Maybe going into Iraq was not the best thing ever, maybe it was, only time will tell. Still, going into Iraq is better tahn doing nothing, you cannot trust that part of the world, except for Israel, the USA has no friends. If Saddam had wepons, which I believe he did, I know with out a doubt he would give them to terrorist if he could get away with it, but Saddam may be crazy, but he wasnt(isnt) stupid. Now Iraq did have ties to terrorist, the troops found the camps, so Iraq was a threat to the U.S. Anybody who trains terrorist to attack our country, is a threat and should be delt with accordingly. You might say, "well it was all about oil", maybe thats right, but I truly doubt it. I still think we should take over the oil fields to pay for the cost of the war and then give it to the people of Iarq, I mean we did liberate them and all, so it will no hurt for us to pay for our war with the oil. Also I think America should break of all ties with France, that county is about as trust worthy as the devil. You cant trust France, they will stab you in the back, and they are extremly unappreciative for what the U.S. has done. Im not saying this just becuase they did not support the war, but becuase they will not help us out after we have saved their country in two different wars, infact the U.S. saved Europe from defeat at the hands of the Germans twice! Most of Furope does not care, but for the countries that do, I say thanks very much. am I rabling? I guess so, man I got off topic, its just I have nothing else to do. Anyways back to Iraq, unless I hear some hard evidence that the Bush administartion was lying about Iraqm, I am going to trust that our President, made the right decision, and IMO Mr.Bush is the best leader in the world right now.
P.S.- Sorry if I just ramled and made no sense, and spelt bad.
Another P.S.- Tovarish, do you play nationstates? It seems like I have done buissness with a leader named Tovarish in the game, my nation is El_Grande_Hombre.