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Everything posted by Karaya1

  1. Karaya1

    Resistance Units

    Have a look at the official trailer, you can see him there running through a street with a sub-machine gun
  2. Karaya1

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    I have a couple of questions regarding the RHS Weapons: 1) I'm using the FDF SoundMod 1.31 and with said weapons I dont get any kind of supersonic cracks. Is there a way to maybe manually add them? 2) I'm also using the 6th Sense Pack1 Tracers which work perfectly with the stock weapons as well as other 3rd party mod weapons. With the RHS weapon pack however all I get is the normal BIS default tracer 3) The AS Val has some interesting firepower. I've shot that rifle at a couple of wooden huts on Rahmadi and to my surprise they would fall apart with half a mag...
  3. Karaya1

    Sdp vehicles final release

    No Helicopter addons here What I have running: Of course ArmAEffects , Chammys Soundmod, AToW Modpack, TrueMods, 6thSense Pack1 and a couple of infantry packs
  4. Karaya1

    Sdp vehicles final release

    I've tested your addon via the Editor on Rahmadi island with the US AH-6, doesnt work for me, still only get tracers/bullets out of the left gun but as said the Shilka works! Dunno whats going wrong...
  5. Karaya1

    Sdp vehicles final release

    The AH-6 doesnt work for me either, the Shilka however works perfectly! I'm using the newest XEH version 1.3...