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Everything posted by LaMOi

  1. LaMOi

    I hav resistence-- good but....

    I have an Athlon 900mhz - geforce2-256mb...(Soon to put another 256mb in my PC). Man all i'm gonna say is can ANYONE run resistence with all the graphics options on full?!! I run it on normal, and i'm on the night mission where you hav to steal the tanks. AND BOY does it get choppy! I mean Bohemia would it be impossible to tweak your game so that it can run smooth on lesser systems? I say "lesser systems" but I think this game only utilises 256MB, so what gives? I have other new games on my pc: Morrowind, IL2 Sturmovik, MOHAA, AVP2-- and they all run as smooth as you like. But still OPF remains the only game that I am unable to run smooth. So my question remains can anyone run RES with all the graphics on full? If not, then whats the point in having those options if no punk can use them?!
  2. I b gettin OP-RES on Friday. Will I b able to use the nu map on the mission editor. + Do the nu Hi Res graphics apply to the whole game? i.e will it work redhammer and US campaign?
  3. I b gettin OP-RES on Friday. Will I b able to use the nu map on the mission editor. + Do the nu Hi Res graphics apply to the whole game? i.e will it work redhammer and US campaign?
  4. LaMOi

    Bohemia hear my cry

    Er Bohemia another thing that would complete the experience of an already great game is ... Land guns-- anti tank guns manned by men... 2) - This is probably not possible, but AI routines similar to medal of hounour. Shooting around corners and behind stuff etc... I dont kno whether this is possible but if it were... man it WOULD make this game the best WAR sim ever. That like the only thing its missin really-- close quarters battles. like in MOH.
  5. In response to a residuum post. This guy had in his post a banner that looked like a VIETNAM MOD called [PLF] RESIDUUM Someone Help! Where can I find this VIETNAM MOD? is it complete? theres only 2 scenerios that I want using OPF engine: Vietnam+ WW2.......... and maybe Zulu
  6. In response to a residuum post. This guy had in his post a banner that looked like a VIETNAM MOD called [PLF] RESIDUUM Someone Help! Where can I find this VIETNAM MOD? is it complete? theres only 2 scenerios that I want using OPF engine: Vietnam+ WW2.......... and maybe Zulu
  7. Man I love OP so much but man I need a WWII scenerio! When that WWII mod comin out if ever?! Bohemia Hear me YOU need to do a WWII MOD please! It would complete the experience! I thinks Ive been watchin 2many WWII DOC's on TV.... + There needs to b a VIETNAM MOD... + When is the next OP UPGRADE COMIN OUT?
  8. LaMOi

    Wwii mod already?!

    Where R these mods? gimme gimme! But I'm a novice really my editor levels hav no complicated scripting-- just wicked level design and loads of men for that massive battle EXP..
  9. LaMOi

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    Man Firstly AI ROUTINEs like HALO & MOH(I mean Aswell as the AI already down in OP which is great. But I want the sort of shoot outs between ruins that U get in MOH aswell)!!!!! Secondly, I dunno about everyone else but I want WWII. Rubbled ruined towns and Hedgerows, stone walls. Landscape of normandy basically. + Vietnam MAN! If you make the game 2 modern you cut down the likely hood of Battles... Modern warfare is SPECIAL OP's AND BIG MISSiLES! I want MY Big battles!!!
  10. Man Firstly AI ROUTINEs like HALO & MOH(I mean Aswell as the AI already down in OP which is great. But I want the sort of shoot outs between ruins that U get in MOH aswell)!!!!! Secondly, I dunno about everyone else but I want WWII. Rubbled ruined towns and Hedgerows, stone walls. Landscape of normandy basically. + Vietnam MAN! If you make the game 2 modern you cut down the likely hood of Battles... Modern warfare is SPECIAL OP's AND BIG MISSiLES! I want MY Big battles!!!
  11. 1. I now hav VER1.46- the soldiers hearing seems to be non-existent. I shoot at them, missing them- and they do nothing its. Only when I shoot their buddy or shoot them they do something.... 2. You need to be able to swim in this game! Like delta force2. + there needs to be a jungle MAP! With ditches and streams. + more uneven terrain like DF2. The thing with OFP is that the landscape is pretty much all slopes and hills, which is very good but you need that other stuff aswell. 3) NOW I have heard that OPF is coming to XBOX with improved graphics+ all the upgrades +the NU Resistence Upgrade. Let me say that OPF ranks in my top 10 all time fav games, and so at hearing this I was very pleased! Although I hav yet got no Xbox --I will get 1 now! Let it be keyboard +mouse compatible as controlling this game with a joypad could be shit... O and please include the mission editor aswell. BOHEMIA its all up to you now...
  12. LaMOi

