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Everything posted by kridian

  1. kridian

    GTX 1060 FPS Issues

    Ah, I tried the new DDU as well, but was only able to play for 1½ hrs. until the bug showed up. Thought that was it! ugh
  2. kridian

    GTX 1060 FPS Issues

    So many threads are popping up like weeds in a spring field. Same issue as here. There's a memory issue currently plaguing since last update. If anyone says their getting 3 frames per second, it's this memory problem. End of story. I've tried numerous ideas/suggestions of fixing the problem, but there doesn't seem to be a solution as of yet.
  3. kridian

    Terrible Frame Rate on Windows 10

    Oh I think it's the same problem. Check out @Chevy90's Youtube video. Blocky and lots of objects disappearing. Think I'm going to delete my player.cfg and start a new one as someone else suggested in another thread. Just trying anything these days. --EDIT-- Deleted my player.cfg and made a new one. No joy on the memory implosion.
  4. No joy on using legacy drivers from February (361.91). Noticed when the game's ram usage got to about 3,600mb, that's when it went crazy. So even with loads of ram (32gb), this thing still tanks. Looking like a memory management issue.
  5. Thanks @scimitar. So does anyone with Windows 10 get this problem with the 2 fps?
  6. I turned off the Intel Virtualization Technology in the bios and still got the 2 fps bog down today, so this thing is still a mystery. The unanswered questions are: What's the difference between players that don't have this problem and the ones that do? What are their OS? Does this happen on AMD GPUs? What parameters do they have set in their Launchers? What Nvidia driver version are they using? Hmm, think I'm going to start testing old drivers.
  7. I've been having this problem since the last update. Here are things I tried since yesterday that may have made it better: Try not using a pagefile. In your Arma3.cfg file, change: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=0; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=0; In your Audio Properties, change to 16bit, 96000 Hz I immediately noticed an improvement when someone on-line was firing HE shells that it improved the stuttering I was getting from it. There's still a performance impact but only slightly, so this tells me (Apex) audio files are again in question. I also noticed a huge difference between an Invade & Annex missions from 2 teams. One buttery smooth without a lot of mission scripts, the other had all kinds of options but it thrashes the perf. --Edit-- Wanted to add that dwarden has posted new Profiling with Performance binaries (v13) in this thread. Good stuff! --Edit-- Member lex_1 suggested turning OFF Intel Virtualization Technology in your BIOS. Try deleting your player.cfg files and making new ones. **FULL DISCLOSURE** Nothing above has worked on fixing the 2fps bug with this game.
  8. kridian

    Possibility of a new render for Arma 3?

    Just because this has been brought up before... Anyone know the real reason why the Enfusion renderer will never come to Arma 3?
  9. Profile trace for today using this new 1.62.137872. Trace_08-06-16.rtf I did play for a longer period before the perf hit. Noticed that it happened after a defense mission ended (co-op, Invade & Annex, no mods). Possibly script related? Hope it helps!
  10. kridian

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Yep, only on Tanoa. The HBAO was turned off completely so no joy on that. Wish it could be that simple right? I want to know what information has been gathered already and if there's something we can try?
  11. kridian

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    @representttx, was that server named: [Official] Invade & Annex #01 (NA-US) Tanoa by chance? Because the same thing happened to me last evening on that server. It bogged down to 2 fps after about 20-30 minutes of play. I am running the Profiling version of ArmA3 now to see if I can help out the devs pinpoint this problem. This thread--> Arma 3 STABLE server 1.62 "performance binary" feedback
  12. Yes. Textures were not loading and the objects were low-polygon. The server I was on: [Official] Invade & Annex #01 (NA-US) Tanoa (50-60 player) for what it's worth.
  13. Played again tonight with the new updated Profile version. I don't know if this Trace command worked, like others have said, there were no options after pressing: LeftShift + NumPad Minus + "frame". So I pasted what was in the clipboard regardless. WordPad file link
  14. kridian

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Ran the Profiling Trace version and it lasted 4 hours. :) After that it just hard froze. Tried typing the Left-Shift + NumPad Minus + "frame", but it wouldn't respond. Total lock out. Will try again another day.
  15. kridian

    Tanoa shader glitches?

    Yeah, it's called z-fighting. It's been around for a long time. Not sure if it can be fixed on the client's end? If anyone knows of a solution, post it up!
  16. kridian

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Just had this 2 fps thing happen to me this evening. wow! Sent the report onward. I run vanilla on an SSD. Very jarring on my decent system. Exit code: 0x00000001 - UNABLE_TO_INIT_DXGI
  17. kridian

    LOD Discussion

    I think it's about time for an upgrade there bud. Thinking maybe a Radeon RX 480 since you like the Red Team. (?)
  18. kridian

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Foliage observation critiques:
  19. kridian

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Scope optics, Binoculars & Range Finders in the jungle is buttery smooth here. Terrain settings: Ultra Textures: Very High
  20. kridian

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Heli pilots are going to have bring their "A-Game" with all these treetops. ;)
  21. kridian

    1.60 visuals are a step back.

    hmm, it looks like it's reeking havoc on certain vegetation types in that Taunus project. It will be interesting to see how Bohemia tweaks it. And we thought we had problems with the new font, which I happen to like btw. ;)
  22. kridian

    1.60 visuals are a step back.

    The HDR was much needed and also the water shader with reflectivity. If we can get the full moon to illuminate the environment a bit more, we're golden.
  23. This only happens when someone tries to enter a vehicle before you but your Freelook sticks to ON. Double-tapping ALT(default) does not break it so what's the solution? Very annoying! I usually have to exit the game and return for it to work again. Is there an in-game fix?
  24. kridian

    Game crashes: Memory and Graphics

    I have mine set to "No paging file" but I have lots of ram (32gb). If you have enough to spare (min 16gb), try it. Let us know how you fixed it when you find a solution.
  25. kridian

    Game crashes: Memory and Graphics

    I'm curious, do you have a pagefile on? Have you tried it without a pagefile? Just throwing out ideas.