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Everything posted by stevevcb

  1. stevevcb

    Project RACS

    I'm really enjoying what you've released so far, and can't wait to get my hands on the troops and ground vehicles. As great as Rellikki's woodland RACS pack is, new models would be fantastic.
  2. stevevcb

    Anyone Worried

    Is it wrong that I keep reading it as "large hardon collider?" Freud would have a field day.
  3. stevevcb

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    I have a reasonably beefy machine and I have this problem, so I don't think it's a performance thing. It'd be nice if someone could BIS could explain exactly what it is, but it'd be nicer if you could turn it off, like you said.
  4. stevevcb

    Jonny´s Army Special Forces

    Awesome work Jonny, absolutely top notch.
  5. stevevcb

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    Awesome work as usual, hats off to you The only issue I have is that the M24 sound (with the basic 1.5 config; I've not tried the others yet, so I don't know if it's any different) seems to suddenly cut off at the end. Other than that, it's all fantastic.
  6. Sweet Jebus! Top work, as usual.
  7. stevevcb

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    I'm pretty sure the "muting" effect is to simulate temporary hearing loss or something. I remember it happening in OFP too, but (quite bizarrely) only when I kept honking the horn in a vehicle... It just seems to be a bit more noticeable with Mark's sounds, which are bloody excellent, by the way. My only criticism is that I keep getting the urge to fire wildly into the air because I love the new M16 sounds. EDIT: beaten to it.
  8. stevevcb

    Not serious pop up

    I had the same problem. Reinstalling fixed it.
  9. stevevcb

    Military History Thread

    I'd say the Panther was superior to the T34 in many regards, but better armour and armament don't count for much when you're outnumbered ten to one by tanks that are broadly comparable. Especially if yours has broken down. I always found it interesting how it was the losing side that everyone learned so much from in WWII. Assault rifles, GPMGs, MBTs, camouflage uniforms... if they Germans didn't come up with an idea, they certainly played a part in shaping how it turned out. I always found it sad that the British only cottoned onto the idea of making a tank that wasn't in some way woefully deficient (i.e. the Centurion) when the war was drawing to a close.
  10. stevevcb

    Iron Lore shuts down

    Also, it could be argued that FPS games are not as new or novel to PC gamers as they are to console gamers. What's new and exciting to someone who's only ever played console games before is a bit old hat to someone who grew up on Doom and Quake.
  11. stevevcb

    Iron Lore shuts down

    The problem is, in recent years demos seem to be coming out after release, or not at all in some cases. Rewind a few years, and pretty much every release had a pre-release (or at least on-release) demo. I don't know about everyone else, but back then, my decision whether or not to buy a game was based on whether or not I liked the demo (or if it ran on my rather crappy PC). If the demo was a piece of shit, I wouldn't buy the full version. If you remove the whole try-before-you-buy side of things, you'll get more people buying stuff blind, for want of a better word. Instead of going "The Brothers of Valour 3 demo sucked, I'm not going to buy it," they end up stood in the shops going "hmm, I kind of liked Brothers of Valour 2, I suppose I'll give it a try." They hand over their hard-earned cash and when they find out that it doesn't run or you don't like it or it's just a giant piece of shit, it's too late because (and I don't know if this is an international thing, or just a British thing) returning a game which you've opened is like trying to get blood out of a stone. Result? You've got a shit game that gets uninstalled and left to gather dust on your shelf, and the publishers have made money out of you. It's the same sort of shit trick as not sending a review copy of a new game to a magazine before release, because it's a piece of shit and will get slated. The other side-effect of not letting people legitimately try something before they buy it is that some of them will go "I'll download it and see whether or not I like it." I'm willing to bet that there are a larger number of people who'd be prepared to buy a game that they'd downloaded and liked than you'd think. Of course, no publisher is going to go "oh, sorry, we released a big bag of overpriced bollocks, that's why more people downloaded it illegally than went out and bought it." They're always going to make out that they're just the poor, innocent, massive corporate victims of a bunch of shady internet ne'erdowells. On another note, is anyone else amused by how games get their releases pushed forwards so they're ready for Christmas or Thanksgiving or whatever? I've never once had my decision to buy a game be affected by the time of year. It's not like I woke up today and went "hmm, it's nearly St. Patrick's Day, I think I'm going to go and buy Generic Shooter 2."
  12. stevevcb

    Iron Lore shuts down

    I personally blame publishers for the decline in PC gaming, not piracy. Whereas developers more than likely have an interest in games, it seems to me that publishers only have an interest in how much profit they're making. As such, they push developers to churn out formulaic crap. Then, when the developers manage to sneak out something good, or at least interesting, the publishers push them to make sequels until they've milked it dry and it's formulaic crap again. Look at Rainbow Six: first game was as hard as it was fantastic, and did well. Rogue Spear was an improvement, and did well. Raven Shield was a further improvement, and did well. Then lo and behold, someone at Ubisoft goes "hey, these games sell quite well, but stupid people with no patience don't like them because they have to plan and shit and they die if they get shot once. Why don't you guys make one that's really easy, and sort of like an action film?" So we end up with Lockdown and Vegas, and a series that was based on realism and being fucking hardcore ending up being all about you and your irritatingly Hollywood sidekicks squatting behind crates and firing blind on full auto. Clap clap fucking clap. The worst part is, because there's only a handful of publishers nowadays, and they're all really fucking big and rich, any developers who aren't going to make another football management game or another third person shooter about some woman with improbably big tits have nowhere to go. As a result, the market is saturated with flashy-looking crap that you can play through in a few hours and then never want to play again, and people walk into the shops and go "hmm, thirty quid for a game with zero replay potential that I'll have finished by tomorrow afternoon... nah, I'll pass." Hence the rise in software piracy and the decline of the format.
  13. stevevcb