    I kno it been said b4 but.....

    THIS GAME NEEDS A kNIFE!!! Cmon U KNO you want one! O and plus destructable buildings yes... but not like this. 1 they look shit!! 2 u get caught in a building after it has been destroyed and you cant get out! REALISTIC you say? No, poor collision detection, I force my way out and appear outside the building 20ft in the air-- and fall to the ground, and i'm out, Magic!
  13. LaMOi

    Resistance questions. (aimed at bis.)

    Man I said it b4! OPF Is such a great game and such a great engine that u can lend it to any period of war u like (bar swords and spears). I agree with Dionyso or whatever his name is-- I badly want to play OPF but set in WWII.... or - VIETNAM - ZULU (Rourkes Drift anyone?) - American Civil War - GULF War - The Falklands... well i'm not that bothered about the falklands but still the possibilities are endless! + and yes the destoyable buildings look shit.
  14. LaMOi

    This great game

    OPF will be complete 4 me when I hav WWII + Vietnam scenarios... which are ment to be in the works thanks to thoughs people who create MODS. But I agree with dayglow-- once u hav a great game/foundation which is most definately OPF u can go on and add to it and keep on adding to it! Personally I wouldn't mind seeing an OPF ZULU Mod or an American Civil War Mod...
  15. LaMOi

    Several important issues 4 bohemia

    I agree with DAYglow- in that, yeah, I like 2 tinker with me PC. Like when I first got OPF I thought I be lumbered permently with a slow framerate-- but after ajusting the swat levels and putting sound acceleration to none + disabling my anti-virus it ran much smoother... But then I got more ram (making my PC into an AMD athlon900Mhz now with 382MB of ram) I thought the days of choppy framerates were a thing of the past. Not so. Not with flashpoint. although the campaign levels ran smoothly, I still couldn't slap down loads of units in mission editor without effecting the framerate. Its weird that since flashpoint I hav bought newer games(MOHAA, IL2STURMOVIK, AVP2, STARWARSJO) that run super smooth! and yet OPF now an older game in my collection still demands the most. BUT Consoles yes shallower are reliable-- slap the game in and away you go... the worst thing that can go wrong is that it crashes, and in the event of... just press RESET. + The games are getting much better. Games to come: TENCHU3, Project ego, Perfect Dark Zero, Superman, Hitman2... .... and there are some games that dont work on PC like GTA3. Jopad selection 4 the pc is shite!
  16. LaMOi

    Several important issues 4 bohemia

    1. SWimming in opf would b a good thing. + ditches, streams and generally a more realistic terrain would be a good ting (NOT that I'm saying opf terrain is unimpressive. But theses r jus things that would b good to see in future versions of the game. OPF2? well I dont kno, but i'd like 2 see it sooner rather than later... ). 2. I dont own the PC I play OPF on. So time is runnin out for me and this beautiful game. Sooo gettin an Xbox (Å199) with a perfectly acceptable version of this game, mayb even with better graphics is a far far better option than buyin a PC. + Let me say Ive been using this PC 4 a Year and 1 thing Ive noticed about PC Gaming is the amount of bullshit you hav 2 go thru. I hav 2 reconfigure pc with every game I got. Not 2 mention the crashing + also my latest problem is OPF wont save my progress in either of the 2 campaigns.... I hav no Idea why. the thing I hate about PCs is u wake up 1 day and they dont work. Maybe this just happens on my PC i dont kno. But gettin Flashpoint on XBOX- I would have a Great game - the bullshit of runnin it on a PC...