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Everything posted by stevevcb

  1. stevevcb

    Martins dc-3 is ready to download!

    What a loss for the community. Martin's stuff, even the simple stuff like the speedboat, was all great fun. The DC-3 is one of the best fixed-wing planes, up there with the Falklands Mod Sea Harrier, enough said.
  2. stevevcb

    Nogovian government?

    @ arkengel I love RPGs and all that kind of thing, but it just seems a bit... redundant here.
  3. stevevcb

    Nogovian government?

    Is it just me or has this gone a teensy bit far? I mean, fair enough, discuss what the Nogovans could realistically field and afford, but electing someone to make the decisions? No thank you.
  4. stevevcb

    Nogovan army?

    The Special Air Service got that name because their original designation in North Africa during the war was 1st Special Air Service Brigade, to fool the enemy into thinking that a airborne/commando brigade was out there, instead of about thirty blokes. It's also worth noting that the modern-day SAS (also, the Australian SASR and the New Zealand SAS) aren't an airborne unit, despite the fact that the members are all qualified parachutists. They operate in a variety of roles and environments, such as reconaissance, sabotage, intelligence-gathering, counter-insurgency, anti- and counter-terrorism and hostage rescue. They're basically the definition of special forces. Anyway, the NSAS sounds good. It might be an idea to put in a British SAS "advisor" in with them, fits in with the western-backed idea nicely, and gives the NSAS a bit of background.
  5. stevevcb

    Real tanking in ofp possible?

    Let's just hope that OFP2's tanks work like the ones in M1 Tank Platoon II. Now THAT was a game... if your laser rangefinder was knackered, you had to switch to the auxilliary optics and use the coaxial to judge range. Ooh, and there were mobility kills (tanks getting tracked, having their engines damaged, losing some wheels, or having their driver slotted), smoke dischargers were implemented and would skew your laser rangerfinder, and wire-command ATGMs would veer off target if you hit the launch vehicle. I remember one time, my tank platoon was ambushed as we moved down this valley, and the driver karked it. All of a sudden, we an under-strength motor-rifle battalion streaming down the sides, infantry hitting our front with RPGs, shells landing all around. The rest of my tanks were knocked out, so it was just me, my gunner and my loader with nothing between us and a one-way ticket to paradise via a sixty-ton fry-up except our main gun and the five-oh on the roof. The gunner started laying into the T72s that were coming head-on at us with sabot rounds, brewing them all up good style. I manned the roof gun and started hosing down the enemy grunts as best as I could, also managing to knock a few BTR-70s out. My gunner was too slow though, and we took a few hits, and the loader turned his toes up, so I jumped into the gunner's seat and started shooting the BMP's up as soon as they fired a missile, and the AT-3s were going all over the show. Just as we started to load the MPAT rounds up, some cheeky bastard shot us in the arse-end with an RPG and snuffed us So, uh, anyway. I hope it's like that in OFP2...
  6. stevevcb

    Cheaters creating m1a1 or cluster bombs

    I can't understand why some people feel the need to cheat in MP. I mean, in SP, you're just cheating yourself out of the satisfaction you get when you manage to pull through a tough situation by the skin of your teeth. But if you cheat in MP, you're just saying "hey, I'm a loser who can't win unless I cheat, and I lack the basic common decency to compete on a fair playing field because, so everyone shun me, okay?" There should be something built into OFP that causes cheaters' PCs to explode, peppering their faces with shards of glass and bits of burning motherboard and scarring them for life. Harsh, but fair, I'll think you'll find
  7. stevevcb

    Nogovan Armed Forces Project

    I'm still pretty pleased about the G3 situation. It's got to be one of my favourite rifles.
  8. stevevcb

    Nogovan Armed Forces Project

    So are we getting a Huey in Nogovan colours too? Too kind!
  9. stevevcb

    Helicopter sniper

    There are some advantages... you have a birds-eye view, you don't have to lie in the muck, and if there's something in your way, you can circle round
  10. stevevcb

    Nogovan Armed Forces Project

    The Mig-23 saw action in the Afghanistan War (79-87, I think, not sure), so it's not really that new.
  11. stevevcb