    Earthquake in UK Epicentre near Hull

    I felt it in Wigan. Actually, I thought it was my dad being pissed and falling up the stairs on his way to bed, but it seems I was wrong.
  14. stevevcb

    Political Change

    There's a difference between being something and calling yourself something. I could call myself a six foot six, ruggedly handsome astrophysicist, but it wouldn't necessarily be true. Calling the Soviet Union communist is pretty much the same thing. Personally, I think this thread isn't going to go anywhere meaningful until people stop assuming that their side is always right and that the other side is always wrong. Just because you feel very strongly about something doesn't mean your arguments are valid. At the moment, it's sort of like a pantomime: "Cuba is a utopian paradise with milk and honey for all!" "OH NO, IT'S NOT!" "OH YES IT IS!" etc. etc. ad nauseum That's probably far too British an analogy. Never mind.
  15. stevevcb


    Project: UKF are still active. At least they were when I spoke to Mav about ten minutes ago.
  16. stevevcb

    Australians At War Mod

    Cracking job on the Steyrs, they're absolutely great. Just out of curiousity though, what's the difference between an Aussie F88 and a Kiwi F88?
  17. It installed properly as far as I can tell, but when I try to start 1.09 I get the following errors: Any ideas?
  18. stevevcb


    Christ, I had to pick the second-to-last option. Thanks for making me feel old!
  19. stevevcb

    RKSL Studios

    If people want the moon on the stick, more fool them, and if they want it yesterday, fuck 'em! I've dabbled at making addons, and it's bloody hard work; learning the tools and the proper way of doing things takes as much time, if not more, than actually making something. I'm still struggling to get an SLR and a retextured unit with some minor model changes in game, so I have nothing but respect for the RKSL team. I can barely comprehend how you've managed to pull off what you have, considering how groundbreaking a lot of the features you've come up with are. So, in short, bollocks to the nay-sayers, and keep up the good work lads. It might seem like there's more of them than supporters, but empty cans rattle the most, I suppose. There's probably just as many, if not more people who're content to wait and don't feel the need to constantly weigh in on the issue.
  20. stevevcb

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare...

    It's a laugh. Hardly realistic, but that's not really the point I suppose. It's probably the most consistent CoD game that I've played; the first seemed to peter out in terms of set pieces around the middle, and the second was fun, but didn't have as much "wow" factor. This one keeps throwing up interesting stuff, whether they be set-pieces or little features, like being able to pick up and throw live grenades, or having to break an attack dog's neck before it tears your throat out. Just a shame you can play it through in one sitting if you've nothing better to do for a few hours. I wouldn't recommend buying it at full price, but the sociopath in me recommends that you try it at some point, because throwing people's hand grenades back at them is hilarious.
  21. stevevcb

    Crysis Impressions.

    I've just played through the demo and... well, it's very pretty. I had more fun throwing metal crates through huts and crashing the cars into stuff than fighting people, to be honest. I found the combat quite repetitive, because the only way to effectively take the enemy down is to ghost in, off one of them (preferably by grabbing him by the throat and throwing him into a tree or off a cliff), and then hide behind something while your cloak recharged before doing it all over again. I quickly got bored of the firefights because the guns seemed to be firing safety bullets. Okay, so I understand why the uber-hardcore super soldiers can shrug off AK fire, but what's the baddies' excuse? Does the North Korean military issue uniforms made out of kryptonite or something? It is very pretty though. And throwing sticks, chickens and tortoises at people is always funny.
  22. stevevcb

    Using a Tablet for model work

    I don't think they'd be any good for modelling, but they're fantastic for texturing once you get the hang of them.
  23. stevevcb

    Using a Tablet for model work

    I don't think they'd be any good for modelling, but they're fantastic for texturing once you get the hang of them.
  24. stevevcb

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    I finally got around to upgrading to a better PC (my old P4 1.8Ghz w/Radeon 9600SE didn't really care for ArmA, or anything else for that matter), and all I can say is that I'm blown away by Armed Assault. It might be a little bit rough around the edges, and it might not be exactly like OFP, but it's still pretty much the best soldier sim yet, and it'll get better and better once more community addons and missions are made. Of course, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I'd choose it over all the glitz and flashiness of games like BF2 or the new Ghost Recon games any day. Mostly because it's totally hardcore and unforgiving, and anything you do (including bugger all) can lead to your untimely death. Which is nice, if you like that sort of thing.
  25. stevevcb

    Pentagon ‘three-day blitz’ plan for Iran

    Those fucking idiots! Jesus shitting Christ, do they have shares in Al-Qaeda or something? I think that's about as articulate as I'm going to get about this, I think.