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Everything posted by Karaya1

  1. Karaya1

    Anti-Aircraft BRDM

    AHHH I've got the error... forgot to add the cfgPatches part stupid me That happens if you chop out parts from a bigger addon... the BRDM and Stryker SAMS are out of a bigger addon I made for myself including GBU, Mk84, GBU10/16 equipped A10s, Maverick equipped Harriers, ... So now tested and corrected: http://rapidshare.com/files/106443052/SAM.pbo.html Bonus: You also get an A-10 with GBUs (based on Sakura-chan's addon) plus a Harrier with Mavericks as well as a Ka-50 with HEAT rockets...
  2. Karaya1

    Anti-Aircraft BRDM

    Not for me Strange, on my system it shows up right between the "BRDM-2" and the "BRDM-2 ATGM"... Try the new package please (top of this page), could be that there's a missing "};" somewhere in the config.cpp of the BRDM only addon...
  3. Karaya1

    Anti-Aircraft BRDM

    I've now also created a Stinger armed Stryker to give Blufor a similar AA platform. I wanted to stay somewhat realistic and kept the magazine capacity of 2 missiles on the Stryker. To make up for this disadvantage when compared to the BRDM-2 AA (5 per mag) I cut down the magazine reload time for the Stryker (12 vs 30). *LINK REMOVED PACKAGE WAS UNFUNCTIONAL* PS: Or would you guys actually prefer 4 missiles per mag on the Stryker (2 per tube so to say) and keep the 30secs reloadtime?
  4. Karaya1

    Anti-Aircraft BRDM

    It's under Opfor - Armored Everything except the weapons/magazines is inherited from the normal BRDM ATGM so it should be in the same category as that one...
  5. Karaya1

    Anti-Aircraft BRDM

  6. Karaya1

    Anti-Aircraft BRDM

    It probably will, but being the lazy person that I am I enjoy being able to just pick the ready-to-go unit simply from the dropdown list If anybody's interested I can make a similar Stryker-Stinger arrangement...
  7. Karaya1

    Anti-Aircraft BRDM

    Just made a few corrections - changed the name of the unit from "BRDM-2 (Strela)" to "BRDM-2 AA" in order to be more in line with the rest of the gang - changed the new launchers name to "Strela" so it doesnt show up in game as "AT-5" anymore - changed the initspeed (= muzzle velocity) of the Strela Magazine
  8. Karaya1

    Anti-Aircraft BRDM

    What do I know... I've made it less than 10min ago I would assume though as it introduces a completely new unit to the game!
  9. Karaya1

    Anti-Aircraft BRDM

    Hey guys! I have made a very quick and dirty BRDM-2 AA conversion based on the normal ATGM one that ships with the game. I know it's neither very realistic nor a substitute for a real SA-9 "Gaskin" but should be fun to have non the less... just copy and paste the following into an empty config.cpp:
  10. Thats looking absolutely fantastic!! Cant wait to replay the old OFP campaign in the Arma engine, thats gonna be a blast...
  11. Just installed the new patch plus the compatibility module and all of a sudden 6th sense tracers are working on the AH1Z, Ka50, UH60, AH6,... which is funny because it has refused to work on these vehicles since the day I've installed the 6th Sense Pack1 (which itself was months before ECS came into town), and another pleasant surprise is that SDPs vehicle gun fix is suddenly also working on the AH6 where it wasnt before... Dunno what happened there but I dont mind as long as everything works!
  12. Great addon! I've always hated that when sitting in a Stryker APC and firing the Mk19 grenade launcher the whole thing would be thrown all over the place. That was simply ridiculous - so thanks for fixing this! PS: People who want to add 6th sense tracers to these new grenade types (they are now handled as bullets) will need to add these lines: For the G_30mm_HE tracerColor[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; tracerColorR[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; SIX_tracerEnable = 1; SIX_tracerColor = "G"; SIX_tracerPer = 1; SIX_tracerSize = "Small"; SIX_tracerLife = 15.345; For G_40mm_HE tracerColor[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; tracerColorR[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; SIX_tracerEnable = 1; SIX_tracerColor = "R"; SIX_tracerPer = 1; SIX_tracerSize = "Small"; SIX_tracerLife = 15.345; Or if you don't want any tracers at all simply insert the 2 tracerColor and tracerColorR lines into the addons config.cpp only! Cheers
  13. Karaya1