    Helicopter sniper

    Sniping out of a hovering helicopter's probably not too hard for someone with the training, but shooting and hitting someone from a moving helicopter with a bolt-action or even a semi-automatic rifle would be very difficult, I'd imagine.
  12. stevevcb

    Nogovan Armed Forces Project

    I have a feeling that nothing's going to come out for the Nogovan Army for a while. They're having a bit debate in the Nogovan Army thread about logistics and the GNP of Nogova, with and without the assumption that it has offshore oilrigs   Just slap some green, khaki and brown on some soldier models, for god's sake!
  13. stevevcb

    Nogovan Armed Forces Project

    If I was a girl I'd ask if I could have your babies. But I'm not, so it's a lucky escape for all concerned I guess
  14. stevevcb

    Nogovan Armed Forces Project

    Is it just me who prefers to use these older, less advanced aircraft? Stuff like the FDF Hawk and MiG are just right for OFP, quick and manouverable, and with just enough bite to make fighting in them as fun as flying them. Stuff like Hudon's F/A-18 and the G8 mod Tornados are all well made and solid addons, but they're just too fast for OFP... if you overshoot your target and decide to swing back around, you can do a lap of the island, the turning circles are that big! No, give me a Hawk loaded up with rockets and 250-pounders any day... they're that easy to fly, you can take close air support to its logical conclusion, flying at about 15m over the enemy, pumping Aden cannon rounds into their armour and letting rip with rockets
  15. stevevcb

    Black eagle (cool tank)

    Reminds me of the Chieftain 900,
  16. stevevcb

    Nogovan Armed Forces Project

    And chance of the FDF BAe Hawk getting the Supah treatment? They're popular as trainers and air defence/light strike aircraft with poorer nations, and they look soooo cute
  17. stevevcb

    Nogovan army?

    How about a compromise? How about older Western gear? Stuff like US M60s, UK Chieftains, French AMX-30s, German Leopard 1's? Why not tool the squaddies up with M16A1's, FN FAL's or G3's? The Nogovan army doesn't need to be outdated Eastern gear or cutting-edge Western tech, does it?
  18. stevevcb

    Ecp released!

    It'd make more sense for addon makers to go to the ECP team with their effects rather than coding them into their units. That way, we get the best effects, and they work with everything. But then again, I'm drunk and I think I'm going to split after my Christmas dinner
  19. stevevcb

    Usmc gaia island

    Any chance of getting some links to all these addons I need? Some I have, some I recognise, some I've no idea about, and some I used to have, binned, and now can't find for the life of me
  20. stevevcb

    Political correctness gone absolute bonkers

    I once played the bass guitar in a punk band called Retarded Elephant and used to wear one of our T-shirts in public, and I was never ever accused to being un-PC, which amazed me. However, I wrote a song for my new band that had a line that was something like "I'm feeling so black again" and I was accused of being a filthy pinko-commie racist. Ooh, and you can't say "single mothers" in the UK nowadays, as that implies that they live a single's lifestyle, so now you have to call them "lone parents." Is it just me that's got the theme tune from The Long Ranger in mind now?
  21. stevevcb

    Why are people patriotic?

    Being proud of your country is not irrational, it's quite natural. Everyone's proud of their little social circle, their home town, their region and their mother country, no matter how much they deny it. I think where patriotism turns bad is when people begin to labour under the misapprehension that their nation is always right, always correct, and is God's favourite. I'm very proud of my national identity due to certain events in the past, but I still feel very ashamed about certain things that my country's done. It seems to me that some people seem to only remember the "good" things about their history, forgetting the bad things or blaming it on someone else. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is where the problem lies with patriotism.
  22. I like the idea of "sporting" rifles, stuff like the civvie HKs (SL9 etc.) and bolt-action hunting rifles. Arming Resistance troops with civillian gear can lead to some interesting firefights
  23. stevevcb

    Bas pavehawks

    I wouldn't consider BAS's behaviour to be elitist in the least, after spending time in various other communities where mod teams act all high-and-mighty and crap. That's the great thing about OFP's community, people talk. If I ask questions about an addon team/maker, there's a good chance of someone from the team/the maker answering it personally.
  24. stevevcb

    Bas pavehawks

    Good plan