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Everything posted by krazikilla

  1. any answers for this? (the effects when standing near a shooting tank are very good btw. blur and ringing :) )
  2. Great work so far guys! Loved ACE1 already, was impossible to play Arma without it, after i tryed it once. Few things to the Blur effects near heavy MGs etc. I think the effect is far too much, and would be happy about bit different solution. 1. Maybe make the Blur just at beginning, the 1st few seconds, but then weak it very much down. (like you are frightend and not used to the loud noise at beginning) 2. Is it possible to add items like earprotection? Dont know if/how its used in realwar. So dont make the blur so massive but make ear-ringing more intense. And if you are longer time near loud guns, let the effect stay like 30sec to 1min, until its vanished. If you use earprotection you would have no effect at all, just all noises quitend down. next thing: Will there be anything like in the SLX mode or JTD? With combination of this mode its much more athmospheric, because hole cities and forrest can burn down, much much smoke is over the battlefields, people can catch fire and run around, the engine of your vehicle can catch fire etc. Would be a very good thing to have this effects together in ACE2
  3. krazikilla

    Omaha Beach

    sent u a pm. Big Thx, now i found the static Mg42^^
  4. krazikilla

    Omaha Beach

    btw, anyone of you knows a static MG42? cannot find it. btw. i just tryed the HT version. and now its too high^^ is there any way to do the middle way of HT and LT? with timesettings in arma i just get 3-5meter more beach.
  5. krazikilla

    Omaha Beach

    ah sry, doublepost - delete it
  6. krazikilla

    Omaha Beach

    yes i gonna publish it, but need bit more time. just doin research and testing the landing of my brave soldiers. next i have to set german artillery and MG points. also infantry planes, maybe?
  7. krazikilla

    Omaha Beach

    as i want to simulate the intense and hard landing, like in saving private ryan, i will take the high tide beach now. also, if you want to improve your map i found following: (already half a year ago, as i started my 1st attempt of this mission on a beach at syr darain^^)
  8. thx man, you are the best so for now i need to find a workaround^^ maybe i atleast give the dhksm a MG42 sound or so lol.
  9. krazikilla

    Omaha Beach

    great map. you did a good research for that man just creating a sector dog_green map for it. but is it true that they attacked at low tide? the beach seems so far, (as it is) - but for example in saving private ryan, its not half as far from the boats to the bunkers. who is right? another question: how can i increase the distance which my crouching MG42 gunners in the bunkers can shoot? i want them to shoot at my approachin boats, or at least in the moment the ramps open but they shoot about 100m less with a static DKHSM for example its working.
  10. hmm, strange. ok so if noone else got this problem it maybe depends on my installation or pc. nvm, i dont care too much about. BUT one thing i care about at the moment is: soo, my boats are approachin the beach, lowering the ramp, and my guys jump out, one after eaach other (pretty quick). they look around and then start running to german positions. about 100m more far, they come under fire from 4 MG42 i placed. -> The problem. I want that the MGs open fire when they still in the boat approaching the beach. But it seems too far. I tryed a static DKHSM and it works perfect. Soo: is there any possibility to let the MG42 gunners shoot at longer distance? OR can you add some static MG42 maybe? *already tryed with addon: truerange, but still noone opens fire*
  11. hello thank you! but i just found a funny other way. it works with the same command then the lcru  (or something) the generic landing craft^^ and i made a small script that they dont take soo long to disambark. so all get out now in less then 10sec a few mostly stay in the boat, becuz they get shot by MG as soon the ramp is lowered  btw. i still have some memory surface bugs, crash to desktop, in connection with some planes. for example, when i fly the Messerschmidt, ME109b (or so) and press "G" for GEAR, or in the editor the key for switch player. i get the crash.
  12. first of all i wanna say that you did a great job! i am just on to make a "realistic as possible" omaha beach landing at sector dog green/charlie. 1st problem i have: i dont know how to open that ramp from your lcm3 with a command can you help me, or is it not even possible?
  13. krazikilla

    SQF revive script

    hmm, i have a problem with this script. i havnt changed anything, but sometimes its working, sometimes not. i made a small mp map, tryed it out with 2 guys. it worked. i restarted the map, suddenly it didnt work. then i tryed to restart my server (not dedicated) and it didnt work again. anyone can help me? the problem is, when u die, u just get the timer and the revival message, but nothing else (camera and respawn option is missing) and reviving dont work when a m8 is trying it.
  14. krazikilla

