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LAW Soldier fd

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Everything posted by LAW Soldier fd

  1. LAW Soldier fd

    Linux server setup howto

    Debian 3.1 (Sarge) upgrade, from 3.0, server stopped working, wouldn't start anymore. "Server creation failed : 2302" issued "apt-get install nscd" and it works again. --fd
  2. LAW Soldier fd

    Mouselook + joystick question

    Howdy, Just wondering if there might be a workaround or a legit fix to this: You enter a chopper and hit Num* for free mouselook. When you move your mouse left and out of the screen, your POV pans left to look out the left window. Then you hit F8 to get TrackIR2 to move the mousecursor and you have functional headtracking support, alltho just mouse-emulation, but still. Then you do the magical mistake of touching your joystick for the tiniest instant, enough for the game to detect movement. Boom, your mouse free-look is limited to a centered view of the cockpit with the reticule moving inside that box. No side-window view anymore, you can only move your POV up an' down. Could there be any workarounds to this? I'd really love to fly the aircraft with the joystick and be able to have a normal free mouselook enabled. If there were, it'd be a working trackir solution for choppers and other aircraft. But once you touch that joystick inside an aircraft, you are centered, whether you like it or not. And, as people have already discussed in other threads, I really miss panning with the POV-switch and then circling the area with the POV fixed in a direction. No auto-center, please :( Thanks anyway. I really hope there's a solution other than OFP2 when it's done (with native trackir support i read somewhere) --fd
  3. LAW Soldier fd

    Linux server issues

    run it through strace and see what happens. --fd
  4. LAW Soldier fd

    Ded server question

    so far i haven't seen such a feature anywhere. but you could always say #userlist when your spammer logs on, and then add his player ID to ban.txt .. just a thought. --fd
  5. LAW Soldier fd

    End of a love affair

    the info has been a bit confusing, i agree. server.cfg start: hostname="Server name on Gamespy"; password="passwordforjoining"; passwordAdmin="passwordforadministrating"; maxplayers = 32; motd[] = {"Message of the day #1","#2","#3","#4.","#5"}; motdInterval = 2; MaxCustomFileSize = 25000; server.cfg stop. then run the server with -config=server.cfg the more specific settings can be found from users\<player>\userinfo.cfg and \flashpoint.cfg (the <player> might be your playername or just "player") hope this gets you started. --fd --edit: sorry, was a bit hasty. flashpointresistance.exe -server -config=server.cfg
  6. LAW Soldier fd

    Mission not loading on dedicated server

    i've had this problem with numerous maps. usually cd /home/finp/ofp/mpmissions/ chmod a+rx * clears the situation. and making the files owned by the user running the server might help, too. and you might want to check if there's capital letters in the filenames. as in, run the tolower - thingy. --fd
  7. LAW Soldier fd

    Hmmmm help

    as long as all clients are running the same trigger the same way. _player must be the same value on both machines. if so, then i'd say it will work. --fd
  8. LAW Soldier fd

    Hmmmm help

    example: _first = "first" _second = "second" _third = "third" _fourth = "fourth" text = format ["%1 %2 %3 %4 %3 %2 %1",_first,_second,_third,_fourth] hint text will produce a box with the text: first second third fourth third second first hope that helps. --fd
  9. LAW Soldier fd

    Bis ftp: file not found

    Whenever there's a new dediserver for linux, I come here to get a link similar to this: ftp://www.flashpoint1985.com/linux/server-1.90f.shar.gz and always get the same "file not found" error. Then I ftp it manually, get in anonymously, do an "ls" to find that it is a totally empty server, not even the "linux" - directory is to be found. This can be a bit frustrating at times, actually, every time. BIS, intentional? kasa:/home/fd/temp# ftp ftp> passive Passive mode on. ftp> open www.flashpoint1985.com Connected to bistudio.adt.cz. 220 ProFTPD 1.2.6rc1 Server (BISTUDIO FTP server) [bistudio] Name (www.flashpoint1985.com:fd): anonymous 331 Anonymous login ok, send your complete email address as your password. Password: 230 Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> ls 227 Entering Passive Mode (81,0,236,101,159,164). 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list 226 Transfer complete. ftp> cd linux 550 linux: Permission denied ftp> in the meantime, could someone please email the v1.90f server to fd@finnishplatoon.org ? .. or point out a mirror to it, I'd be most grateful. --fd
  10. LAW Soldier fd

    Bis ftp: file not found

    Whenever there's a new dediserver for linux, I come here to get a link similar to this: ftp://www.flashpoint1985.com/linux/server-1.90f.shar.gz and always get the same "file not found" error. Then I ftp it manually, get in anonymously, do an "ls" to find that it is a totally empty server, not even the "linux" - directory is to be found. This can be a bit frustrating at times, actually, every time. BIS, intentional? kasa:/home/fd/temp# ftp ftp> passive Passive mode on. ftp> open www.flashpoint1985.com Connected to bistudio.adt.cz. 220 ProFTPD 1.2.6rc1 Server (BISTUDIO FTP server) [bistudio] Name (www.flashpoint1985.com:fd): anonymous 331 Anonymous login ok, send your complete email address as your password. Password: 230 Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> ls 227 Entering Passive Mode (81,0,236,101,159,164). 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list 226 Transfer complete. ftp> cd linux 550 linux: Permission denied ftp> in the meantime, could someone please email the v1.90f server to fd@finnishplatoon.org ? .. or point out a mirror to it, I'd be most grateful. --fd
  11. LAW Soldier fd

