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Everything posted by stevevcb

  1. stevevcb

    RHS release 5 B

    I already have your grenade pack, and facetex2. Tanks still won't work. All the infantry packs and the ZSU-57-2 pack, Mi24 pack and BTR152 pack all work perfectly, just not the tanks.
  2. stevevcb

    RHS release 5 B

    I get the "no entry .modelspecial" error when I try to use any of the T72s, T80s or T55s, whether they're crewed or empty. I have the latest crew pack, weapons pack etc. etc. All the other RHS addons I've got work perfectly though. Any ideas?
  3. stevevcb

    Nogovan Light Infantry

    Seventeen blokes in reserve? What use is that? But yeah, Messiah's right about military hardware not being one-off purchases. Even if you were to buy a fleet of knackered old T55s, you'd still need: - People to train crews on them - Mechanics (REME types) - People to train the mechanics - Spare parts - Ammunition - Fuel - A way of getting ammunition and fuel to the tanks - Radios that work, preferably in conjunction with the ones the rest of the troops have - A recovery vehicle that can pull it (no point in buying T80s if you've only got T55 ARVs) All these things cost money and should be taken into consideration, even if they're not represented in OFP. I can understand not wanting to go for full-on realism, having Nogovan troops trundling around in rusty, knackered old armoured cars because they can't afford anything bigger than a Saracen, but on that same token, it makes no real sense having them equipped with multi-million dollar jet aircraft armed with $1m-a-throw missiles.
  4. stevevcb

    RKSL OFP to ArmA

    That looks f**king awesome! Seriously, I think this could be the single most outstanding thing I've seen for OFP over the last five years. Keep it up, Rockape
  5. stevevcb

    explosion of textures???

    Do you have Truform enabled on your graphics card? I know that can throw up some weird visual errors in OFP sometimes.
  6. stevevcb

    RKSL OFP to ArmA

    It wouldn't surprise me if we ended up with some of these instead. Anyway, best of luck with the projects Rock, I'm really looking forwards to getting my grubby mitts on 99% of it
  7. stevevcb

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Sig 540? SLR? (yeah, pretty much the FAL, but I'm stumped) Walther MPL?
  8. stevevcb

    Project UK Forces

    Come off it lads. You finished the Chally 2, Snatch and CVR(T)'s in 2002, but you're not releasing them out of spite. Also, Chris was the sniper on the grassy knoll, Swift killed Martin Luther King, and Benny was the guy who shot Abraham Lincoln
  9. stevevcb

    RKSL Studios

    F*cked if I know. Still looking forwards to the Harriers though
  10. stevevcb

    Project UK Forces

    Hot piss! They're really coming along.
  11. stevevcb

    Project SMLE

    Looking good.
  12. stevevcb

    Project SMLE

    Finally, a proper man's rifle
  13. stevevcb

    RKSL Studios

    Sounds awesome
  14. stevevcb

    Rainbow Six: Letdown DEMO

    One of the first PC games I played was Rainbow Six, and it blew me away. The idea that equipping your team and planning the assault was more important than the action side of things was something new for me, considering that I was a console gamer. It started going downhill with Counter Strike and DF: Land Warrior if you ask me. Dumbing it down by removing the fundamental realism, and still marketing it as tactical or realistic. That's why the only games I've played longer than a month at a time over the last few years have been OFP, Hidden and Dangerous 2, SWAT3 and SWAT4. These still have the spirit that the soldier-sim sub-genre had when it started, unlike Soldner, CS, Day of Defeat, Lockdown, Team Factor and the other dozen games that pretend to be of the same ilk. I'm talking bollocks now, I need another pint.
  15. stevevcb

    Falklands mod progress

    Dog's bollocks, mate
  16. stevevcb

    Observer mode and replays

    The ability to save replays would be incredibly handy for co-op squads. It'd make certain techniques a lot easier to teach, as rather than having to explain it with screenshots and test or by demonstrating it to every batch of new members, you could do it once, save the replay and hey presto, an instant 'how-to' guide. Also, I want proof when I score a first-round kill at silly ranges
  17. stevevcb

    Battle Tank/APC Preference

    Tanks don't drop out of the sky when they run out of fuel
  18. stevevcb

    Falklands mod progress

    The left. The Argies tried making the islanders drive on the right after the invasion, but they kept to the left anyway.
  19. stevevcb

    Battle Tank/APC Preference

    UKF Warrior.
  20. stevevcb

    FN SCAR and SHRIKE 5.56

    You should hear what he's been doing to his neighbour's cat. Filthy chap
  21. stevevcb

    Mi - 8 pack v 1.0 relased

    Simply outstanding! I was genuinely surprised when I had my first engine failure, and more so when I had my tail rotor put out of action. Also, I love how the co-pilot hops into the hold and waves your passengers towards the door when you're making a paradrop
  22. stevevcb

    release over steam

    If ArmA was released exclusively over Steam, I would not buy it. Simple as that.
  23. stevevcb

    RKSL Studios

    If in doubt, go the whole hog and the hell with anyone who disagrees! (That's a 'yes' for the realistic approach, by the way.)
  24. stevevcb

    Lack of Action

    I bought Call of Duty 2 the other day. It's a cracking little shooter, but once you've played it through the appeal soon wears off. It's like an interactive war film, a load of set-pieces and action sequences thrown together with lots of pyrotechnics and stuntmen. There's always that feeling that you're the lead character, because nothing really happens if you don't do anything, and nothing really bad can happen to you, like your tank getting divebombed whilst you're still on it. If your squad's in cover at one end of the street and the Germans are at the other, the AI will dig in and trade shots, lobbing the odd grenade. It's only when you push forwards to the next bit of cover that your mates will follow you, and it's only when you start dropping the enemy with accurate fire that progress gets any easier. OFP's more like a documentary. It's not flashy (hah, no pun intended), it's more concerned with mundanities such as formations and arcs of fire, and anything you do, including nothing at all, can and will get you killed. Five times out of ten, getting killed is a matter of doing something stupid, and the other rest of the time it's just plain bad luck. Doing things like deciding to break cover and advance a la Call of Duty will get you shot to pieces. If a tank rolls up, chances are that just as it levels the main gun on you and prepares to fire, an A10 isn't going to suddenly dive in and bomb it. You have two choices: run, hide and possibly die, or stand, panic and probably die. That's why I think people don't "get" OFP. Years of action-movie games where you're Hero McBigballs, the only hope your side has for victory have made them think that they're in some way special. In other games, you look at the AI and go "hey, you're all going to die, but chances are I'll pull through and win single-handedly." In OFP, the AI turn around and go "hey, you're just as fucked as we are!"