","cwr2_UralRefuel","cwr2_UAZ_MG","cwr2_uaz","cwr2_HMMWV","cwr2_Truck5tRefuel","cwr2_UAZ_FIA","cwr2_Ural_FIA","cwr2_V3S_FIA","cwr2_UAZAmbul","cwr2_V3SRefuel","cwr2_V3SRepair","cwr2_V3SReammo"]; RHQ_Air = ["cwr2_Su25","cwr2_UH60MG","cwr2_UH60","cwr2_AH64C","cwr2_AH1F","cwr2_A10LGB","cwr2_A10","cwr2_Mi17","cwr2_Mi24D"]; RHQ_NCAir = [ ]; RHQ_BAir = [ ]; RHQ_RAir = [ ]; RHQ_Naval = ["cwr2_BoatW"]; RHQ_Static = ["cwr2_M2HB_High","cwr2_M2HB_Low","cwr2_Mk19_Tripod","cwr2_DShKM_High","cwr2_DShKM_Low","cwr2_cwr2_SPG9","cwr2_ZU23","cwr2_AGS30_Tripod","cwr2_cwr2_SPG9_FIA","cwr2_ZU23_FIA"]; RHQ_StaticAA = ["cwr2_ZU23_FIA","cwr2_ZU23"]; RHQ_StaticAT = ["cwr2_cwr2_SPG9_FIA","cwr2_cwr2_SPG9"]; RHQ_Support = ["cwr2_BMPAmbul","cwr2_UralRefuel","cwr2_UralRepair","cwr2_UralReammo","cwr2_M113Ambul","cwr2_Truck5tRefuel","cwr2_Truck5tRepair","cwr2_Truck5tReammo","cwr2_UAZAmbul","cwr2_V3SRefuel","cwr2_V3SRepair","cwr2_V3SReammo"]; RHQ_Med = ["cwr2_BMPAmbul","cwr2_M113Ambul","cwr2_UAZAmbul"]; RHQ_Ammo = ["cwr2_UralReammo","cwr2_Truck5tReammo","cwr2_V3SReammo"]; RHQ_Fuel = ["cwr2_UralRefuel","cwr2_Truck5tRefuel","cwr2_V3SRefuel"]; RHQ_Rep = ["cwr2_UralRepair","cwr2_Truck5tRepair","cwr2_V3SRepair"]; RHQ_Cargo = ["cwr2_Mi17","cwr2_Mi24D","cwr2_UH60MG","cwr2_UH60","cwr2_Truck5t_Open","cwr2_Truck5t","cwr2_Ural4320","cwr2_UralOpen","cwr2_Ural","cwr2_UAZ_MG","cwr2_uaz","cwr2_HMMWV","cwr2_BMP2_HQ","cwr2_BMP2","cwr2_M113A3","cwr2_M113","cwr2_M113_HQ","cwr2_BMP2_HQ","cwr2_UAZ_FIA","cwr2_Ural_FIA","cwr2_V3S_FIA"]; RHQ_NCCargo = ["cwr2_Truck5t_Open","cwr2_Truck5t","cwr2_Ural4320","cwr2_UralOpen","cwr2_Ural","cwr2_UAZ_MG","cwr2_uaz","cwr2_HMMWV","cwr2_UAZ_FIA","cwr2_Ural_FIA","cwr2_V3S_FIA"]; RHQ_Crew = ["cwr2_SoldierW_Pilot","cwr2_SoldierE_Crew","cwr2_SoldierE_Crew_W","cwr2_SoldierE_Pilot","cwr2_SoldierE_PilotHG","cwr2_SoldierW_Crew","cwr2_SoldierW_Crew_W","cwr2_SoldierG_Crew","cwr2_SoldierG_Crew_W","cwr2_SoldierG_Pilot","cwr2_SoldierG_PilotHG"];
  12. I've noticed this as well. Placing guards/lookouts near towers tends to result in a high probability that they'll do what garrisoned units are supposed to do, but I think they overall general behavior is affected by the timing of HAC. Sometimes the units climb the towers and stay there; other times they don't climb the towers at all, and sometimes, they climb the towers, then climb back down and stay down. I agree, GL4 does it effectively. Units climb buildings like ants, no matter how many are in the group, but I don't like blending HAC and GL4, so I just tend to not use guard towers with HAC. One thing I haven't tried yet is setting the units on top of the towers/buildings in the mission editor. I'm willing to bet they would climb down though, so I just stick to vehicle garrisons pointed in the direction I want them to face. I've also yet to see garrisoned units take missions.
