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Everything posted by krazikilla

  1. I am so much lookin forward to this, finally playin ArmA3 and becoming fitter by doin it :D http://www.virtuix.com/ and: I only hope there will be a nice kind of motion-gun to use as well.
  2. Seriously, i think, that BIS is focusing on some wrong things. Ofcourse they have to fix still a lot of small and bigger stuff, but just check the daily changelogs. A lot of stuff they are fixing, 90% of the ppl dont even realise. (marked in BOLD in the next Quote) You can see this in kind of primary things in nearly every changelog. I just think that the community and future ArmA3 buyers would be much more satisfied and calmed down if finally some new CORE-Features would make it in the game. Especially beacuse it should be a big deal and its awaited since years + high ranked in the feedback tracker. EDIT: just another example one day before, could continue on and on: Maybe they have too less core-engine-DEVs?
  3. So, as Devs are putting in more shiny Light effects, they polishing constantly the showcases, which nearly noone plays anyway - MAYBE its time to add the most awaited, longest awaited and by far the highest rated feature in the feedback tracker? Weapon Rest? I mean, its not like we wait like 12 years for it already :) Or is something else more important? Maybe a nice little switch on a rifle to see if its in full or semi? And dont say: there are addons for it, addons are mostly not supported on multiplayer servers.
  4. krazikilla

    Blastcore A3

    Man if BIS, would simply hire Dudes like OpticalSnare, Nordkindchen and a few former ACE guys, for 2 month, this game could be like 200% cooler.
  5. krazikilla

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    Hire this man - BIS
  6. And that is EXACTLY the issue i am talkin about in this topic, aye? I can remember a game, called "Vietcong" (czech btw.) around 10 years ago - you could easily set the Joining bandwith and lower it as much, so it doesnt effect the ingame anymore. Ofcourse, joining might take longer, but for that you get a much more stable gameplay.
  7. As far as i can see, there is no parameter to set the option i am thinking about, at least not in the link you posted. The closest thing in your Link is the -download parameter, which isnt even really explained in there. And i am not talkin about the bandwith of PBOs would be downloaded. I am talkin about the actualy Serverstatus with all the destroyed environment e.g. Clientside, at least for this problem, is usless, as you cannot force all clients connecting to a public server to reduce there Server-download bandwith.
  8. The mission download itself isnt necesessarily the big problem (it for sure isnt the only problem), because lot of people who join already got the mission file itself. But all the other stuff wich needs to be downloaded by joining in progress (destroyed buildings, trees, carwrecks, bodies, captured zones, whatever..) cannot be "outsourced" to an http server. Therefore my suggestion, is which in other games already works since over 10 years, where Serve Admins simply can set the Download bandwith of Join in Progress processes.
  9. Had the same problem. Restarted this piece of s..team and see there, it worked again.
  10. krazikilla

    Blastcore A3

    This! Still wondering why they dont hire Opticalsnare for a few weeks..
  11. Unfortunatly i, for now, dont have time to write tickets, these are quite obvious problems which should be worked on anyway.
  12. krazikilla

    CPU for Arma3

    Thanks for all ya help gentleman/woman
  13. - Whats up with the bug, that often when a copilot / gunner jumps into a chopper on multiplayer that, he kind of glitches outside and destroys the main rotor blades of the thingy? - Also why i often cannot pickup ammo magazines of a dead enemy soldier on multiplayer? It happens often that i grab his gun and then cannot take the magazines. - Another stupid thingy is: i stand still with binocs in my hand, not moving since minutes, and still the view trough it is shaking like i just did a 500meter sprint. When i hold right mouse button for 5 sec (holding breath) it is getting quite ok for a bit, but then my dude is breathing and shaking again like he holded breath for 30 seconds right after a 500m sprint with a 50kg Backback on it!! - Why my stamina is weak like i am 100kg dude doin no sports at all? My soldier, even with no big deal of gear on it, is breathing hard and stopping to sprint after way too less meters of running. Should be increased by at least 30%. Dependend on weight of gear ofcourse. - For some reason i cannot turn out of several Tank thingies, when im in driver or gunner. Is that normal in the yaer 2035? - The grenade throwing is still a placeholder or? Even on Arma2 /OA it was at least better controllable, how far u throw the thingy. if i nowdays wanna throw it behind a wall, i have to throw it 15meters in the air, hopin its falling down on the other side...
  14. krazikilla

    CPU for Arma3

    Thanks so much for your help so far :) Hmm, ok sounds like CPU is quite clear now: either 3570k or i7 2600k or 2500k (guess its just a price question) and the asrock extreme4 z77 board. I want to overclock it a bit, but is it really necessary to get a watercooler though, for really nice improvement? i would actually like to avoid that and prefer to go on, just with a very good fan. Thanks man, but as i got this PC basicly only for ArmA - i would like that it runs on it, so i gotta try ;) Question to DEVs though: Any chance this game is goin to run better on AMD CPUs with 6 cores soon? I dont wanna buy a new system and 2 weeks later, it would run just as fine on my "old" thing, because you fix something :D
  15. krazikilla

    CPU for Arma3

    Thanks Bert, what do you think bout the i7 2600k? I thought about that in first place. I see that you overclocked your system to the max., how is your experience on good servers, Arma3 - Multiplayer? And wtf, you mean with a toyota hilux radiotor- watercoold, srsly? xD
  16. krazikilla

    Amount of Ammo in Vehicles

    The amount of ammo is realistic and all fine therefore. Its not like they have 1000 shots in there in military operations. Ammo has lots of weight and eve bigger problem is the space it needs. No idea how the threatstarter thinks they have more in reallife but obviously he has no clue.
  17. Ye, there is a nice addon for it, which is not allowed on most servers. Also this is a feature which is requested since around 10 years, and should be finally in the vanilla game.
  18. Haha, thats a good one :D but a sad one..
  19. Nice new sitrep! Finally they improve the firing drill! Most important.. :) Unfortunatly they forgot weapon rest, shooting from vehicles and other small unnessary featuers like a better medic system..
  20. krazikilla

    Arma 3 - Games Media

    You forgot Austria :( ..anyway we got the same then Germany :P Gamestar, PCgames, PCAction
  21. krazikilla

    Poll - Rather Modern or Futuristic?

    I hope ArmA4 is situated in Vietnam :D Would also be mostly new stuff for the developers and a damn nice setting for us! Cold War would also be nice again, kind of back to the roots! Or even ww2 :)
  22. im waiting constantly for a changelog in development branch: - added weaponrest :D Hope never dies.