    The eternal troubling issue

    This got a bit carried away, it seems.. I think Blake's idea was that with no AI friendlies, a player dying and not respawning (seagull or spectate), the next in line of command doesn't receive leadership automatically. And it is a fact, I've wondered about leadership transition myself many times but let it lie as nothing sensible came of it. It might be possible if one could break up the group entirely when the leader is killed, and then make a new group with the surviving members joining it one by one, under the new leader's command. But this is all workarounds, it might be a good idea to get a logical leadership transfer.. when the lieutenant gets killed, a sergeant takes over.. if all sergeants are down, a corporal takes over .. if all corporals go down, one of the privates takes over .. etc. As said, no AI friendlies attached to the group, as in: no free AI slots to "fill up" after dying. and with a sockets server once doesn't have the native VON, and having 20+ members on a 3rd party VON with all listening to the same channel, one can forget about issuing commands over the voice, as there are constantly 4-5 people asking for direction or waypoints or reporting enemy activity etc. Of course the thing above would be solved with proper radio discipline, but damnit, it's just a game :) I like to be able to give player controlled units, especially a chopperpilot a waypoint where to go. And not say "Look at your map, put a waypoint for you" .. if you're flying 250kph at 40 meters, you cannot afford to look at the map. But, I'm all for Blake's idea, automatic leadership transition after the leader of the group dies. Even if it's just 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 etc etc rah rah rah --fd
  12. LAW Soldier fd

    Linux server + userinfo.cfg

    Howdy, We have disabled 3rd person view and the crosshair on our server, but it seems that the linux beta server doesn't enforce these. They are in my ofp/user/userinfo.cfg and in ofp/flashpoint.cfg, but still players are able to use 3rd view and a crosshair is visible.. Is there any other places where i could put these: diff3rdPersonView[]={0,0}; diffWeaponCursor[]={0,0}; Thanks. --fd
  13. LAW Soldier fd

    Linux dedicated server 1.88a

    it seems like some XML's always crash the server with a segfault. This is what happens: Host info.... added 'localhost' with host 0x9f36550 to list 0x9fde8c8 Host info... Added Net 0x9fde780 (request 0x9fdc4f8) to pipe on Host 0x9f36550, 1 requests made, 1 requests in pipe, 0 pending HTHost...... No ActivateRequest callback handler registered AutoMulti... can't stat "/home/finp/operationflashpoint/www.nekromantix.com/pmc/OperationFlashpoint.htm"(errno 2) Segmentation fault (Not a copypaste, wrote it from the server machine's screen I can't access now) This happens every time. "Can't stat "/home/finp/operationflashpoint/<squad url>"(errno 2) Segmentation fault I'm running the server as root, so it shouldn't be a file or directory privilege issue either. Any ideas why it does this? Oh, the XML doesn't work, alltho I can see that it fetches the XML file, but what it does with it, I don't know. No squad tags or logos or player infos can be seen. BIS, any ideas? --fd EDIT: http://arr.finnishplatoon.org:10000/~fd....ut.html
  14. LAW Soldier fd

    Linux dedicated server 1.88a

    once again, an open beta server on, feel free to try it out. server specs: amd xp 2000+ 768megs ddr debian 3.0 kernel 2.4.9 2320/2320 sdsl --fd
  15. LAW Soldier fd

    1.85 is out... linux soon?

    whisper, sounds like missing addons to me, at least that's about the only reason i've encountered on a dedi for that to happen. --fd
  16. LAW Soldier fd

    1.85 is out... linux soon?

    as said before, finp tested the linux beta on an amd k6-2 400 with 256mb mem, and it worked reasonably well. so last night i installed linux on the xp 2000+ with 768mb mem, and put it to play. it has been received very well, has considerably cut down lag, they say. |edit, removed the TOP output, didn't make any sense| Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â the CPU usage is in big games closer to 96% but that is what the CPU was bought to do. and it utilises more memory than the windows-server was ever using, even when it was configured to 768mb. but one thing "they" have been complaining about is the lag that occurs when someone join the server after the game has begun, i've witnessed it too. Since at least v1.75, there were no problems with this on a windows server. And umm, squad XML's and most custom faces don't work, but that's acceptable for a beta server. What can I say? .. Thank you much BIS for doing this, the administration of the server just became 10x faster and easier. No more VNC. :) --fd
  17. LAW Soldier fd

    Linux server + userinfo.cfg

    sorry, forgot the player from the line.. but good to know that it should be possible, at least, just that the linux server has the exact same files as the windows-server did, and it's a cadet server.. dang. but thanks keg, as usual. --fd
  18. LAW Soldier fd

    1.85 is out... linux soon?

