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Everything posted by Killerwatt

  1. Killerwatt

    DLC - US Navy ideas

    Frigates and some cargo ships for boarding parties to search for weapons/terrorists would be cool. Then we could have anti pirate missions off Somalia!
  2. Killerwatt

    Quick question about hardware

    Try the demo and see how it goes.
  3. Killerwatt

    Do you guys fly with a joystick?

    I use a microsoft sidewinder joystick for flying and a logitech g25 wheel for driving. both work great along with my trackir.
  4. Killerwatt

    Operation unknown wip

    Just checking, is this still being worked on?
  5. Killerwatt

    The Unsung MOD (Vietnam War)

    High Guys. Ive Just finished reading "Matterhorn" by Karl Marlantes. An awesome book which I highly recommend. I would love to see you guys make some missions and an island based on the map of Bravo company's area of operation. A couple of qestions I have for you guys. Will there be a non ace version of this mod? and will you be including the CH46 at any time? Looking forward to your great looking mod.
  6. Killerwatt

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    Yes it will be but since you have the non steam version it would make sense for you to purchase the sprocket version.
  7. Got mine today also. Very nice map. Thank you BIS for going the extra mile (as always).
  8. Only just found this yesterday and signed up. Problem I have is that all the download buttons for British vehicles combined with Brit 3 rifles crew are dead links. If I aready have the vehicles and 3 rifles downloaded, is there anything else I need?
  9. Killerwatt

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    You know, bitchin and whinin about having to buy the BAF DLC just to be able to play on certain servers is just as supid as bitchin and whinin about having to buy ArmA2 to play it at all.
  10. Killerwatt

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    Thats mine Pre-ordered too. Really looking forward to this one.
  11. Killerwatt


    He didnt have to. His previous posts tell you that.
  12. Killerwatt


    No I dont share your opinion. For the simple reason that you are wrong. The game is an expansion for ArmA2 which you already own and rather than having only 8 short missions, has a short campaign of 7 missions, 8 sp missions, around 15 tutorial missions, brings new features, maps and factions to the game. All this is much more than just 8 missions which is what your statement would have people believe. And that doesnt even cover what can be achieved in the editor. As for the poor AI, I think Wolle addressed that issue already but I would just add that I would suggest playing on a multi core PC where more resources can be allocated to the AI.
  13. Killerwatt

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    I meant a pic of the map as in a map view, not a pic of the scenery in the map.
  14. Killerwatt

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    I thought the surprise would be a small video. But this is way better! Thanks for the new map. Can we get a pic or preview please?
  15. Killerwatt

    OA or ARMA II

    Have a look here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=95394 Theres also a later one called Flashpoint Takistan if you like the first one.
  16. Just finished the campaign and I loved it. Absolutely brilliant stuff. Well done Billy. It has inspired me to try your Seals campaigns next. Keep up the good work.
  17. Thank you BlackMamba. that was exactly my problem. a better install readme in the RH downloads would have averted that problem. But at least I am ok now thanks to your help. @ Sick1 Any chance of separating Sithes voice from any dependancy on the music volume?
  18. you were right regarding the config bin error I have traced the problem to a missing PBO. But a new problem has arisen. On game startup I now get an error box popping up which says Addon 'RH_416_ace.cfg'requires addon 'ace sys attachments'. As I said I dont have ace installed so I hope you can help here? Do i need to install part of ace? Now I come to think of it, I got that error the very first time I tried the campaign and it was removing the RH files with Ace in them that gave me my cfg.bin error. Now it seems I can either have the bin error or the RH_416 error. Also I prefer to play the game ith no music so would you consider removing the dependance on the music vollume to hear Sithe?
  19. First off let me say I am loving the campaign. I've only just started it but am enjoying very much. My problem is the following error pops up "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeaponsRH_HK53'. Although I can click through that, it would be nice to have no error messages popping up. so how do I get rid of it? Now I dont run ace addon so I thought I would just run your campaign with only the needed files and delete the RH weapons files. This results in an error that tells me I cant play or edit the mission due to deleted content. Even after I deleted the delta force save folder to try and eliminate that problem, I still get the message that I cant play or edit due to deleted files. All I want to do is be able to play without getting the initial config.bin error I mentioned so what do I have to do to get there? As it stands I have had to restore the deleted files so I am now back where I started with the first error. Oh, one more point, Sithe doesnt seem to have a voice on my computer. Only subtitles. Is that just me or is that normal?
  20. Killerwatt

    New ARMA2 OA Beta Patch 72418 Available!

    Just remove the old beta folder from your expansions folder and then install the new beta. dont uninstall any other way.
  21. Killerwatt

    New ARMA2 OA Beta Patch 72418 Available!

    That is the type of post that has helped make BI the best developer in the business. The willingnes to listen and change things if they feel they might have got things a bit wrong is just so refreshing to see. So come on all you real life tankers, tell Sheepy how the tank handling should be.
  22. Killerwatt

    Waypoint Type: Occupy Building

    +1 I have to agree. It would be great.
  23. Killerwatt

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Looks like an armadillo to me.
  24. Killerwatt

    P:UKF - SUPACAT Jackal

    Thanks for your efforts but this still hasnt fixed the following error with the HMG jackal: "cannot load texture ukf_ukweps\sa80_ris\data\jerusalem_env_co.paa"
  25. Killerwatt

    Chinese Army Addon!

    China versus India border conflict scenario might be interesting.