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Everything posted by KJAM

  1. KJAM

    Have another look at "Veteran Mode" BIS?

    Nice, though I wish BIS would do it then, each person on MP will have the means to do and means to see nametags (Addons on servers aren't really a good idea especially when there are lots of them
  2. KJAM

    MP Boot-Camp with Shooting Ranges

    If you haven't got anything relevant or constructive to say, please refrain from posting here
  3. KJAM

    This game is boring

    Sure the Singleplayer can be boring, the multiplayer, if you play with people of a similar mindset can be extremely fun, even when it involves crawling for long periods of time
  4. KJAM

    MP Boot-Camp with Shooting Ranges

    I linked my clan leader to this and would like to, on his behalf, ask for your permission to use bits and pieces of your mission on our clans personal training map that is, if our clan leader wants to use any of it.
  5. KJAM

    Have another look at "Veteran Mode" BIS?

    What would be nice is if there was some sort of namepatch on the uniform that you could make a custom texture for, sort of like the faces but a namepatch instead of the face
  6. KJAM

    Parachute gets me killed

    Yep, Happens to me too, I can jump from whatever height, glide down happily until my para dissapears and i become person pizza
  7. KJAM

    Can sombody confirm this plz???

    I can imagine us just getting the A-10 and nothing else
  8. KJAM

    Can sombody confirm this plz???

    I can only bloody hope that we (With the European releases) get the hog (and preferably the other things too) with the next patch or so
  9. I think units look better doing sentry duty and having their weapons in hand (Setting them on behaviour safe or careless) and as for cameras, I'm just learning how to do that now, other advanced scripting however, I'm not even gonna try, however, I can do briefings, descriptions and overviews. And I'm actually pondering making missions using your addons
  10. Thats because BIS has removed camera effects in triggers and waypoints (Much to my annoyance) andhave removed the ability to put weapons on your back (unless you switch to another weapon)
  11. KJAM

    Setting troops on patrol

    http://www.ihud.com/file.php?file=files/210307/1174508393/Insegemission123.Intro.rar that definately works, it links to a page that gives this download link http://files.ihud.com:2222/....tro.rar
  12. KJAM

    Setting troops on patrol

    Quick Example The above file is a quick example i did it answers your first two questions much better than i could in words, it also shows how to have a Helo extract you upon using a radio call. Extract to your My Documents/ArmA/Missions folder or your My Documents\ArmA Other Profiles\username\Missions folder if you have created a new player profile
  13. KJAM

    DTP Beta

    I'd love it if you released that other Beta. Hopefully you'll have it as a standalone and mostly bug free (and MP compatible) soon
  14. KJAM

    Hint player name

    I guess you shouldn't have idiots in your clan then... hmm lets see then.. Although one or two clan members can mess around sometimes and not behave when told to, usually it's the publics (Though when the misison is question is being played the server is lock most of the time). Though sometimes idiots can slip through the cracks by not being idiots until they get in the clan :P On the whole the vast majority of the clan take game playing seriously. Somer: Hope you get it sorted, anything you do to improve te training map is always a good thing
  15. KJAM

    DTP Beta

    Tried the Beta on the front page and I have to say good work. Looking forward to any new releases
  16. A list of weapon names and ammunition to be used in addweapon/magazine cargo can be found here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Weapons
  17. put this in the vehicles init line this AddMagazineCargo ["Mine",#] or this AddMagazineCargo ["MineE",#] # being the amount of mines you want put in. this AddMagazineCargo ["PipeBomb",#] again # being the number of satchel charges you want put in the vehicle And people usually use notepad to write scripts, there is no ingame scripting tool
  18. KJAM

    MR Editor Guy

    Sounds good, will try it soon.
  19. KJAM

    [CAMP] Perpetua - RELASE!!!

    I am thoughroughly enjoying this campaign and I'm only up to mission 2 I agree with dylan about the pet peeves but then I realise that english is most likely not the OP's first language so its no biggie for me.
  20. KJAM

    optional alternative flight model

    I'm not surprised if you're used to games playing out like your avatar (no pun intended) Seriously, I've seen time and time again people over-compensating when flying helos. The key is to think ahead but with a calm hand on the stick/mouse/keyboard. The helicopters only do what you ask them to do. Nothing more, nothing less, they just respond a little later down the road. Adding the old FM is a no-go unless we want to loose the new (and improved) FM as Bals said. Agreed, to be good at the new flight model all you need is practise a few hours. When I first tried it i thought I'd never be able to fly but after a few hours of practise I got the hang of it. I actually now prefer the new flight model.
  21. KJAM

    Sahrani Virus: A New Beginning (MP)

    I thought the mission was great but the Gay parts of the radio talk spoiled the immersion for me. I first played this with my clan and working together to survive was incredibly fun we all even managed to survive until the extraction (3 of our team got taken down by the Helo crashing). It would be nice to have just a little more ammo but i guess thats all part of the suspense
  22. KJAM

    Weapon bug While Swimming

    I'm pretty sure BIS meant for the swimming to be a last resort (Bailing out of an aircraft, escaping and evading enemies) and so loosing most of your equipment might be simulating that.
  23. KJAM

    The cheapest alternative to TrackIR!

    Or you could just use the numpad buttons to move your characters head around while ingame
  24. KJAM

    Does unarmed AI use crates/pick up weapons?

    They also, at the least can pick up ammo from weapons crates too