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About King_snuggleton

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  1. King_snuggleton

    ATI Drivers

    Post 1.08 I still get the error since release i'v ebeen banking on some sort of hotfix or patch to fix it. I guess giving specs or anything is rather pointless due to everyone still ahving to deal with the problem and no apparent fix available. sigh. BUMP! hah, of course I could say I have the 505 games version due to the fact I couldn't wait to play it any longer and my american computer is making the graphics go nuts.
  2. King_snuggleton

    Arma- texture glitch/error

    I've tried everything too. I have a Sapphire Radeon 9600 pro atlantis. with latest drivers. pentium 4 and uh 1.5 gigs of ram. I've tried everything too, updated drivers, changed the video settings and resolution a million times, the list goes on. I gave up and posted on here in hopes of finding a real fix. Since this issue seems to be more widespread than one might have suspected why hasnt BIS commented?
  3. King_snuggleton

    Arma- texture glitch/error

    Everything plays and runs fine. That is until I hit the error with textures. Certain objects (like vehicles and infantry) are subject to a kalaidescope texture pinch. It looks as if the texture were being held in place as they were stretch across the screen giving my screen a kalaidescope of texture panes. I believe i've seen the problem discussed here previously but I couldn't find it. It rights itself when I minimize. I was wondering if there was anyway I could permenantly fix it.
  4. King_snuggleton

    System Requirements Q.

    I was wondering how I am able to run ARMA (if at all). With my current system specs. I am not too computer versed so bare with me and my ignorance. 9600 radeon atlantis video card. 1.5 gigs of ram intel pentium 4 cpu 2.4ghz 2.39ghz
  5. King_snuggleton

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    I apologize in advance if this is innapropriate to the topic or category of this section of the forum. I am sorry I am not a whiz enough at computers to determine this myself but I was wondering if you could tell me how my comp would run (if at all) ARMA. 9600 radeon atlantis video card. 1.5 gigs of ram intel pentium 4 cpu 2.4ghz 2.39ghz If any more info is required please let me know. I will be playing this on single player only if that matters.