    The initial response is that "it works".. this evening if the games work bearably on that 400mhz box, then I'm changing the OS for the actual server. Finally. :) --fd
  19. LAW Soldier fd

    1.85 is out... linux soon?

    The Finnish Platoon is now testing the linux dedicated server with a much weaker machine than normally, an amd k6-2 400 with 256mb memory, running Debian 3.0 .. Feel free to join up, IP (sockets) for what it's worth. --fd
  20. LAW Soldier fd

    Resistance sockets + lan + lag

    Something I noticed with the sockets beta-versions as well. People connect to the dediserver via the linux masquerading port forward thingy, and they don't lag a bit, ping is okay and no desync etc. ADSL and ISDN-connections, playable, just like it was with DirectPlay. But as I connect to our dedi thru the LAN, a 100mbps switch between my machine and the dedi.. Why is my ping higher than the rest? Why do I get desync? Why do I experience warping and lagging, even while playing all by myself, against AI enemies, even those are a bit hard to hit when they bounce 5 meters in all directions when they are running. Even a 11kb mission file takes about 15 seconds to load, not to mention the bigger ones. Once I observed it download a 800kb file from the dediserver, measuring at about modem transfer rates. It took MINUTES to download. The ADSL players were impatiently asking for someone to kick me from my own server, as they were done far ahead of me. With DirectPlay the performance of the network was just like it should be, minimal ping with fast mission loads and no warping or lag, ever. It's not a routing problem, my machine is and the dediserv is == -------------- C:\>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms C:\>tracert Tracing route to OFP [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms OFP [] Trace complete. --------------- Any ideas, anyone? Anyone else noticed the same thing?
  21. LAW Soldier fd

    Resistance sockets + lan + lag

    BIS, anything that might cause this? Sockets has effectively stopped me from playing on my own server. Anything I could do to even investigate further?
  22. LAW Soldier fd

    V1.58 dediserver crashes

    Howdy, The boys been testing the v1.58b this evening, and noticed a great improvement. not that much lag, pings are lower, and even when they're playing a 6 plr match, the dediserver doesn't eat the whole cpu 100% right until the mission ends, like it used to do with earlier official and unofficial patches (cpu being amd tb 1200mhz) but one thing they did notice, that 3-4 times during a few hours the dediserver would crash, when they either finished a mission or the mission was nearing it's time / scorelimit .. chose "a mission" because dunno what the mission(s) was/were.. One thing which REALLY rocks is, that when the server crashes, the process actually dies and frees it memory. This was not the case with earlier dediservers, when the server crashed you had ta pskill the ofp_server.exe or end it via taskmgr, you'd see the process eating 135megs of ram but it just didn't serve anymore.. now the batch loop thing we have takes the desired effect, when the dedi crashes, the bat file hits the loop it's supposed to as the process exits, and a new process is spawned immediately. Other than the crashes and the occasional sliding vehicle thingies, from what i've gathered so far is, that we are seeing a MAJOR improvement to the network playability of this game. Which ROCKS! :) good work bis, very good work. i know this is a very "general" and "direction giving" bug report, but hope we don't see this in the final release. thank you BIS. --fd http://www.finnishplatoon.org
  23. LAW Soldier fd

    Post your 1.58 servers here

    v1.58 dediserver on arr.finnishplatoon.org ( ) you can get the password from our IRC channel topic. Channel #FinP, on Quakenet. In Vantaa, Finland, conn SDSL 2320/2320, feel free to get in there and git sum.
  24. LAW Soldier fd

    1.5x dedicated server performance

    noticed the same thing, cpu load is much lower than it was when running v1.46 dediserver.. usually if there were more than 4-5 people playing, after mission start it'd be a constant 100% .. (amd tb 1200) .. but now they just finished a 6 player game with the cpu jumping between 25 and 75% .. the lag with our dedserver has reduced somewhat alright .. i know tb 1200 ain't a muscle-solution but it's served us well in the past .. sounds awesome, this v1.58 .. will post another thread about the crashes.
  25. LAW Soldier fd

    Xp and 1.55

    suma, the .rpt file looks like the first post in this thread, like said: ======================================================= Date: 05/17/02 Time: 03:31:12 ------------------------------------------------------- file: Game001 world: Intro campaign: battle: mission: Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION Version 1.46 Fault address: 004B357F 01:000B257F L:\games\operationflashpoint\OPERATIONFLASHPOINT.EXE Prev. code bytes: 31 85 F6 75 07 51 E8 86 D5 07 00 59 8B C6 5E C3 Fault code bytes: FF 49 04 56 8B 71 04 85 F6 75 06 8B 01 6A 01 FF Registers: EAX:00450050 EBX:00000001 ECX:5756085A EDX:00000000 ESI:00450058 EDI:000205C8 CS:EIP:001B:004B357F SS:ESP:0023:0012FD5C EBP:0012FE70 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000 Flags:00010206 ======================================================= just now, booted the machine for some single player campaign, selected the normal EAX mode with the Audigy task bar, and the game flashes a black screen saying "Countdown begins" (skipping the splash screens with Kegetys's launcher), and it returns to the desktop.