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Everything posted by kremator

  1. Then buy the game :) See you online :)
  2. kremator

    Actual Gameplay?

    Not having too many problems at all. Check out my post in the ArmaMark2 thread. I think the 4870 can get pretty decent scores :)
  3. Shouldnt be using scopes in CQB..... schoolboy error :)
  4. kremator

    Graphics engine improvement

    Can anyone confirm that this infact works with 1.02?
  5. kremator

    ArmA II Game Of The Year Nomination?

    YES YES YES ! Show me where to click for the vote !
  6. kremator

    ArmA II is #1!

    What people need to realise is that the Armed Assault community is STRONG ! Mods will come thick and fast soon once people get to grips with the little differences between A1 and A2 scripting. Keep the faith. If you bought the game hold onto yer knickers .... it's gonna be one helluva ride !
  7. They REALLY need to get their fingers out.
  8. kremator

    Command Interface

    Anyone got any missions with this already setup so that we can have a look at how to do it?
  9. We need whole screen NV. I'm sure in A1 someone had made that mod. Anyone ?
  10. kremator

    What MP maps have active jets??

    Look for Unlocked Evolution. Or make your own. Yes it may take a while but you will learn LOADS in the process.
  11. kremator

    ArmA II is #1!

    Congrats BIS ! Well deserved in my opinion.
  12. Lock the thread ... nothing to see here .... move on!
  13. kremator

    close quaters combat

    I'm sure it will either get fixed in a patch or a community mod. Just be careful what you wish for !
  14. kremator

    little problems with tanks

    Have found the same with AI gunners not using main gun. Don't know if there is a solution or if this is 'as designed'. Also cannot force AI to enter a wood. And NO the tank won't get stuck !
  15. kremator

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    XP 32 is fine here .... getting very good FPS.
  16. Voted +1 Thanks BIS for listening :)
  17. kremator

    Operation Ebony Gryphon (air map)

    Good mission. The AA is fierce around the airport !
  18. I found that the newest 1.02 patch has improved performance a little for me. I would like more information to be given on the undocumented features that we can then use in users missions.
  19. kremator

    A couple questions before I buy this

    The is a whole arms simulator. Whilst the infantry is well developed the air part isn't quite as much BUT IT DOESNT MATTER ! Taken as a whole the game is AWESOME. All the criticisms you see ^^ haven't realised that the community will bring out mods that will change all this. So take what they say with a pinch of salt. In my opinion the flight models are completely acceptable for now.
  20. kremator


    Have tested with AA now. Every other setting at normal, VD at 3310 Here AntiAliasing is set at normal ArmaMark2 = 4788 Specification of pc .... Resolution 1680x1050 native Core i7 2.67GHz stock OCd 3.9GHz 6Gb DDR3 @1567MHz ATI 4870 OCd at 770MHz Clock, 1070MHz memory 1Tb Samsung Spinpoint Samsung Syncmaster T220 monitor G15 Keyboard
  21. Agree 100%! I keep getting blown away every day (sometimes literally!) with what is in A2. I have played the first 2 missions of the campaign but spend most of my time in MP or in the MY MISSIONS section of the editor (BTW if anyone has NOT tried this section DO IT .... esp the COMBAT section) Now with AA the game is about 95% complete in my opinion, with just a few tweaks left to do by BIS ..... the community can do the rest.
  22. kremator

    Updated patch 1.02.58134

    Patch is perfect !! ArmaMark2 gives 4788 on normal everywhere. GFX are now even MORE spectacular ! THANKYOU BIS !! Keep up the good work.
  23. Works WONDERFULLY !!! Thanks so much
  24. kremator

    Updated patch 1.02.58134

    Perhaps cos its a tree ? Look at buildings / vehicles etc. Does that show smoother lines ?
  25. kremator

    Updated patch 1.02.58134

    Please make sure you seed the torrent .... leaving mine on for others currently !