  13. I realize that vehicular accidents are mostly due to the game (as they've always been, even back in OFP days), but what I'm talking about is the formations and mode of travel. Even if I spread the groups out to keep them away from vehicles, they tend to run into each other in the process of moving to waypoints, which is why I picked-up on SLX because one of it's features is having the AI walk along the side of the road(?). I'm fairly certain that HAC could attempt to separate vehicle paths (not to extreme levels though), so tracked armor wouldn't have the high probability of vehicular manslaughter every time they drive by a squad walking down the road. I don't know, I'm fishing for ideas here on how to solve a problem I see way too often. If HAC can do things like avoid sending tanks into wooded areas, couldn't it avoid heavily trafficked roads? I'm using the standalone SLX because Gunter hasn't put COSLX or CoWarMOD on Six Updater yet. I know I sound like a total noob with this stuff, but I've just been doing it too long without getting deeper into writing code. I didn't take the time to learn more scripting in my early 20's (with OFP), so now I'm paying the price.
  14. That's exactly why I believe HAC is the best script ever developed for ArmA (or at least, one of the best). HAC allows the player to be given commands, just like any other AI on the field, so the player is part of the action, rather than all the action revolving around the player's level of involvement. I'm not a big fan of High Command because I'd rather watch the AI make it's own choices based on it's knowledge of the battlefield. One problem I do have with HAC, though, is it doesn't seem to help squads with organization. I see many squads have accidents because of issues such as motorized/mechanized vehicles running over friendly units and same-squad friendly fire incidents that occur because units are ignoring formation. I hope Rydygier implements more actions on the squad level to help units cancel orders that conflict with their abilities. I do use SLX and I've tried ASR_AI (Does anyone know if these conflict?), but I wish the AI was a bit more intuitive with orders issued by the commander, but maybe that's asking too much? I don't know. :cool:
  15. Is it still up to date?
  16. Rydygier, I hope you don't take a vacation from developing HAC. I play ArmA exclusively for HAC, so I'm looking forward to any improvements you make to the code and I get all excited just seeing WIP updates. I think one of your main problems is you need to review scripts that other people have written and adapt the code to your own project. I know you prefer not to copy anyone's work, but I think in many circumstances, trying to avoid copying is a matter of reinventing the wheel. Sometimes code should only be written one way, even though other ways will work. I'm trying to learn scripting, and I'm nowhere near meltedping's level or your level, but I know enough in general about the topic to understand that it's more of an art than a science, except that what is effective is not always efficient. Improving upon your work may seem impossible, until you've seen what other people have done. I hope that helps, and again, thank you for HAC.
  17. So caching works after a manual change of a variable?
  18. Sorry for the idle. I've been on vacation. @InstaGoat, you have to define every unit in your mission that is not from the ArmA base-game. Check the custom configs thread for convenient arrays other people have put together.
  19. Hi, I'm looking for some feedback on an essay I've been writing about structural design for organized gaming. The applied concept (IMHO) might anger some people, so please don't bother reading it if you can't be intellectual or comment with constructive criticism. It's on Google Docs, so you can comment by highlighting the text you want to comment on and write your comment on the right side. Be warned, this is a big essay that I spent most of April writing and it's still a work in progress. Thank you
  20. That's a really good idea. I would like to do that as well. Are you willing to share your mission so I can see how you set it up?
  21. I use 3, sometimes 4, but you should probably create a poll for that question so people don't have to post.
  22. Eight leaders is a bit much though, especially in the context of features that only work with a specific number of leaders. I can't speak for everyone else, but I think 4 leaders is reasonable, 6 is even excessive. Once you do find a way to have them all use one script, then you've probably found a good method to start theorizing MP.