    6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

    Did anybody already find a fix for the missing tracers on these: UH60 minguns AH6 miniguns Mi17 MG KA50 cannon AH1 cannon !?
  14. That did it for me, thank you a lot! There's just one thing left that irritates me: My character seems to always be short on breath and I can constantly hear his (my) heart beat even if I'm walking normally... is that intended, sort of like battle tension or... some config error!?
  15. Getting the same error as Betsalel here and I do have the latest XEH! Btw, if I do what you suggested sickboy my game wont start anymore with ECS, instead I get the following error message: Changing it back to what it was before will get the game started but the initial error message reappears.
  16. Karaya1

    6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

    I have modified my RHS weapons (have a look at the RHS_Mag.pbo) to make use of the 6thsense tracers plus have updated the ammo/magazine ballistics to NWD's specifications. Dont know if the RHS guys would allow me to upload my modified RHS_Mag.pbo but anyway its a relatively easy thing to do... Unpbo said RHS_Mag.pbo and open the config file (if its still .bin then save it to .cpp form using Laza's program), then under the config_ammo part search for tracer colour and set all values to 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 etc., then in order to make use of 6thsense tracers add the corresponding lines... For example: class RHS_545x39_Bullet : RHS_Bullet { hit = 8; indirectHit = 0; indirectHitRange = 0; tracerColor[] = {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}; tracerColorR[] = {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}; visibleFire = 18; audibleFire = 18; visibleFireTime = 3; airFriction = -0.001400; typicalSpeed = 750; SIX_tracerEnable = 1; SIX_tracerColor = "G"; SIX_tracerPer = 5; SIX_tracerSize = "Small"; SIX_tracerLife = 0.697; }; Hope this helped you!
  17. Thanks, that is the last detail that makes this addon 100% perfect!!
  18. Great weapons I have to say but is there any chance that we might see a different sort of muzzle flashes on them in the future, maybe more like the default BIS mfs... the current ones look very flat, just like a plain bitmap put in front of the gun.
  19. Karaya1

    Wip-m4a1's pack v1.0

    Well isnt it supposed to be an addition rather than a replacement because the pack only contains versions of the M4/M4A1/M16 that are not available in vanilla Arma as is... BTW, great work! I'm enjoying these a whole lot and they just fit so well into my offline skirmish missions Wip M4 Pack + M240 ACOG/Aimpoint + RHS Russian CW Marines = Who needs ArmaII!?
  20. Hi everybody! I was wondering if it is possible to modify the muzzle flash animations on 3rd party weapons, in particular I am interested to change them on the RHS weapon pack. Now is that possible or are the muzzle flashes an integral part of them!? Thank you in advance!
  21. Karaya1

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    I've got everything of the above fixed, except the RHS units not engaging air units and the offset VSS and VAL sights. Will have a look at that when I have time and see what causes it!
  22. Karaya1

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    Bump: This anybody know the cause of the above problem or even better a fix for it!?
  23. Karaya1

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    A new question: I have tweaked the silenced bullets and mags in their init speeds because they were going supersonic in my game and one could hear the cracks on outside view --> I've set all initspeeds for SD bullets and mags to 320 (NWD ballistic taken as reference) but what I am now experiencing is that on the AS Val and the VSS all bullets impact in a much higher point than I am aiming at with the gunsight
  24. Karaya1

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    Nevermind, I've fixed the FDF Sounds and 6th Sense tracer issues as well as the missing AWM recoil values with a little config tweaking, now the only problem remains the AS Val firepower
  25. Karaya1

    Resistance Units

    Have a look at the official trailer, you can see him there running through a street with a sub-machine gun