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Everything posted by kridian

  1. kridian

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    Right? They said the release was "imminent". That's really good to hear! Hope it shreds DX12.
  2. Tried again this morning to simply launch but it failed, so then deleted the folder at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattleEye (suggested in the BattleEye FAQ) and relaunched... worked! Think they had some issues with the service updating feature last night.
  3. Same for me. It says, "BattlEye Service startup failed." Multiple tries, no joy. WTF is going on?
  4. kridian

    New Fatigue system

    Yep, first play-though yesterday evening was an eye opener! My loadout for an AT soldier carrying two Titan AT rockets caused me to slow walk. This was one rocket in the launcher and one in my carryall pack. Lots of players were asking how to run again and had to be told it was the new weight restriction. Could only carry 3-4 magazines for my MX which most hardcore players will defend I'm sure. Scope sway is more hideous than before. Kinda of a downer actually. You'll have to be a lot more patient this time around. So run and dive behind that rock wall, then wait 3 minutes before doing any targeting. Bring some snacks to consume while waiting.
  5. kridian

    random stuttering all of a sudden?

    Dear lord. Sticking with Win7 me thinks. And for you Win 10 users: How to turn off Microsoft's shit
  6. It's still there with the latest nVidia driver (355.82).
  7. Have you updated your graphics drivers recently? Reason I ask is with every new install of NVidia drivers, it resets the damn "Output dynamic range" setting to Limited, which is not good. Just throwing out ideas at this point.
  8. kridian

    release 1.50 better perfomance?

    I lied, we're talking about ArmA here. However small, there was still an increase in perf.
  9. kridian

    release 1.50 better perfomance?

    I went from 40 to 95. :D
  10. Ah, thought I didn't have this problem (usually looking straight ahead), but I forgot to turn my head before entering. It's definitely borked. Voting.
  11. kridian

    BIS, any work being done on Voice Over Network?

    At what point did Side Channel and not being able to fire the miniguns (causes lag) on the Ghosthawk become broken features? And why do the other VON channels seem to work? I think it's safe to conclude that audio is a major problem in vanilla multiplayer.
  12. Yep. I just updated my computer to 32gb of ram & a GTX 980Ti and couldn't believe that I saw my frames dip down into the teens (16fps) the other day online (no mods).Definitely a downer! Sorry BIS, I hate to keep bashing you but your engine code needs an enema. *hugs 'n kisses*
  13. kridian

    Arma 3 mid-game crash errors

    They are aware of it. Sitrep-00112 Hopefully the update (1.48) will fix it once and for all.
  14. kridian

    Strange Joystick problem

    Thanks for posting back. I have the same joystick and have had no problem with sensitivity issues. Got lucky I guess! :)
  15. kridian

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    That's good news. What is sad news, is that it's taking too long to release it. And FYI: the new beta NVidia drivers (353.38) do not cure the crashing bug.
  16. Alright, tried to join a server running Invade & Annex v2.79 with TrackIR Pro 5.2.2. Crashed with this popular error: Turned off TrackIR and rejoined the Invade & Annex server (7th Cav). Connected successfully! *Contacting BattleEye* :mad: *Edit* They advised me to try other servers so I did and it connected successfully. Went back to the original server and that worked. I'm lost for words at this point. It seems that there is just no solid info for these random crashes. Tomorrow it'll be back.
  17. Well they need to roll this out ASAP! I'm having withdrawals.*Edit* Try running the game/sim without the ArmA Launcher. Think it's working for me. (2 days without a crash) -noLauncher (use in the startup parameters - Steam) Does anyone know the parameter switch for BattleEye?
  18. kridian

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    Yep, I'm all for an environment color change. Brown to Green is most welcome!
  19. kridian

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    DX 12! "We really want to nail that down for the expansion."
  20. kridian

    Arma 3 mid-game crash errors

    Getting the exact same error windows after about 10 minutes. Back in crashiville. Wonderful. Something BAD was introduced with that last update. Guess it's not a GPU related problem since we have people on AMDs getting the same deal.
  21. Well damn! I turned off the Steam Overlay option and I played without crashing (1.5 hrs.). Not sure if that's what fixed it(?) Played on the 7th Cav Invade & Annex. *Edit* Crashed today after about 18 minutes. Oh well.
  22. Local Disk/Users/**Your_User_Name**/AppData/Local/Arma 3/
  23. In the same boat. Black screen lock-up. The problem is the report file doesn't show the offending command. wtf?
  24. Official Track IR does not work for me. All vanilla here. I sent out an email to BE. *Edit* Restarted and everything went green. Updated successfully. Yeah... I feel stupid.
  25. Since the key "C" is now taken up by deploy bipod (thanks!), where is the bind option for FIREMODE? I couldn't find it in my player's profile. :confused: EDIT: It's now "Switch to Primary Weapon" key. derp