    Sahrani Life

    lol bozo, when u have to buy fish all 10min, u cannot do anyother things then buy and drive to ur home. i think thats nonsense. Civs should be able to stay hidden without help and buying something at least a few days. the hunger is real too much. 1,2 or max. 3 fishes a day should be enough. for example, its not possible to hide some days when u are wanted. and the thing that u die quickly when u have 100% hunger. Better make, that on 100, first maybe u cannot sprint anymore, after a few hours, no running. 1 day later - then maybe die.
  15. krazikilla

    Sahrani Life

    sorry, for that but i think thats important: - hunger is on 100 much too fast. i think it should be at least double time or more. - stun gun, better make a 2nd fire mod to m9 or so, its just to have it in m203. maybe every cop should have it, when it reaspawns. as standart gear. - more itemshops needed (benoma, masbete, dont know whats south at obregan and mercialillo) -cop siren should be same as in JT version, and should be able to turn ON/OFF -60sec civmarker... very bad. make it like JT, in town normally, offroad NON, just near cops. (maybe near gasstation, for simulating a camera) - vehicleprices --> a copcar 5000$? too expensive i think, and lb should be cheaper again. (u need them to chase civs when u have no markers outside) - the buymenu shouldn't close everytime u buy something. u buy 5x fish, closed. reopen, u buy 4flares, closed. reopen, u buy 3reps, closed. reopen, and so on.. - mayor should be democraticly elected, like voting an admin. -pms. no ? ! , and some other symbols possbile and i think the green letters are not really good for "sms". i just dont see it half the time^^ cause i think its moneystuff or so. -i think 15min to disappearing of a car is too less. put it higher to 30min or so. especially as sniper u are on same pos for a long time. and when u need to move quick - suddenly no car here. not very nice same when u are flying around with a very expensive LB or BH. u get shot down, and u die, but the airvehicle just damaged. u respawn and get to ur vehicle, and just before u could get in with repkit *paff* its away.
  16. krazikilla

    Sahrani Life

    i played the new version first time today, about 2 hours. then i went off cause i was angry, cause the new gameplay and loads of bugs. just some things to change (IMO) - roadblock bugged, they are wrong on streets, dont know whats offroad. (they are always wrong, no matter how u put them) today i got killed by my own roadblock. i set it, and didnt move 5sec. and - dead. - hunger is on 100 much too fast. i think it should be at least double time or more. - stun gun, better make a 2nd fire mod to m9 or so, its just to have it in m203. maybe every cop should have it, when it reaspawns. as stadart gear. - more itemshops needed (benoma, masbete, dont know whats south at obregan and mercialillo) -cop siren should be same as in JT version, and should be able to turn ON/OFF -60sec civmarker... very bad. make it like JT, in town normally, offroad NON, just near cops. (maybe near gasstation, for simulating a camera) - vehicleprices --> a copcar 5000$? too expensive i think, and lb should be cheaper again. (u need them to chase civs when u have no markers outside) - the buymenu shouldn't close everytime u buy something. u buy 5x fish, closed. reopen, u buy 4flares, closed. reopen, u buy 3reps, closed. reopen, and so on.. - mayor should be democraticly elected, like voting an admin. -pms. no ? ! , and some other symbols possbile and i think the green letters are not really good for "sms". i just dont see it half the time^^ cause i think its moneystuff or so. -i think 15min to disappearing of a car is too less. put it higher to 30min or so. especially as sniper u are on same pos for a long time. and when u need to move quick - suddenly no car here. not very nice pls make this map as good playable as 1.02! i really loved it, especially with JT edit.
  17. krazikilla

    Sahrani Life

    just played on janas server. stayed alive more then 3 hours! and killed more then 15 cops. they never found me^^ after a small car crash i wanted to get medical assistance, and a guy helped me. a bit later i got shot by a civ this ended my longest copkillerserie. without getting arrested, or woundet by bullets. just get killed from a civ who said he will help me.
  18. krazikilla

    Sahrani Life

    the little crash of yesterday (cause of that u died, as u was afk jana^^) http://www.stage6.com/user/krazikilla/video/1941898/ (dont know whats wrong with the sound..)