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Everything posted by kridian

  1. kridian

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    Crash to a read memory error (you know the ones) after flying/driving/shooting on Tanoa for about ~40 minutes. (No mods) x64_crash_dumps_01-04-17.zip Looked through the .RPT and found lots of bone errors. ie: Error: Bone weapon doesn't exist in skeleton Turtle_F Error: Bone launcher doesn't exist in skeleton Turtle_F Error: Bone rightarm doesn't exist in skeleton Turtle_F Error: Bone righthand doesn't exist in skeleton Turtle_F
  2. kridian

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    cosmic10r, you might have erased these folders when you copied over the .dlls? Keep them there.
  3. kridian

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    Crashed after a full tour on Tanoa (25-30 minutes). No Advanced Parameters set. No mods. 32gb of RAM. x64_crash_dumps_12-16-16.zip It is smooth as hell! Really enjoying it.
  4. kridian

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    Almost made the drive around Tanoa island until game crashed. I don't get it, if I set the "System memory limit (64-bit) to 8095", why did the "Commit" memory blaze through that barrier and cause the crash?
  5. kridian

    Arma 3 being upgrade to 64 bit

  6. kridian

    Arma 3 being upgrade to 64 bit

    Well, it looks like the 1.66 update still hasn't cured the dreaded 3fps problem. Someone give me a nudge when the 64bit.exe arrives.
  7. Crash dumps download Profiling Branch v13: Game crashed to desktop after about 4 hours. Used the new JEMalloc 4.3.1.
  8. I don't know if you TrackIR users are doing this, but it's essential for me – to make the snap area in the center larger so I'm not floating around all the time. (see diagram) Also, you might want to designate a mouse thumb button to the "Re-center" key in case you get too far off center.* Cheers!
  9. New Profiling Branch v12 New JEMalloc_bi - Good performance for 3 hours, then a game crash with the memory address language. New tbb4malloc_bi - Medium performance for ~2 hours. No crash/3fps. Still testing.
  10. kridian

    How much can this 64bit executable help?

    Yep, had a feeling that was the cause. I was going to post a meme about "unleashing the Kraken" for 64bit, but fred41's post is the deal.
  11. kridian

    Why are we still running ArmA 3?

    I think they took out a LOD step on the trees? Looks like it goes from Lod 0 to Lod 3 in the transition. But I get that they're trying to squeeze every ounce of performance from this engine. Wish 'em luck on getting it going again. There's nothing else quite like this game out there. (SQUAD's not there yet.*)
  12. kridian

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I hope it stays. If you're a serious gamer in 2016, you had better get on a 64bit OS. ArmA should've went 64bit back in ArmA2. Now we're seeing these memory issues (3fps glitch) tank the game.
  13. They know there's a memory issue in multi-player and are working on it. You can try a new memory allocator in this thread, but it's not perfect yet.
  14. Well they need to get some 32-bit reversed float zbuffer going and it'll be fine. B)
  15. I binge-watched those Bugsmasher episodes and was in complete awe of Mark's talent. That dude can fix anything! (wizard)
  16. Yeah, this new one actually recovered from the glitch 3 times and then couldn't (while being air lifted out of an AO). Performance was choppy during the peak.
  17. Yes. Check the box in the Launcher. Just make sure you overwrote the existing tbb4malloc_bi.dll.
  18. I would say the CIG CryEngine build is that engine. Definitely yes. yep-yep-yep I would say, get a license to CryEngine. Call up Chris Roberts (because he's a nice guy) and see if they'd send over their engine build. Done deal! Never look back. Whatever ArmA4 ends up being, it has to be up to this level of fidelity.
  19. Worked for me. (3 hrs. on 50 player mp co-op) The audio effects from HE shells and explosions still cause frame hiccups. After playing for sometime, when I respawn at base, certain objects don't load their "LOD 0" and textures are solid color. They fully appear correct about 8-10 seconds later. These objects are the concrete barriers and the ammo crate. --Edit-- Spoke too soon. Got the 3fps glitch after about 3+ hours - when ArmA.exe uses 3,700+ mb. I can tell when it's going to happen, when I start seeing the trees flicker on and off.
  20. kridian

    FPS drop when shooting

    I don't think this performance degrade is just from rifles, I've noticed it (online mp) from the HE shells hitting the ground from armor & aircraft. It's horrible. As someone else has said, maybe turning your sound rate down to 16bit might help, but that's not a long term solution. Something needs fixin.
  21. kridian

    Arma 3 Memory issues

    So we're back to pleading for an x64 version of ArmA3 it seems. Hop it up already! Spare us from any more pain!
  22. kridian

    ArmA 3 Sudden FPS Drop

    Tried the new Profiling Branch, still got the 2fps bug after an 1 hour. Server: [Official] Invade & Annex #01 (NA-US) Tanoa Talking to other players in the chopper, they said to go back to the lobby and jump back in. That actually worked, but only for about another 7 minutes... strangely. Guess I'll do another profile trace over the weekend. --Edit-- Tried to run profile trace using the Left Shift + Numpad Minus + frame but it just popped open the map instead. FAIL I'll come back when ArmA3 has a new engine.
  23. kridian

    ArmA 3 Sudden FPS Drop

    After trying numerous drivers for the GPU and other tweaks, I decided to keep an eye on the memory usage by the game. Every time, like clockwork, when it hit 3,700 mb the framerate went into slideshow mode (2-8 fps), even if I set the -maxMem parameter to use 20gb. That is why I believe it is a memory problem. I run this game vanilla with no mods so it rules that out. What is more puzzling, and others have mentioned it, is that the same weird glitch happened in ArmA 2 for a while, but I can't remember what the cause of it was(?) Here's a similar thread created when ArmA3 released in 2013. FPS Drops After ~45 minutes of Gameplay
  24. kridian

    ArmA 3 Sudden FPS Drop

    Hopefully when the update rolls out next week *crosses fingers* this memory glitch will mysteriously vanish. I'm close to a month without touching ArmA.
  25. kridian

    Weird noises from character.

    I've heard this weird muffled sound in multi-player co-op before but just disregarded it as an overspill of comms. There's bigger fish to fry with this game though. ;)