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About dvargar

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  1. dvargar

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    The latest CBA and two uniform packs. The uniform packs aren't replacing anything. Used the same setup before updating and it was fine.
  2. dvargar

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    After updating to the latest version from an old version from sometime before the AT4 made it in I now hear an incredibly loud swooshing fly-by noise from the round on top of the weapon itself when firing, happens with both launchers. Quite annoying, anyone else get this?
  3. dvargar

    Fn mag 58

    Great to see a new FN MAG. May I suggest changing the sound? The current one is in mono and feels weak and out of place, honestly. The M14(srifle_dmr_06_olive_f) for example has a sound that would be quite suitable. Also it seems to be underpowered, performing like 556 or 65 chambered weapons in game.
  4. Shooting accurately when unfatigued is indeed far too easy. When holding your breath the sway magically goes away almost completely.
  5. dvargar

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Fantastic quality work as always. A smallish suggestion: M16A1 and A2 compatible old school optics. Not quite sure what they're called but I'm thinking about this one specifically..
  6. What? Not sure what you mean, it's Lemnos and the AAF is probably just a fictional bunch fitting with the ARMA3 story.
  7. dvargar


    All M240s use the same sound as the M2HBs. Front gunner's M240 has no GFX.
  8. dvargar

    RH M4/M16 pack

    I'm actually most looking forward to the M16A2 with and without M203. Hoping for news soon.
  9. dvargar

    US Military Mod (80s, 90s)

    Still hoping for the possibility of seeing this fantastic collection in Arma3.
  10. dvargar


    Wow, actually didn't spot the added Global at the end, focused on the first part. That's what you get for being tired. Switched to _unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,1)'] in the script but players still see eachother as white when they have respawned. Is it the way I load the respawn gear script that's causing it?
  11. dvargar


    I thought I was. Not very good with MP scripting. What's wrong in my code?
  12. So with these new VR suits having colourable stripes I'm trying to make units have setObjectTexture applied to them and it seems to be only be local, every player can see their own avatar be the correct colour but everyone else appears with white stripes. Right now it's set up in the same script where the unit gets their weapons and kit and the unit gets all the correct equipment when respawning. _unit adduniform "U_B_Protagonist_VR"; _unit setObjectTexture [0,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,1)']; The following is in the init field of the unit. [this] call compile preprocessFile "VRRED.sqf"; this addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_this execVM "VRRED.sqf"}]; The first part is how I normally load loadout scripts for my MP missions. The second part loads the same script again but locally I guess? Would making it run server-side do it? If so how do I go about doing that?
  13. dvargar

    6B13 Russian Vest

    Looking good so far.
  14. Believe I read something about that as far back as OFP. That might have been for different units though, SFs having better stamina than regulars for example.
  15. A whole bunch of particle effects have gone missing for me, most notably MBT cannons. They're currently only the whiteish flash textureand then nothing. Autocannon HE explosions don't show up either and, seemingly at random, cloudlets from firearms both from the weapon and from the ground being hit go missing at certain places. For example near an MBT, might have been the NATO one i tested it on. Running vanilla dev.branch. Is this just me?