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Everything posted by stevevcb

  1. Here's a crazy idea, but one that just might work: why don't we all, as a species, just treat each other with respect and drop all this petty confrontational crap? I don't know about everyone else, but I'd much rather that all our countries were civil and courteous towards each other than spend the next twenty-odd years living under the constant threat of nuclear annihilation over some stupid dispute that could be settled with mere words. We all bleed the same colour, no matter where we're from or what we believe. Isn't it time we remembered that instead of letting politicians drag us into pointless conflicts with each other?
  2. stevevcb

    Something a bit off the wall

    It wasn't addressed at anyone in particular, I just felt like throwing the idea out. I agree that functionality is more important than eye-candy, but it's always nice to have both.
  3. stevevcb

    Something a bit off the wall

    Perhaps you could make a cliff model with an invisible ladder? That way, you could scale it, but it'd look a bit cack (aside from the animation, you'd look like Spiderman, motoring up the side of a mountain with no climbing gear). Plus, for best results you'd probably have to work it into a custom island, which is a lot of work just to climb some rocks. There's probably a better solution.
  4. stevevcb

    Mafia 2

    I've always been a fan of gangster films, so I loved Mafia. One of my favourite things about it was how the police would try and do you for mundane things like speeding or running red lights, or carrying a weapon; a far cry from GTA, where you could stand in front of a police car with a rocket launcher and not have them do a thing until after you blew something up. It forced you to box clever a lot of the time, unlike most games. Plus, when you did start rattling away with a Thompson, or start tear-arsing around the city at high speed, it was a release. It was one of the few games that made me feel bad about killing cops too. Can't wait for the sequel.
  5. stevevcb

    ArmA Queens Gambit Packshot Winner ????

    Infram00se! But yeah, to make this post not spam ( ) i cant actually believe thats the official choice. The whole thing was a farce.. Amazing packshots there and i never even gave that one a glance. If you saw that in a shop you'd laugh at it, its poor quality... a mate told me about the original 505 ArmA game box and said that "it doesnt show the immensity of the game at all" and yeah hes crap at english, he doesnt realise immensity is not a real word... but regardless, if the 505 original box lets you down, this will make you cry. I'll remove the image from its box and tip-ex "ArmA 1.08" under the sleeve... Immensity is a real word: Dictionary definition. As for the winning entry... bleh. Aside from the fact that it's been proven to be a rush job, and that there are entries which people must've spent ages on, it just doesn't look very good. It sort of looks like the original ArmA cover (which I personally didn't like at all, as it looked quite cheap). Perhaps it was chosen because of that? It's a shame BIS and Codemasters went their separate ways, if only because the the Flashpoint and Resistance covers were fantastic. For me, the OFP cover really got across a sense of realism and starkness. The Res one was great because it was just a little twist on the original. It's no big deal in the grand scheme of things I suppose, but given the quality of some of the entries, I think 505 really dropped a bollock on this one.
  6. Infram00se! But yeah, to make this post not spam ( ) i cant actually believe thats the official choice. The whole thing was a farce.. Amazing packshots there and i never even gave that one a glance. If you saw that in a shop you'd laugh at it, its poor quality... a mate told me about the original 505 ArmA game box and said that "it doesnt show the immensity of the game at all" and yeah hes crap at english, he doesnt realise immensity is not a real word... but regardless, if the 505 original box lets you down, this will make you cry. I'll remove the image from its box and tip-ex "ArmA 1.08" under the sleeve... Immensity is a real word: Dictionary definition. As for the winning entry... bleh. Aside from the fact that it's been proven to be a rush job, and that there are entries which people must've spent ages on, it just doesn't look very good. It sort of looks like the original ArmA cover (which I personally didn't like at all, as it looked quite cheap). Perhaps it was chosen because of that? It's a shame BIS and Codemasters went their separate ways, if only because the the Flashpoint and Resistance covers were fantastic. For me, the OFP cover really got across a sense of realism and starkness. The Res one was great because it was just a little twist on the original. It's no big deal in the grand scheme of things I suppose, but given the quality of some of the entries, I think 505 really dropped a bollock on this one.
  7. stevevcb

    RKSL Studios

    That's beyond awesome. Not sure about the music though.
  8. stevevcb

    Addon Research Topic

    Fantastic, cheers mate
  9. stevevcb

    Addon Research Topic

    Does anyone have or know of any decent-quality images of the Alvis Stormer (preferably the basic APC variant, but anything will do)? The only ones I've managed to find have either been tiny, fuzzy, or tiny and fuzzy.
  10. stevevcb

    06 -07 -07 Attempted London Bombing

    My sentiments exactly.
  11. stevevcb

    What/how many languages can you speak?

    Aside from English, I can make myself understood in French, know a few bits and pieces of (mostly beer-related) German and Spanish, and can say "hello," "goodbye" and "where are my trousers?" in Irish. I need to get my priorities right next time I try learning a language.
  12. stevevcb

    Should any VBS discussion be allowed here?

    Given that some of the more vocal elements of the community can't help but make out that the $1500 military training sim having more features than the $40 PC game is a sleight against the community and that the development was funded with African conflict diamonds and the devs drank fresh virgin's blood during development (or whatever the latest mad conspiracies are), I can understand why VBS discussion isn't allowed here. It'd be great if it was, because then we'd be able to discuss whether or not some of the more basic features could be jerry-rigged in ArmA, but seeing as there are people here who'd complain if you bought them a pint, any discussion would probably end up going to the dogs very quickly.
  13. stevevcb

    BI Forum Reconnaissance Game

    Sorry, I didn't notice your edit. Yep, it's Conqueror ARV.
  14. stevevcb

    BI Forum Reconnaissance Game

  15. stevevcb

    BI Forum Reconnaissance Game

    Hurrah! Here's an easy one.
  16. stevevcb

    BI Forum Reconnaissance Game

    Is it a Leyland?
  17. stevevcb

    BI Forum Reconnaissance Game

    Bah, I knew it wouldn't be that easy! It's not something like a L-182 in Irish service or something, is it?
  18. stevevcb

    BI Forum Reconnaissance Game

    Is it a Swedish Landsdverk 180?
  19. stevevcb

    BI Forum Reconnaissance Game

    A captured Sherman BARV?
  20. stevevcb

    ACU Problems...?

    That article's getting on for four years old.
  21. stevevcb

    Falklands Mod 1.0 Released

    Hats off to the lot of you.
  22. stevevcb

    Increased view distance, quite stunning

    Christ on a bike! That looks fantastic!
  23. stevevcb

    RKSL Studios

    Brown trousers time for the lads in the back or what? Great vid Rock (as always). Great choice of music too.
  24. stevevcb

    British Forces Addons

    It's not been dissolved. As far as I know, they remaining members of the team are still working towards at least an OFP release.
  25. stevevcb

    RHS release 5 B

    I have the T80s too. I'll double-check to make sure I've got the right RHS_misc.pbo though. EDIT: I overwrote the RHS_misc file I had with the correct one to be on the safe side, but I still get the modelspecial error.