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Klesk AIA

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About Klesk AIA

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    Physics, Math, Chemistry, ICT, Buisness Studys, Lacross, Soccer, Football, Paintballing, Piano, Double Bass, Bass Guitar
  1. Klesk AIA

    Allies in arms, ww2 vets release

    Thanks for your comments, we are planning on another release very soon Some more planes with lots of scripts are winging their way through. I will try and answer some of the issues that we raised during this discusion: Japanese faces - we will put faces in the proper release of the soldiers. Jap pack requiring Werchmat pack@ PFC_Mike - we didnt have to release the soldiers. We released them so that people could have more fun.
  2. Klesk AIA

    Ww2 bombers

    Thanks, The turrets to the plane are added by scripts, although OFP doesnt recognize them as part of the plane. The scripts themselves I can not tell you in detail about because im no scripter....but some general information about them i can tell you: We have almost cracked the hardest part of adding turrets - keeping the turret on the unit, for example there are many movements a plane can do in OFP: forward up, forward down, left bank up, right bank up, left bank down, right bank down and many more. Our script needs to utilize all this data and keep the gun turret cenetered on top of the plane - a pretty big balancing act! Our hard working scripters have got most of the script cracked but knowing OFP - it has many hidden suprises that can set back many people pioneering in making new technology. Turrets have been added to ships pretty easily because a ship doesnt change height in OFP's flat water, and can only do basic movements. ...But for planes, its much more different! People will obviously want to see a nice .mpg and pics of how this looks - we are doing our best to get the script ready and give a little demo. After we have completed this main basic step, we will try and add new features - for example a B-17 top gunner will get commands from the pilot - just as you would if you were an MG gunner under the command of an officer in the original OFP.
  3. Klesk AIA

    Ww2 bombers

    Okay, as you can already see on the AIA site addons in progress page :AIA Addons in Progress Page ....we have a pretty Avro Lancaster Bomber, the HE111 screenies can be found in the AIA news archive, we will post screens of the B-17 or B-29 either tonight or tomorow in the Addons in progress page and the Halifax bomber and maybe Mosquito bomber will be shown in 2-3 weeks time but there is no guarentee there... For the turrets on planes, we just need to complete a mounted MG34 model on the HE111 so we can show the different positions and so on with a BIG news post. Screens *may be released on this Friday
  4. Klesk AIA

    Ww2 bombers

    It is possible to have turrets on airplanes in OFP; but it involves serious engine tweaking or over-complex scripts...We are making some bombers at the moment such as the Lancaster, Halifax, HE111, B-17, B-19 and a few others; most of the bombers are being textured and their lods, config and models are finished. We will release the planes when they are ready. P-51 and BF109 release very soon